yeaaaaas. 'm back !
'm rather boredddd, so came t post lahs.
adn yesyes, ie havent study a single bit lahs-.-
bless me mann.
budds, ie will try mye best t score well for tads bloody english lahs.
adn of cos, ie didnt want t drop t NA or retain lahs dehh.
all th best t everybody in SGS.
score well, adn pass with flyinggg colours. ((((:
people say ie have been behavinggg rather odd these few days..
adn 'm gettingggg quite emotional cos of results.
ie didnt score well for class tests,
adn ie wouldddd feel down, adn will feel th urge of cryinggggg.
mye-not-so-close friendddd, even encourages me t do well.
buddddds, for close friendddd. ie didnt get any encouragement from tads person.
specially thanks t mye PARTNER, GN, YK, WC, JW, GORDON, CINDY
thanks for beinggg there for me whenever ie need yoos all. (:
thanks for motivatingggg me t study harddd for mye math too. (:
mei say ie treat him veh coldly..
ie hope he understanddd everythingg.
understanddd mye situationnnn.
i've been pressurizinggg myself t study harddd lahs.
ie didnt want t quarrel with yoos..
id ie ever treat yoos cold adn colder-.-
tell me, ie woulddd change.
budds, id yoos feel tads..
th five-letter worddd woulddd be better.
ie anythinggg.
as long as yoos happy. (:
boy, wohenxiangni.
hope t see yoos once moreeeee..
woaini yibeizi.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
today, woke up at 1o30 liek tads.
missedddddd Social Studies extraaaa lesson.
overslept lorhs.
budds, met up with them at Serangoon Interchange adn dhens t ChongBoon Mac.
haddd fun over there.
saw some SGS students.
budds, didnt care so much lahs.
MY left with her mum,
so we go t Hougang Green Mac.
at there, slack until dont know how..
at aroundddd 6plus.
everybody left,
dhens last was Gordon adn me.
he pei me mahs. (:
di shouldddd do this t jie oneeee. LOL.
he went t Mall meet friends.
adn me walk back t mye house there deh busstop.
dhens took 88 t amk.
meet friends,
adn reach home at 10 plus.
greatday !
Monday have English MYE lerhs.
all th best t everyone adn of cos me too !
today, woke up at 1o30 liek tads.
missedddddd Social Studies extraaaa lesson.
overslept lorhs.
budds, met up with them at Serangoon Interchange adn dhens t ChongBoon Mac.
haddd fun over there.
saw some SGS students.
budds, didnt care so much lahs.
MY left with her mum,
so we go t Hougang Green Mac.
at there, slack until dont know how..
at aroundddd 6plus.
everybody left,
dhens last was Gordon adn me.
he pei me mahs. (:
di shouldddd do this t jie oneeee. LOL.
he went t Mall meet friends.
adn me walk back t mye house there deh busstop.
dhens took 88 t amk.
meet friends,
adn reach home at 10 plus.
greatday !
Monday have English MYE lerhs.
all th best t everyone adn of cos me too !
as usual..
same things goes on everyday..
went t school..
adn he's back t school. (:
super happy.
it's liek tons of years nbr see him lerhs-.-
POA was damn boring lahs.
whole class nbr do her homework.
adn so,
Mrs.Phua blast lahs, when she leaves for another class,
as bell had rung lorhs.
she wantedddd us t stay back after school t do.
fcuk her mann.
had th Speech Evaluation thingy.
was th last time od presenting.
budds, almost all are interesting.
Minyee adn Me was liek, drawinggg at every piece of th comments. LOL.
had game skill test.
no theory. phew !
budds, had two tries adn oneeee practice on th soccer lahs.
ie didnt hit 8 for mye scoes at all lorhs. wtf.
so whatever lahs.
Peiting adn Me was liek acting Sumos lahs.
dhens starteddd t play lorhs.
laugh liek maddogs. lols.
while, Yanfang adn th others startedddd t chase shadows liek idiots.
she play liek crazy lahs.
ie didnt care her much, adn continue on slackingggg.
Math-eddd for both periodds.
slackinggg as usual.
had revision blablablaaaaaas.
on duty, cos Asaad went for prayers.
so LaoPeh adn Me on duty lorhs.
clean windows,
gorts th help of alorts of people.
thanks !
cindy pei me go wash th cloths.
saw him!
wth.. so blooddddddy happy. MYE GODDDD !
went t councillor meeting afterwarddd.
adn slack with th rest for th rest of th day. (:
adn dhens,
at night..
cab-eddd home with YK adn Gordon.
th taxi was liek..
chiongggg lahs.
cos YK had t reach home early.
hear th boys say on th normal roadd.
th taxi driver chionggg 120km/h.
wth. ie still want t live deh lorhs.
tads all !
tc readers..
Thursday, April 26, 2007
today when reach school busstop there.
saw HuiLing, bomb her th ln qns again.
she doesnt know.
ask Jiale, she explain. ie dont get it.
Jana explain t me.
budds, after me adn her seperatedddd.
ie forget liaoooo. =xx
cos raining, no assembly..
dhens went straight t class with Asaad adn Johan.
dhens before tads,
saw Miss.Tay adn ask her about ln.
she explain abit.
get it lahs. (:
saw Bryanbearbear ourtside class..
chionggg go ask him about ln.
scare test gorts..
he explain..
sort of understandddd lahs. =xx
have test..
FULL CONFIDENCE for coordinate geometry.
budds, there's Log qns lorhs.
ourt of three qns.
ie onl go one finish..
sians. =/ it's liek ie going t fail again.
dhens mye math is liek LAST in classsss again for a year.
cos sec2 alsooo liek tads.
all lessons as per normal.
was crappinggg with YK they all lahs.
dhens, was vandalisingggg. LOL.
it's wrongggg t do tads, ie know.
budds, whads t do.
we createddd poems adn songs lahs.
cannot reveal th songggg cos of frienddddd's privacy.
so shall reveal th poem niahhhhs.
it's in hanyupinyin.
adn it goes ..
yi dui nan nu,
liang ren tong fang,
san gen ban ye,
si jiao cao tian,
wu fen an quan,
liu shen wu zu,
qi shang,
ba xiaaaaa,
jiu jiu yi ci,
shi fen man yi.
it's alright t say us horny lahs.
budds whads t do.
lols. crapppp lahs !
shall endddd here liaooo.
takecares friends. (:
saw HuiLing, bomb her th ln qns again.
she doesnt know.
ask Jiale, she explain. ie dont get it.
Jana explain t me.
budds, after me adn her seperatedddd.
ie forget liaoooo. =xx
cos raining, no assembly..
dhens went straight t class with Asaad adn Johan.
dhens before tads,
saw Miss.Tay adn ask her about ln.
she explain abit.
get it lahs. (:
saw Bryanbearbear ourtside class..
chionggg go ask him about ln.
scare test gorts..
he explain..
sort of understandddd lahs. =xx
have test..
FULL CONFIDENCE for coordinate geometry.
budds, there's Log qns lorhs.
ourt of three qns.
ie onl go one finish..
sians. =/ it's liek ie going t fail again.
dhens mye math is liek LAST in classsss again for a year.
cos sec2 alsooo liek tads.
all lessons as per normal.
was crappinggg with YK they all lahs.
dhens, was vandalisingggg. LOL.
it's wrongggg t do tads, ie know.
budds, whads t do.
we createddd poems adn songs lahs.
cannot reveal th songggg cos of frienddddd's privacy.
so shall reveal th poem niahhhhs.
it's in hanyupinyin.
adn it goes ..
liang ren tong fang,
san gen ban ye,
si jiao cao tian,
wu fen an quan,
liu shen wu zu,
qi shang,
ba xiaaaaa,
jiu jiu yi ci,
shi fen man yi.
it's alright t say us horny lahs.
budds whads t do.
lols. crapppp lahs !
shall endddd here liaooo.
takecares friends. (:
FINALLY ie blogggg. =xx
this few days.
no time use comp,
adn alsooo lazy on alsooo lahs.
no blame. LOL.
Wednesday, Bryanbearbear volunteer t stay back,
adn let all of us, askedddd as many qns as we can.
ie gorts ton of qns t ask lahs.
so sit veh near t Bryanbearbear for convenience.
My, Manda, Raylene, WC join in after tads.
GREAT mann. ie finally know how t do coordinate geometry,
grats t me okays.. -.-
so BryanBearbear taught us alorts of things,
dhens we ended up at canteen do math,
cos school closinggg.
dhens after awhile, seven plus jiu leave liaooo.
MY, WC& me went t Serangoon Garden Mac study lahs.
we're so guai.
oneeee qns struck me, dhens ie asked them.
it's liek..
they alsoooo dont know how explain.
bus-eddddd back after awhile of studyingggg..
reach home at aroundddd ten liek tads.
dhens fall asleep liaoooo.
too tiredddd.
today alsoooo.
study with th rest,
cos sec4s&sec5s gorts night study,
so school latelate close. =xx
so yuppppps,
nine plus dhens leave for homeeee.
ten liek tads reach home.
so liek no differences. LOL.
endddd here lerhs.
FINALLY ie blogggg. =xx
this few days.
no time use comp,
adn alsooo lazy on alsooo lahs.
no blame. LOL.
Wednesday, Bryanbearbear volunteer t stay back,
adn let all of us, askedddd as many qns as we can.
ie gorts ton of qns t ask lahs.
so sit veh near t Bryanbearbear for convenience.
My, Manda, Raylene, WC join in after tads.
GREAT mann. ie finally know how t do coordinate geometry,
grats t me okays.. -.-
so BryanBearbear taught us alorts of things,
dhens we ended up at canteen do math,
cos school closinggg.
dhens after awhile, seven plus jiu leave liaooo.
MY, WC& me went t Serangoon Garden Mac study lahs.
we're so guai.
oneeee qns struck me, dhens ie asked them.
it's liek..
they alsoooo dont know how explain.
bus-eddddd back after awhile of studyingggg..
reach home at aroundddd ten liek tads.
dhens fall asleep liaoooo.
too tiredddd.
today alsoooo.
study with th rest,
cos sec4s&sec5s gorts night study,
so school latelate close. =xx
so yuppppps,
nine plus dhens leave for homeeee.
ten liek tads reach home.
so liek no differences. LOL.
endddd here lerhs.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
no need me t say.
jus tads, he was absent from school today.
sore eyes. =xx
Humanities was th first perioddd.
hell it mann!
gorts back test result,
ie scoredddd badly. =xx
there are of cos failures lahs.
budds, ie alsooo no gooddd until where.
pass with tads pathetic three marks. OMFG !
Mother Tongue, was next.
LiuLaoShi didnt come, becos of GuZheng SYF.
Mrs.Ho came t relief, ie misseddd her muchmuch. (:
went t sit beside Yf with WL&JL.
budds, didnt chat.
slept throughourt th whole periodddd. ;DDDD
damn shiok.
continueddd with Summary thingy lahs.
nothingggg serious adn impt anw.
Miss.Ong, please give us something relevant t exams lahs.
it's liek, everythinggg norts relateddd liek tads, bo link eh.
Math-edddd after Recess.
Revision again.
oneeee qns. let me stuck th whole day.
ie didnt know how t manageddd mye time,
adn how t study mye math.
haishaishais. )':
didnt study for test.
therefore, bo test. (:
budds, test resume tmr. ):
sure flungggg, so nbr study. LOL.
god blesssss heh. (:
Social Studies,
didnt study abit.
ie promiseddddd ie will pass. heh.
tads all lahs.
byes !
boy, ie missedddd yoos.
yoos didnt come today,
ie was boredddd.
yoos mus takecares, dont always so late go home.
exams comingggg lerhs, dont always ton liaoooo.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
adn 'm totally nors prepare mann!
god bless me nahs.
it's reall unbelievable mannnn.
tmr having Social Studies Test.
gorts a feelingggg ie will flunggg it.
hadd totally no moodddd t study for it.
dammit ! zzzz ..
History homework undone.
first periodddd for tmr.
shall copy !! =xx
today went t school damn early.
cant wake up at 0530.
so went t school late.
met up with them in classroom.
adn discuss SS project.
suppose today present. NO TIME ! lol.
Chemistry, Mother Tongue.. as usual lahs.
had test.
sure fail.
ie almost leave all blanks.
ie totallyyyyy know NOTHING !
fuckedddd th math upside down, inside ourt. LOL.
continue with three column cash book.
know nothinggg of it.
anyhow do. =xx
continue with revison.
all dont know how t do.
ie wonder id ie reall can pass mye math norts..
hais. ):
after school.
meet friends at s'goon. LOL.
saw Meijia&Melody inside Mac. lols.
waveddd t them. (:
chionggg home, late for tuition thou'
slack throughourt.
after tads... ... ....
sorry tads ie had been lying adn did tads, behindd your back.
seriously, ie dont deserve your love,
your forgiveness.
'm reall veh sorry.
adn 'm gladdd tads yoos understanddd me so well.
love yoos, boy.. (:
adn 'm totally nors prepare mann!
god bless me nahs.
it's reall unbelievable mannnn.
tmr having Social Studies Test.
gorts a feelingggg ie will flunggg it.
hadd totally no moodddd t study for it.
dammit ! zzzz ..
History homework undone.
first periodddd for tmr.
shall copy !! =xx
today went t school damn early.
cant wake up at 0530.
so went t school late.
met up with them in classroom.
adn discuss SS project.
suppose today present. NO TIME ! lol.
Chemistry, Mother Tongue.. as usual lahs.
had test.
sure fail.
ie almost leave all blanks.
ie totallyyyyy know NOTHING !
fuckedddd th math upside down, inside ourt. LOL.
continue with three column cash book.
know nothinggg of it.
anyhow do. =xx
continue with revison.
all dont know how t do.
ie wonder id ie reall can pass mye math norts..
hais. ):
after school.
meet friends at s'goon. LOL.
saw Meijia&Melody inside Mac. lols.
waveddd t them. (:
chionggg home, late for tuition thou'
slack throughourt.
after tads... ... ....
sorry tads ie had been lying adn did tads, behindd your back.
seriously, ie dont deserve your love,
your forgiveness.
'm reall veh sorry.
adn 'm gladdd tads yoos understanddd me so well.
love yoos, boy.. (:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
7plus am dhens sleep.
woke up at 11plus am.
chiong t busstop.
took same bus as Ngiap Siang adn PehHawk.
first t reach 1o7. heh.
'm early okays.. .. .. ((((:
eveybody reach on time.
adn we're preparing t go AMK Library t prepare powerpoint.
everybody was hungry lahs.
so endedddd up,
WenNi, NigapSiang adn YanMei go WenNi house do up somethinggg.
me, Brother, Jw, Yf adn PehHawk went t KFC(known as Kentucky fcuk chicken) to eat lahs.
crap alorts.
took damn lorts of photos.
liek sai lahs.
all crap arounddd deh, adn anyhow take deh. wth..
went t AMK Library..
wanteddd t wait for WenNi they all.
budddds, bigggg rain.
planningggg t call them norts t come.
budddds, they opp Library liaoooo. LOL
slack at Cafe Galilee after buyinggg all th drinks.
mye adn Yf drink FOC.
how goooddddd am we all-.-
went t YioChuKang Interchange take 72 t Ns's house.
his house damn bigggg lahs k.OMFG.
ie want his roommmm lahs.
he so xingfuuu lahs can..
nbr touch on any SS thingggg.
all onl know how eat.
eat MaggieMee. LOL.
dhens eat, slack watch tv.
watch HomeRun, although ie watch tons of times.
some portion is still touchinggg lahs k.
tears going t flow ourtttt buddds havent. (:
ie control it, WELL DONE JESSICAAAA !
after tads,
planninggggg t play Bball.
budds, cos of th InterHouse, ie had total no-mood in playingggg it.
ie scare ie began t think of it again.
adn so,
obviously, ie went home lahs.
watch tv - Miss Singapore Universe.
budds, papa want watch tv,
so use comp liaooooo.
shall uploaddddd photos id can.
sorry uhs. (:
takecares readers. (:
woke up at 11plus am.
chiong t busstop.
took same bus as Ngiap Siang adn PehHawk.
first t reach 1o7. heh.
'm early okays.. .. .. ((((:
eveybody reach on time.
adn we're preparing t go AMK Library t prepare powerpoint.
everybody was hungry lahs.
so endedddd up,
WenNi, NigapSiang adn YanMei go WenNi house do up somethinggg.
me, Brother, Jw, Yf adn PehHawk went t KFC(known as Kentucky fcuk chicken) to eat lahs.
crap alorts.
took damn lorts of photos.
liek sai lahs.
all crap arounddd deh, adn anyhow take deh. wth..
went t AMK Library..
wanteddd t wait for WenNi they all.
budddds, bigggg rain.
planningggg t call them norts t come.
budddds, they opp Library liaoooo. LOL
slack at Cafe Galilee after buyinggg all th drinks.
mye adn Yf drink FOC.
how goooddddd am we all-.-
went t YioChuKang Interchange take 72 t Ns's house.
his house damn bigggg lahs k.OMFG.
ie want his roommmm lahs.
he so xingfuuu lahs can..
nbr touch on any SS thingggg.
all onl know how eat.
eat MaggieMee. LOL.
dhens eat, slack watch tv.
watch HomeRun, although ie watch tons of times.
some portion is still touchinggg lahs k.
tears going t flow ourtttt buddds havent. (:
ie control it, WELL DONE JESSICAAAA !
after tads,
planninggggg t play Bball.
budds, cos of th InterHouse, ie had total no-mood in playingggg it.
ie scare ie began t think of it again.
adn so,
obviously, ie went home lahs.
watch tv - Miss Singapore Universe.
budds, papa want watch tv,
so use comp liaooooo.
shall uploaddddd photos id can.
sorry uhs. (:
takecares readers. (:
'm feeling so down.
dont know why..
perhaps, it's all about th thing he tolddd me during afternoon.
OR maybe it's still about InterHouse.
'm a badddd daughter.
ie dont know whads am ie doing.
ie jus felt guilty after ie done it..
ie dont know why ie did tads..
'm jus afraidddd mye dad woulddd know.
sorry papa ! )':
hope goddddd wont let him know or notice anythinggggg.
even id he notice, ie alsoooo will norts admit..
onl Cindy, AhBen, mye gann-korh adn mye beloved partner, Minyee know about mye dirty lil secret.
it's norts a open secret.
ie cannot let anybody know..
feelinggggg so so so stress right now..
'm guilty. hais. ):
friends adn readers..
even id yoos know whads ie have done..
yoos may say me or whads..
ie jus feeling fcukedddd up..
it's norts about relationship, family or friends.
it's jus other things.
dont know why.
'm cravingggg for it, ourt of sudden.
th feelingggg of urge wanteddd me t do it..
sorry papa&mama. ):
dont know why..
perhaps, it's all about th thing he tolddd me during afternoon.
OR maybe it's still about InterHouse.
'm a badddd daughter.
ie dont know whads am ie doing.
ie jus felt guilty after ie done it..
ie dont know why ie did tads..
'm jus afraidddd mye dad woulddd know.
sorry papa ! )':
hope goddddd wont let him know or notice anythinggggg.
even id he notice, ie alsoooo will norts admit..
onl Cindy, AhBen, mye gann-korh adn mye beloved partner, Minyee know about mye dirty lil secret.
it's norts a open secret.
ie cannot let anybody know..
feelinggggg so so so stress right now..
'm guilty. hais. ):
friends adn readers..
even id yoos know whads ie have done..
yoos may say me or whads..
ie jus feeling fcukedddd up..
it's norts about relationship, family or friends.
it's jus other things.
dont know why.
'm cravingggg for it, ourt of sudden.
th feelingggg of urge wanteddd me t do it..
sorry papa&mama. ):
Saturday, April 21, 2007
after Kelly hadddd taught finish.
chat adn crap for awhile..
adn Yf, Gn adn Johan playedddd aroundddd.
went for XiangShen with those Chinaaa students.
damn noisy lahs can.
cnt tahan them, how ie wish ie can shout at them,
adn call them shuddup man. wtf..
wasnt in th moodddd in NJC,
thus, Gn, Yf adn me ended up drawinggg sehs.
didnt concentrate so much on our school participants.
cos its onl semi-final.
it's liek sure in final deh lahs.
wasnt in a moodddd.
when going back t school.
was thinking about InterHouse all th while.
chiong t HougangMall with Yf while Gn go home.
buy tads crap Tortoise for GaoNan,
as today is her birthday lahs.
she wantedddd tads Tortoise so badly lahs can..
we're all broke,
we still have t buy for her..
cos, we seriously know she wantedddd tads badly..
bus-edddd back home..
adn ate mye dinner at arounddd 11pm.
was damn tiredddd.
adn went t sleep. (:
tads all. (:
chat adn crap for awhile..
adn Yf, Gn adn Johan playedddd aroundddd.
went for XiangShen with those Chinaaa students.
damn noisy lahs can.
cnt tahan them, how ie wish ie can shout at them,
adn call them shuddup man. wtf..
wasnt in th moodddd in NJC,
thus, Gn, Yf adn me ended up drawinggg sehs.
didnt concentrate so much on our school participants.
cos its onl semi-final.
it's liek sure in final deh lahs.
wasnt in a moodddd.
when going back t school.
was thinking about InterHouse all th while.
chiong t HougangMall with Yf while Gn go home.
buy tads crap Tortoise for GaoNan,
as today is her birthday lahs.
she wantedddd tads Tortoise so badly lahs can..
we're all broke,
we still have t buy for her..
cos, we seriously know she wantedddd tads badly..
bus-edddd back home..
adn ate mye dinner at arounddd 11pm.
was damn tiredddd.
adn went t sleep. (:
tads all. (:
as usual.
went school lahs.
wasnt late for school.
bless me man.
was looking forward t see th new junior councillor.
budds, she wasnt here.
Huaseng didnt help me ourt for duty.
cos he was taking prize for element..
thanks JinXue for helpingg ourt for dismissing 2e1.
they're total headache t me. hais.
suppose there will be class observance by HOD during POA lesson.
budds, they didnt come. YEAH !
ie was postpone t Term3. (:
had English.
adn there is th damn Speech thingy.
'm h first.
was so nervous, budds..
still 'm able t readdd it all ourt. (:
receive comments tads ie speak damn soft ?!?!?!?!
Johan talks about his personal things..
making Minyee adn me criedddd.
it's reall veh touching..
ie retest mye 2.4km.
cos ie wantedddd t choong for 12mins instead of th previous 13.04min
ie managedddd t reach at 12.51min.
thanks WeiChi jiujiu for motivatinggg me t chiong over yoos. LOL.
Math, chiong homework.
didnt do at all.
Bryan BearBear was talking about InterHouse Bball thingy.
making me wanting t cry again. ):
he thought ie hate him !!!!!
whads a joke.
ie cant possibly be hatingggg him lahs.
ie jus norts happy niahhhhhs.
he talk t me after school.
adn call me norts t be saddd anm.
as usual.
ie cant control mye tears adn it came flowinggg again.
thanks peeps for comfortinggg me once more. (:
much thanks t BryanBearBear, Johan, Manda, Yf, Minyee, Meijia, Charlene, Wenni, Pearlyn, Yanmei, Cindy..
sorry id ie left ourt your names..
Yf sat ie have been rather emotional all this days.
am ie ?
after school..
sat with Weiling they all.
adn Kelly teaches us Math.
thanks Kelly for teachingggg us. (:
much appreciation..
went school lahs.
wasnt late for school.
bless me man.
was looking forward t see th new junior councillor.
budds, she wasnt here.
Huaseng didnt help me ourt for duty.
cos he was taking prize for element..
thanks JinXue for helpingg ourt for dismissing 2e1.
they're total headache t me. hais.
suppose there will be class observance by HOD during POA lesson.
budds, they didnt come. YEAH !
ie was postpone t Term3. (:
had English.
adn there is th damn Speech thingy.
'm h first.
was so nervous, budds..
still 'm able t readdd it all ourt. (:
receive comments tads ie speak damn soft ?!?!?!?!
Johan talks about his personal things..
making Minyee adn me criedddd.
it's reall veh touching..
ie retest mye 2.4km.
cos ie wantedddd t choong for 12mins instead of th previous 13.04min
ie managedddd t reach at 12.51min.
thanks WeiChi jiujiu for motivatinggg me t chiong over yoos. LOL.
Math, chiong homework.
didnt do at all.
Bryan BearBear was talking about InterHouse Bball thingy.
making me wanting t cry again. ):
he thought ie hate him !!!!!
whads a joke.
ie cant possibly be hatingggg him lahs.
ie jus norts happy niahhhhhs.
he talk t me after school.
adn call me norts t be saddd anm.
as usual.
ie cant control mye tears adn it came flowinggg again.
thanks peeps for comfortinggg me once more. (:
much thanks t BryanBearBear, Johan, Manda, Yf, Minyee, Meijia, Charlene, Wenni, Pearlyn, Yanmei, Cindy..
sorry id ie left ourt your names..
Yf sat ie have been rather emotional all this days.
am ie ?
after school..
sat with Weiling they all.
adn Kelly teaches us Math.
thanks Kelly for teachingggg us. (:
much appreciation..
Thursday, April 19, 2007
before interhouse starts.
kenaaaa hit by th Bball on mye headdd.
went gongggg.
headache liek fcuk.
adn alsooooo;
ie totally broke down even before th interhouse start.
cos ie knew tads we gonnaaaa lose.
as we playing against LichField.
obviously, we hadddd no hope.
lose liek dont know how.
was so fcukedddd up.
broke down..
cos ie reall cant take th stress.
adn ie couldnt face th reality tads we lose.
thanks Miss.Tan, Miss.Tay, Mrs.Tai, Cindy, Irah, Pearlyn, YanMei adn WenNi for comfortinggg me.
sorry id ie left your names ourt.
thanks for everythinggg.
yoos all are great. (:
sorry t Dorin&ZhenHong.
sorry tads we lose, adn we didnt try our best.
is jus tads..
we're jus sorry t yoos both.
yoos both are great House Captains. (:
went total emo lahs.
no mooddddd still.
anybody please cheer me up..
first lesson, had Math.
Test. ie didnt do all.
all blank. feelingggg so stress.
hais. )':
followedddd by Chemistry,
ie onl gorts 67 for CA.
walao ehs.
ie did try mye best. still so jialat.
ie dont know how liaooooo lahs. ):
gorts cher observe us.
liek so stupidddd lahs.
do up whads proposal.
Minyee adn me this time round liek so guai.
we chiong do finish..
cher say quite okays..
budds, needddd add whads. forget liaoooo.
after recess,
had Mother Tongue.
was asleep for th whole periodddd again.
didnt pay any attention t cher. wtf..
did up worksheet.
group with Yuan Cheong, Viknesh&HuiMin.
all Source-Basedddd qns.
so cham. dieeee for sure.
Math again.
continue with Modulus Function.
liek so jiaaaalat lahs.
getting more blur adn blur.
mye Maths sucks.
any kindddd soul want t help me ?!?!?!?
shall enddd here liaooo..
Test. ie didnt do all.
all blank. feelingggg so stress.
hais. )':
followedddd by Chemistry,
ie onl gorts 67 for CA.
walao ehs.
ie did try mye best. still so jialat.
ie dont know how liaooooo lahs. ):
gorts cher observe us.
liek so stupidddd lahs.
do up whads proposal.
Minyee adn me this time round liek so guai.
we chiong do finish..
cher say quite okays..
budds, needddd add whads. forget liaoooo.
after recess,
had Mother Tongue.
was asleep for th whole periodddd again.
didnt pay any attention t cher. wtf..
did up worksheet.
group with Yuan Cheong, Viknesh&HuiMin.
all Source-Basedddd qns.
so cham. dieeee for sure.
Math again.
continue with Modulus Function.
liek so jiaaaalat lahs.
getting more blur adn blur.
mye Maths sucks.
any kindddd soul want t help me ?!?!?!?
shall enddd here liaooo..
so yupps,
tuition was late.
cher dont let me in unless ie go finddd tads balddd Mr.Lee.
write reasons adn all sorts of things lahs.
crapppps man..
waste mye time niahhhs.
was thinking of something else,
even though ie was looking at cher.
mye minddd suddenly went blank..
when cher explaining. dont know why..
no reason..
as usual.
he was there.
ie missessss him.
ie did saw him.
we spent tads few hours well.
th memories yoos given me.
th things yoos given me, indeedddd made me happy. (:
today is OUR DAY,
boy, iloveyoos.
aini yibeizi. (:
thanks for everything adn th time yoos spent on me for the previous month.
nbr regret loving yoos so much.
i <333333s him forever !
so yupps,
tuition was late.
cher dont let me in unless ie go finddd tads balddd Mr.Lee.
write reasons adn all sorts of things lahs.
crapppps man..
waste mye time niahhhs.
was thinking of something else,
even though ie was looking at cher.
mye minddd suddenly went blank..
when cher explaining. dont know why..
no reason..
as usual.
he was there.
ie missessss him.
ie did saw him.
we spent tads few hours well.
th memories yoos given me.
th things yoos given me, indeedddd made me happy. (:
today is OUR DAY,
boy, iloveyoos.
aini yibeizi. (:
thanks for everything adn th time yoos spent on me for the previous month.
nbr regret loving yoos so much.
i <333333s him forever !
we did train hardddd for it.
thanks those peeps whu playeddd th match with us.
thanks th girls for playing with us.
as they're norts th same house with us.
adn thanks th guys for training us..
hope we clinch th top3 for th afternoon match on 19o4o7.
today's training was good..
keep up th good work, girls.
as usual.
stupiddd openingggg. LOL.
had Math Test adn Listening Compre.
sure fail for both.
cos ie didnt study for it.
as for Listening Compre, ie have been failing it since primary school.
so ie slept for half a periodddd. damn shiok. (:
assembly, damn sians.
was chatting with yf adn singing songs..
damn stupiddd lahs.
yf laugh liek dont know how. cos ie insult alorts of songs. lols.
one hour liek tads pass. song siahhhhhs.
had councillor meeting..
tmr duty had one more sec1 joining in.
whads sheryl or cheryl..
dont know lahs. ie onl know is a girl. (:
dhens go eateat, met ShanNing.
know whu she liaooooo. (:
had training.
ie was reluctant t train at th first place.
budds, after ie manageddd t goal a few.
HA-HA. ie getting rougher adn rougher liaoooo.
we all use NetBall style for playinggg.
damn jian.
same group with Irah, Rachel, Charlene, Kelly.
while th other group consist of..
MeiJia, YanMei, Pearlyn, Sarah adn Melody.
damn fun, cos something hit on some birdddd. LOL.
we all laugh until dont know how.
six plus go home..
seven plus reach home..
late for tuition.
need write letter. lame siahhs.
shal continue again..
stupiddd openingggg. LOL.
had Math Test adn Listening Compre.
sure fail for both.
cos ie didnt study for it.
as for Listening Compre, ie have been failing it since primary school.
so ie slept for half a periodddd. damn shiok. (:
assembly, damn sians.
was chatting with yf adn singing songs..
damn stupiddd lahs.
yf laugh liek dont know how. cos ie insult alorts of songs. lols.
one hour liek tads pass. song siahhhhhs.
had councillor meeting..
tmr duty had one more sec1 joining in.
whads sheryl or cheryl..
dont know lahs. ie onl know is a girl. (:
dhens go eateat, met ShanNing.
know whu she liaooooo. (:
had training.
ie was reluctant t train at th first place.
budds, after ie manageddd t goal a few.
HA-HA. ie getting rougher adn rougher liaoooo.
we all use NetBall style for playinggg.
damn jian.
same group with Irah, Rachel, Charlene, Kelly.
while th other group consist of..
MeiJia, YanMei, Pearlyn, Sarah adn Melody.
damn fun, cos something hit on some birdddd. LOL.
we all laugh until dont know how.
six plus go home..
seven plus reach home..
late for tuition.
need write letter. lame siahhs.
shal continue again..
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
shall norts say so much.
cos everytime opening is always th same-.-
do workbook.
get answer from Ivan. (:
thanks Ivan, budds, alsooo gorts dicuss answer with Niyo adn HuiMin.
had role play.
ie was there sitting down, shakingggg legs.
cos ie norts involveddd in actinggg.
budds, cher call our group answer almost all qns.
one most logical answer given by me is,
"Huiling act YinKhang's wife until veh real"
Huiling give me a dumb look. oops. =xx
talk about JC adn Poly lifes.
ie dieee dieee alsooo go Poly.
lols. NO JCs FOR ME ! lol
was dozing offff.
cos caught no balls.
th Modulus Fraction, made me blur onl.
fcuk tads chapter upside down. lol. ;DDDD
no spirits, no life man..
all jokers were norts aroundd.
all go SYF perform. stupiddd SYF.
Johan went home early..
Chunkai still hopitaliseddd. sians.
Social Studies,
test until veh jiaaaaalat.
nbr study.
dieeee liaoo lorhs.
cham cham cham..
god bless me lahs. (:
Netball-eddd at 3.35pm lahs.
wasnt playing.
for th fact tads..
'm norts playing. ROFL.
feet pain, bleedddd somemore.. sians.
training for nothingg..
alsooo nbr go play..
hai me sunburnt..
ugly nose. )':
nbr minddddd..
train for th sake of slimming down adn builddd up mye staminaaaaa.
whads a dumb excuse..
whatever lahs.
Kensington lose until dont know how..
dependingggg on Bball Girls' this coming Thursday.
diee for sure.
cos ie planning t standdd there, be a STATUE.
ie hate Bball. cos ie dont even know th basic rules.
bless me friends..
training tmr.
dieeee for sure.
fcuk tads training inside ourt. LOL.
takecares readers..
life still have t move on..
no matter yoos lose until no face..
sad until yoos're so emo..
budds, everything is jus part adn parcel of life.
Kensington, we tried our best.
everybody whu taken part had give in their best.
Zafirah, let past be past.
we had alread playedddd it, adn we lost.
ie know both yoos adn Dorin are stresss of this.
budds, yoos both had reall tried your best.
ie can see, 'm there too when Superstar 1 went t play.
B girls'/Open Division Bball are on Thursday.
we have t try our veh best t clinch th top.
we can do it, no matter whads.
so yuppppps, go for it !
we can do it.
we cannot let Kensington keep on going down.
let's train hardddd tmr.
all th best girls. (:
no matter yoos lose until no face..
sad until yoos're so emo..
budds, everything is jus part adn parcel of life.
Kensington, we tried our best.
everybody whu taken part had give in their best.
Zafirah, let past be past.
we had alread playedddd it, adn we lost.
ie know both yoos adn Dorin are stresss of this.
budds, yoos both had reall tried your best.
ie can see, 'm there too when Superstar 1 went t play.
B girls'/Open Division Bball are on Thursday.
we have t try our veh best t clinch th top.
we can do it, no matter whads.
so yuppppps, go for it !
we can do it.
we cannot let Kensington keep on going down.
let's train hardddd tmr.
all th best girls. (:
after training.
chiong t meet YanFang adn chiong t Heeren.
thought there gorts The Wallet Shop.
budds, Heeren qi pian wo gan qingggg.
no more Wallet Shop liaoooo. fcuk it man..
mrt-edddd t City Hall adn dhens t Bugis.
chiongggg t buy wallet.
ex budds, nbr mindddd. worth lahs. ((((((:
as long as he happy, ie happy alsooooo.
chiong t Plaza Sing t buy card adn dhens back t Hougang.
took 72, damn kanchiongggg.
cos 2o3o liaoooo. damn freaking late for tuition.
was late for one hour adn fifteen minutes.
jus go washroom, change back t uni.
adn comb hair, tieeee hair.
jiu offffff ie go liaoooo.
chattedddd with LiHui after tuition for a long time.
adn waitedddd for him.
cant contact him,
so man man walk t mye block downstair, wait for him.
finally, he came.
adn he apologisedddd.
nothing deh lahs, wait niahhhhs.
dont neeed apologisedddd deh k ? smiles. (:
walk t playgroundddd slackslack.
chatchat. playplay.
adn all sorts of things. lols.
thanks for letting me have a great time. (:
hope yoos liek th thing ie gave yoos.
th box was flat lerhs,
budds, ie guesssss th wallet shouldddd be still intact lahs.
adn alsoooo hope tads th cardddd norts crumpledddd. lols.
jus hope tads yoo're happy. (:
love yoos..
chiong t meet YanFang adn chiong t Heeren.
thought there gorts The Wallet Shop.
budds, Heeren qi pian wo gan qingggg.
no more Wallet Shop liaoooo. fcuk it man..
mrt-edddd t City Hall adn dhens t Bugis.
chiongggg t buy wallet.
ex budds, nbr mindddd. worth lahs. ((((((:
as long as he happy, ie happy alsooooo.
chiong t Plaza Sing t buy card adn dhens back t Hougang.
took 72, damn kanchiongggg.
cos 2o3o liaoooo. damn freaking late for tuition.
was late for one hour adn fifteen minutes.
jus go washroom, change back t uni.
adn comb hair, tieeee hair.
jiu offffff ie go liaoooo.
chattedddd with LiHui after tuition for a long time.
adn waitedddd for him.
cant contact him,
so man man walk t mye block downstair, wait for him.
finally, he came.
adn he apologisedddd.
nothing deh lahs, wait niahhhhs.
dont neeed apologisedddd deh k ? smiles. (:
walk t playgroundddd slackslack.
chatchat. playplay.
adn all sorts of things. lols.
thanks for letting me have a great time. (:
hope yoos liek th thing ie gave yoos.
th box was flat lerhs,
budds, ie guesssss th wallet shouldddd be still intact lahs.
adn alsoooo hope tads th cardddd norts crumpledddd. lols.
jus hope tads yoo're happy. (:
love yoos..
lessons as per normal lahs.
nothing serious happens.
jus tads whole day was sleepy.
slept through alorts of lessons.
dio caught alorts of time too. (:
bless me man..
gorts back, Chemistry, Math adn Social Studies result.
sians. shouldddd have get higer for mye Chem adn Math.
buddddds, at least mye Math norts red marks liaoooo.
it's liek so finally ! lol.
had training after school,
budds, was raining. thought is cancel.
so pei GaoNan adn Cindy t go Library for Cindy's oral.
budds, Irah soon call me up, adn say practice starting. lol.
so rush down, change change.
warm-up. blablablaas.
budds, ie didnt get t train alorts of time.
so yupps, guessss 'm th reserve forr tmr.
FINALLY, get Meijia t play for Kensington.
it's liek so FINALLY alsooooo.
so difficult t call her play.
Bball, she playingggg alsoooo.
ie playingggg too. planning t act statue on tads day of match.
ie veh jian one.
whads t do ?
endddd here.
later contiue.
sorry readers. (:
nothing serious happens.
jus tads whole day was sleepy.
slept through alorts of lessons.
dio caught alorts of time too. (:
bless me man..
gorts back, Chemistry, Math adn Social Studies result.
sians. shouldddd have get higer for mye Chem adn Math.
buddddds, at least mye Math norts red marks liaoooo.
it's liek so finally ! lol.
had training after school,
budds, was raining. thought is cancel.
so pei GaoNan adn Cindy t go Library for Cindy's oral.
budds, Irah soon call me up, adn say practice starting. lol.
so rush down, change change.
warm-up. blablablaas.
budds, ie didnt get t train alorts of time.
so yupps, guessss 'm th reserve forr tmr.
FINALLY, get Meijia t play for Kensington.
it's liek so FINALLY alsooooo.
so difficult t call her play.
Bball, she playingggg alsoooo.
ie playingggg too. planning t act statue on tads day of match.
ie veh jian one.
whads t do ?
endddd here.
later contiue.
sorry readers. (:
Sunday, April 15, 2007
now ie dont know whads th prob with friendster lahs.
ie cannot add testimomos adn comments t both Phyllis adn MeiJia.
mus reply deh right..
stupiddddd friendster..
fcuk it..
hope both of them see mye blog lahs.
cos 'm replyingggg them here lorhs.
hope godddd let them someday somehow see mye replies t them here.
HA-HA-HA ! (:
okays lahs, ie shall call yoos Phyllis lahs.
later people say ie bully yoos. LOLS.
takecares. (:
sorry, guess 'm too late for it liaoooooo.
anw, yoos playedddd netball alsooooo good mahs.
why dont want join InterHouse Netball ?
takecares. (:
hope they see it. (:
there's nothinggggg for me t do lahs.
so blogging is th best way.
lalalalas ~
tmr gorts training agn.
sians ~
budds, wei le Kensington. everything alsoooo worth it deh lahs.
even we lose for Netball,
we dieeee dieeeee alsoooo mus win for Basketball girls'.
with th help of YanMei adn Pearlyn.
we mus do it man !
although ie didnt play for th Basketball..
budds, jus hope we will at least win something. LOL.
shall endddd here lerhs. (:
now ie dont know whads th prob with friendster lahs.
ie cannot add testimomos adn comments t both Phyllis adn MeiJia.
mus reply deh right..
stupiddddd friendster..
fcuk it..
hope both of them see mye blog lahs.
cos 'm replyingggg them here lorhs.
hope godddd let them someday somehow see mye replies t them here.
HA-HA-HA ! (:
okays lahs, ie shall call yoos Phyllis lahs.
later people say ie bully yoos. LOLS.
takecares. (:
sorry, guess 'm too late for it liaoooooo.
anw, yoos playedddd netball alsooooo good mahs.
why dont want join InterHouse Netball ?
takecares. (:
hope they see it. (:
there's nothinggggg for me t do lahs.
so blogging is th best way.
lalalalas ~
tmr gorts training agn.
sians ~
budds, wei le Kensington. everything alsoooo worth it deh lahs.
even we lose for Netball,
we dieeee dieeeee alsoooo mus win for Basketball girls'.
with th help of YanMei adn Pearlyn.
we mus do it man !
although ie didnt play for th Basketball..
budds, jus hope we will at least win something. LOL.
shall endddd here lerhs. (:
sorry friends..
didnt get t blogggg again.
blogger is playinggg a trick on me.
darn sians ~
shall onl blog up ytd things..
adn perhaps, tads all lahs. (:
went t school at aroundddd 9plus..
reach at 10 liek tads.
saw, Dorin, Jun, Zafirah adn Yanmei.
they planning somethingg..
continue with those basic workourts adn start with trainingg..
at arounddd 12 plus..
ie train with Yanmei with her shootinggggg.
Pearlyn came too..
train train train..
Meijia came t say she wantedddd t play.
so ie pass th ball t her..
ie went t rest,
adn Mr.Oei was talking t Jun adn Dorin..
was resting,
adn they plannedddd t train at Kovan.
cos school closing.
seperatedddd for awhile..
some go home get money lahs..
meet up at Kovan Mac.
adn two of th girls..
give excuses.. adn didnt come lahs.
Jun say it's okays. as she believes they reall cnt make it..
we train train train..
all sort of things..
adn rain lahs, slackedddd.
adn ie msg somebody t cfm somethinggg..
adn something happen.
we foundddd ourt tads,
some people lieddddd t us lahs.
Dorin was so workedddd up, until she shout lahs.
ie was sorry for them..
all thanks t tads two person.
everybody was stresseddddd up..
id they dont want come for training, jus say lahs.
no needddddd fake fake deh right.
say go do something,
endeddddd up alsoooo do nothing.
play ball onl.. fcuk..
ie didnt meant t say them.
is they wanteddddd t treat us liek tads..
sorry id ie hadddd offendeddddd they both.
hais ~~
walkeddddd back t Serangoon Interchange with irah adn jun..
chattedddd alorts..
bus-edddd back t hgpt with jun.
was fun.
thanks Jun, Irah, Dorin, Niro for making th day so fun.
thanks girls.
adn thanks for lettinggggg me learnt somethingggg..
love yoos all..
didnt get t blogggg again.
blogger is playinggg a trick on me.
darn sians ~
shall onl blog up ytd things..
adn perhaps, tads all lahs. (:
went t school at aroundddd 9plus..
reach at 10 liek tads.
saw, Dorin, Jun, Zafirah adn Yanmei.
they planning somethingg..
continue with those basic workourts adn start with trainingg..
at arounddd 12 plus..
ie train with Yanmei with her shootinggggg.
Pearlyn came too..
train train train..
Meijia came t say she wantedddd t play.
so ie pass th ball t her..
ie went t rest,
adn Mr.Oei was talking t Jun adn Dorin..
was resting,
adn they plannedddd t train at Kovan.
cos school closing.
seperatedddd for awhile..
some go home get money lahs..
meet up at Kovan Mac.
adn two of th girls..
give excuses.. adn didnt come lahs.
Jun say it's okays. as she believes they reall cnt make it..
we train train train..
all sort of things..
adn rain lahs, slackedddd.
adn ie msg somebody t cfm somethinggg..
adn something happen.
we foundddd ourt tads,
some people lieddddd t us lahs.
Dorin was so workedddd up, until she shout lahs.
ie was sorry for them..
all thanks t tads two person.
everybody was stresseddddd up..
id they dont want come for training, jus say lahs.
no needddddd fake fake deh right.
say go do something,
endeddddd up alsoooo do nothing.
play ball onl.. fcuk..
ie didnt meant t say them.
is they wanteddddd t treat us liek tads..
sorry id ie hadddd offendeddddd they both.
hais ~~
walkeddddd back t Serangoon Interchange with irah adn jun..
chattedddd alorts..
bus-edddd back t hgpt with jun.
was fun.
thanks Jun, Irah, Dorin, Niro for making th day so fun.
thanks girls.
adn thanks for lettinggggg me learnt somethingggg..
love yoos all..
Friday, April 13, 2007
oh well.
'm so bloodddddddy boringggg lahs.
was rushing mye Logs homework now..
adn it's alread 1.3oam.
ie want t sleep deh.
today is damnnnnn blooddddy tiredddd.
cos of th InterHouse NetBall lorhs.
perhaps, ie long time exercise liaoooo.
exerts too much force liaooooo. hais. )':
ie alsooooo havent study mye test yet lorhs.
sure dieeeee liaooooo lahs.
planninggggg t study harded lerhs.
exams cominggggg lerhs.
in two weeks time lerhs.
hell me.. hell me.. hell..
coughing liek diseaseddddd oldddd woman at home..
weirdddd thing is ie dont cough in school.
budds, cough until veh jiaaaaalat when at home.
dont know why.
maybe home deh germs MUCH MORE MANY as comparedddd t school deh ?
'm lame lahs,
'm jus cominggg up with some lame excuses or whads sheit lahs.
jus tads 'm realllllllllllllll veh boringggg lahs.
dying of boredom ~~
save jessica please ~~
shall enddddd here liaoooooo.
byes readers.
'm so bloodddddddy boringggg lahs.
was rushing mye Logs homework now..
adn it's alread 1.3oam.
ie want t sleep deh.
today is damnnnnn blooddddy tiredddd.
cos of th InterHouse NetBall lorhs.
perhaps, ie long time exercise liaoooo.
exerts too much force liaooooo. hais. )':
ie alsooooo havent study mye test yet lorhs.
sure dieeeee liaooooo lahs.
planninggggg t study harded lerhs.
exams cominggggg lerhs.
in two weeks time lerhs.
hell me.. hell me.. hell..
coughing liek diseaseddddd oldddd woman at home..
weirdddd thing is ie dont cough in school.
budds, cough until veh jiaaaaalat when at home.
dont know why.
maybe home deh germs MUCH MORE MANY as comparedddd t school deh ?
'm lame lahs,
'm jus cominggg up with some lame excuses or whads sheit lahs.
jus tads 'm realllllllllllllll veh boringggg lahs.
dying of boredom ~~
save jessica please ~~
shall enddddd here liaoooooo.
byes readers.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
sorry guys..
didnt blog for two days or so.
wasnt be able t blogggg.
too busy with tests adn so on..
as usual, woke up..
rach busstop at aroundddd 7.23am.
wantd t wait for him, buddddds..
he call me go school first, in case late. LOL.
cute huh he..
he managed t reach school, withourt being late lahs.
goodgoodddddd. LOL.
haddddd Math lesson adn blablaas.
nothing much.
jus go through about whads will be test tmr lorhs.
Chemistry was next,
Miss.Mok was norts in school.
hence, Miss.Chng took over.
she let us watch th eye dont know whads thing.. LASIK ie think.
damn erxin man..
regret watching it.
had test shortly after th 3min video clippppp..
quite confident with this time roundddd deh test.
damn confident tads kindddd. LOL.
English was next,
continue with TYS lahs.
no difference.
tmr having Speech thingy. mye turn lerhs.
fcuk fcuk fcuk..
norts yet prepare. hais..
Mother Tongue was after Recess.
had group discussion.
budds, mye group all History students.
all chionggg History insteaddddd of Mother Tongue. lols.
Liu Lao Shi alread buay tahan us liaoooo. hah.
History was next.
sure flungggg mye test liaoooo.
nbr study a single bit. SIANS ~~
ie gorts study one part, which is Gustav Stresemann. lols.
th pronunciation for it is goose-starve-stress-man. ROFL.
funny luhhhhhh. =xx
Math again after History..
start with new topic,
Modulus dont know whads..
it's in A.Math Chapter 5 lahs.
id people want t know th full name of it. LOL.
InterHouse after school.
makan dhens start..
sians.. thought raining..
dhens cancel. SO SIANS.
resume in hall.
Superstar 1&2 all lost lahs.
needddd dependddd on Tuesday deh match liaooooo.
so saddddd deh.
why Kensington so laooooo yaaa one.
stop here lerhs.
byes readers..
didnt blog for two days or so.
wasnt be able t blogggg.
too busy with tests adn so on..
as usual, woke up..
rach busstop at aroundddd 7.23am.
wantd t wait for him, buddddds..
he call me go school first, in case late. LOL.
cute huh he..
he managed t reach school, withourt being late lahs.
goodgoodddddd. LOL.
haddddd Math lesson adn blablaas.
nothing much.
jus go through about whads will be test tmr lorhs.
Chemistry was next,
Miss.Mok was norts in school.
hence, Miss.Chng took over.
she let us watch th eye dont know whads thing.. LASIK ie think.
damn erxin man..
regret watching it.
had test shortly after th 3min video clippppp..
quite confident with this time roundddd deh test.
damn confident tads kindddd. LOL.
English was next,
continue with TYS lahs.
no difference.
tmr having Speech thingy. mye turn lerhs.
fcuk fcuk fcuk..
norts yet prepare. hais..
Mother Tongue was after Recess.
had group discussion.
budds, mye group all History students.
all chionggg History insteaddddd of Mother Tongue. lols.
Liu Lao Shi alread buay tahan us liaoooo. hah.
History was next.
sure flungggg mye test liaoooo.
nbr study a single bit. SIANS ~~
ie gorts study one part, which is Gustav Stresemann. lols.
th pronunciation for it is goose-starve-stress-man. ROFL.
funny luhhhhhh. =xx
Math again after History..
start with new topic,
Modulus dont know whads..
it's in A.Math Chapter 5 lahs.
id people want t know th full name of it. LOL.
InterHouse after school.
makan dhens start..
sians.. thought raining..
dhens cancel. SO SIANS.
resume in hall.
Superstar 1&2 all lost lahs.
needddd dependddd on Tuesday deh match liaooooo.
so saddddd deh.
why Kensington so laooooo yaaa one.
stop here lerhs.
byes readers..
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
there's much more movies ie wantd t watch lorhs.
poorme, no money. fcuk..
founddd all th trailers of th movies ie wanted t watch,
adn those ie alread watch. (:
shall post it all up, for th sake of mye boredom. lols.
all is in random order lahs. (:
enjoy bahs. lalalalas ~
#01 - Pursuit Of Happyness
#02 - Mr.Bean's Holiday
#03 - Music&Lyrics
#04 - Lady Iron Chef
poorme, no money. fcuk..
founddd all th trailers of th movies ie wanted t watch,
adn those ie alread watch. (:
shall post it all up, for th sake of mye boredom. lols.
all is in random order lahs. (:
enjoy bahs. lalalalas ~
#01 - Pursuit Of Happyness
#02 - Mr.Bean's Holiday
#03 - Music&Lyrics
#04 - Lady Iron Chef
went t watch Meet The Robinsons at amk deh Jubilee there.
it's damn bloodyyyy cute&funny
worth watching lahs.
took some pics, adn jus uploadeddddd it..
th dinosaur's quote, tads will made me&mye cliques laugh.
"i have big head& little arm"
adn tads well-known for mye quote too lahs..
cos 'm a dinosaur in 3e2. LMAO.
&& watch th trailer of Meet The Robinsons.
it's reall nice. IE SWEAR !
it's damn bloodyyyy cute&funny
worth watching lahs.
took some pics, adn jus uploadeddddd it..
th dinosaur's quote, tads will made me&mye cliques laugh.
"i have big head& little arm"
adn tads well-known for mye quote too lahs..
cos 'm a dinosaur in 3e2. LMAO.
&& watch th trailer of Meet The Robinsons.
it's reall nice. IE SWEAR !
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