oh well,
life jus sucks as usual.
adn ie totally rot at homeee luh.
obviously, ie haddd nothinggg t do.
other than, using computer adn watching television.
most sians is ..
today hp no lobanggg,
nobody findddd me. zzz .. .
whole night nbr msg with him, make mye handdd itchy onl.
oh well, ie knew he's busy.
ie cant expect him t msg me th whole day.
liek ie say before, th distance .. oh WHATEVER!
there's always somethinggg ie wantedd t say t yoos.
budds, somehow .. somewhat.
ie dont know how t say. perhaps, it's norts th right time t say bahs.
right now .. 'm forcinggg myself norts t msg him.
id he needs me, he will finddd me.
awwwws .. whads a baddd feelinggg ie had.
whads ie hopeee is .. he reall haddd fun with his friends ourtside bahs.
tmr woulddd be friday lahs,
adn as usual .. was thinkingg real hard,
whether shouldd go work norts.
cos, sales turn ourt t be real baddd lahs. hais):
adn ie certainly broke liek dont know how.
ie jus needdd money t survive for th rest of this month. zzz .. .
ie havent even buy mye clothes, shoes blablablaaaas yet.
lazy as usual. adn plus, nothinggg seems t catch mye sight lahs. WTH!
okays, shall endddd here.
ie was talkinggg crap for whole of this post.
jus ignore me. THANKS!
PARTNER, ie miss yoos manymany lahs!
comeee back quickly! ):
mei arhhs, miss yoos badly.
hurryhurry comeee back.
can see yoos on 4th june lerhs.
so happy sehs. miss yoos manymany~
korh arhhs, meet up with yoos soon kays.
ie still owe yoos your present.
still thinkingg wahds t buy for yoos. hah(:
korh, there's much moreee many girls ourt there.
dont so emo lerhs lahs.
emo-inggg is norts goodddd for health. =xx
ie know yoos still loveee her.
budds, sometimes, yoos haveee t let go of something. alrights ?
sorry lahs, cnt msg yoos with yoos lerhs.
wait till ie free, ie dhens msg with yoos kays ?
sorrysorry luh! :D
boy, yoos jus see for yourself.
we didnt msg alorts of times liek usual.
adn we didnt say th three words t each other anmore.
is it true, tads our distance was farfar away ?
may it be mye own thinking or whads.
ie jus wantedddd t know ..
whads reall happen t us.
ie didnt want this t goes on forever,
id it jus a perioddd of time, ie try t endure.
budds, it's jus a matter of time.
ie hopeee yoos know how much yoos meant t me,
adn how much ie love yoos ..
yoos know, ie cant afforddd t lose yoos.
ie reall am missing yoos so much, adn so dearly.
&-; ie love yoos loads.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
okays .. ie came back t blogggg.
oh well.
ytd, went t school for th RoboChallenge Practice lahs.
supoosingly, it startedddd at 0830, adn ie reacheddd school at 0915.
may ie be ie suay or whads, Mr.Singh qns me went ie reacheddd school.
WTF ?!?!? whatever.
ie at comp lab, alsooo zuo bo lahs.
at there sleep onl, cos it totally bores me ourt.
onl JL&YF interestedddd onl.
dhens, ie let them do whatever they want. HAH.(:
went homeee straight after practice,
took 73 homeeee,
adn tads YF call me come back pei her, dueee t tads ..
Kiat Hwee haddd finally replieddd mye msg.
so ie walkeddd back t school, adn took bus t Mall,
adn dhens MRT-eddd t PS luh.
YF was emo-inggg all th way lahs,
adn ie was makinggg a fool of myself t make her laugh ?
yeaaaaas, ie failedddd.
went t Carrefour straight after reachingggg.
didnt dare t ask this adn tads.
so jus walkedd arounddd th sameeee area,
liek suspicious human beings luh.
YF wanteddd t watch Shrek 3 desperately lahs.
budds, it will be in cinemas in 31stMay, id ie norts wrongggg.
ie knew there woulddd be sneak preview.
so beinggg a haooo ren, ie pei her watch lorhs.
since, ie alsoooo wantedddd t watch. (:
pity me mann! any kinddd souls,
jus sponser me money lahs. sobs. )':
ie still haveeee lortsa movieeee t watch lahs.
th Men in White, Blades of Glory lahs.
jus spare me someeee money please ..
okays .. ie stop mye craps now, adn ie continue.
was msg-ingggg friends when watchinggg movie luh.
adn HIM alsoo lahs, budds ..
ie guess he's kindarhhs bz. so stop sms-inggg.
oh well ..
Shrek3 is super nice, hilarious lahs k ..
ie nbr ever regret watching lahs. :D
after watchingggg,
went Carrefour again ..
adn muster our courage t ask lahs.
YF suceedddd in askinggg. BLESS HER!
fill in whatever we're askedd for blablablaaas.
saw Zafirah adn Rachel luh.
chat awhile,
dhens seperatedddd. LOL.
dhens MRT-eddd back homeeee.
well ..
ie knew he wont msg or reply me,
so ie jus off mye phonee.
reach homeee at arounddd ten liek tads ..
adn ie start t do th usual stuffs again. (:
hmmmms, here are jus few picts. (:
enjoy alrights. LALALAS~
RoboChallenge's Workshop at Orchard Cineleisure - 28,29o5o7
RoboChallenge's Practice - 3oo5o7
boy, ie knew yoos were bz last night,
so ie didnt msg-edddd yoos.
ie dont know whads happen t me alsooo.
ie jus felt tads our distance seems t be so farfar away.
we doesnt seems t care much about each other alsooo lerhs.
well, ie hopeee this would norts continue for a long time.
ie jus hopeeeee.
iLu; iMu.
oh well.
ytd, went t school for th RoboChallenge Practice lahs.
supoosingly, it startedddd at 0830, adn ie reacheddd school at 0915.
may ie be ie suay or whads, Mr.Singh qns me went ie reacheddd school.
WTF ?!?!? whatever.
ie at comp lab, alsooo zuo bo lahs.
at there sleep onl, cos it totally bores me ourt.
onl JL&YF interestedddd onl.
dhens, ie let them do whatever they want. HAH.(:
went homeee straight after practice,
took 73 homeeee,
adn tads YF call me come back pei her, dueee t tads ..
Kiat Hwee haddd finally replieddd mye msg.
so ie walkeddd back t school, adn took bus t Mall,
adn dhens MRT-eddd t PS luh.
YF was emo-inggg all th way lahs,
adn ie was makinggg a fool of myself t make her laugh ?
yeaaaaas, ie failedddd.
went t Carrefour straight after reachingggg.
didnt dare t ask this adn tads.
so jus walkedd arounddd th sameeee area,
liek suspicious human beings luh.
YF wanteddd t watch Shrek 3 desperately lahs.
budds, it will be in cinemas in 31stMay, id ie norts wrongggg.
ie knew there woulddd be sneak preview.
so beinggg a haooo ren, ie pei her watch lorhs.
since, ie alsoooo wantedddd t watch. (:
pity me mann! any kinddd souls,
jus sponser me money lahs. sobs. )':
ie still haveeee lortsa movieeee t watch lahs.
th Men in White, Blades of Glory lahs.
jus spare me someeee money please ..
okays .. ie stop mye craps now, adn ie continue.
was msg-ingggg friends when watchinggg movie luh.
adn HIM alsoo lahs, budds ..
ie guess he's kindarhhs bz. so stop sms-inggg.
oh well ..
Shrek3 is super nice, hilarious lahs k ..
ie nbr ever regret watching lahs. :D
after watchingggg,
went Carrefour again ..
adn muster our courage t ask lahs.
YF suceedddd in askinggg. BLESS HER!
fill in whatever we're askedd for blablablaaas.
saw Zafirah adn Rachel luh.
chat awhile,
dhens seperatedddd. LOL.
dhens MRT-eddd back homeeee.
well ..
ie knew he wont msg or reply me,
so ie jus off mye phonee.
reach homeee at arounddd ten liek tads ..
adn ie start t do th usual stuffs again. (:
hmmmms, here are jus few picts. (:
enjoy alrights. LALALAS~
boy, ie knew yoos were bz last night,
so ie didnt msg-edddd yoos.
ie dont know whads happen t me alsooo.
ie jus felt tads our distance seems t be so farfar away.
we doesnt seems t care much about each other alsooo lerhs.
well, ie hopeee this would norts continue for a long time.
ie jus hopeeeee.
iLu; iMu.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
havent been blogging for a few days lerhs.
super lazy adn super tired.
bear with me urh. (:
cindy msg acg nbr msg me.
how saddd it it. ):
hahaha(: nbr minddd. at least ie know she's fine over there.
she's save. LALALAS~
haveee some dumbbb workshop ytd adn today.
now at Orchard Cineleisure blogging lahs.
listen t th trainer talk make m sians onl.
so rather bloggg lahs. HAHAHA(:
ie veh cool deh right. hahaha.
after workshop ..
went t meet him, with fanggg adn somebody lahs. (:
met him at hougang mall.
adn off we go t Somerset .. t Orchard Cineleisure again lahs. zzz .. .
supposingly, shoulddd watch movie deh. th Blades Of Glory.
budds, it happen tads it's selling so fast lahs.
so we droppp th idea of watching lorhs. zzz .. .
went t Long John, see him eateat.
at there slack until dont know how.
adn went back t MRT.
took MRT from Dhoby Ghaut t harbourfront adn back t Hougang.
YF alight at Serangoon.
while, me adn him at Hougang lahs. as usual ..
dhens today lehs.
norts planninggg of goinggg anwhere.
go homeee sleepp is th best. (:
shall endddd here lerhs. byes. (:
partner is leavinggg for france after midnight,
hopeee she enjoy adn stay safe lahs.
goddd bless her mann!
ie will miss her oneeee. LALALAS~
baby boy, thanks for pei-inggg me ytd.
wo hen ai ni o ..
now still missing yoos. hais):
reall hopeee t see yoos now lahs,
whatever it is; ie reall love yoos adn misses yoos alorts.
muackmuacks. :D
havent been blogging for a few days lerhs.
super lazy adn super tired.
bear with me urh. (:
cindy msg acg nbr msg me.
how saddd it it. ):
hahaha(: nbr minddd. at least ie know she's fine over there.
she's save. LALALAS~
haveee some dumbbb workshop ytd adn today.
now at Orchard Cineleisure blogging lahs.
listen t th trainer talk make m sians onl.
so rather bloggg lahs. HAHAHA(:
ie veh cool deh right. hahaha.
after workshop ..
went t meet him, with fanggg adn somebody lahs. (:
met him at hougang mall.
adn off we go t Somerset .. t Orchard Cineleisure again lahs. zzz .. .
supposingly, shoulddd watch movie deh. th Blades Of Glory.
budds, it happen tads it's selling so fast lahs.
so we droppp th idea of watching lorhs. zzz .. .
went t Long John, see him eateat.
at there slack until dont know how.
adn went back t MRT.
took MRT from Dhoby Ghaut t harbourfront adn back t Hougang.
YF alight at Serangoon.
while, me adn him at Hougang lahs. as usual ..
dhens today lehs.
norts planninggg of goinggg anwhere.
go homeee sleepp is th best. (:
shall endddd here lerhs. byes. (:
partner is leavinggg for france after midnight,
hopeee she enjoy adn stay safe lahs.
goddd bless her mann!
ie will miss her oneeee. LALALAS~
baby boy, thanks for pei-inggg me ytd.
wo hen ai ni o ..
now still missing yoos. hais):
reall hopeee t see yoos now lahs,
whatever it is; ie reall love yoos adn misses yoos alorts.
muackmuacks. :D
Sunday, May 27, 2007
hais. sadddd deh lorhs.
sales wasnt gooddd today.
wtf sehs.
first sales always belong t me adn fanggg.
we hadddd t take ourt money from our own pockets jus t satisfy ourselves.
adn tads darn supervisor lahs.
as usual lahs.
was late for work again. zzz .. .
ie deliberate want late oneee.
or else, will see those bengs&lians lahs.
ie reall dont liek seeing them actually.
no offence luh.
was late liek half an hour lahs.
andrew call us dont late again. LOL.
first sales were from fanggg&me.
we bought th split t eat.
ate 3 at oneee go.
ie KNEW ie getting fatter adn fatter.
budds, whads t do luh.
th first few hours, were a torturinggg oneee.
nobody wanna buy from us.
so yupppps, we slack, slack, slack.
took tonnes of photos lahs. LOL.
by then we were super tireddd lahs. wanna orhorh oneeee. LOL.
budds still,
we chionggg liek fcuk for th last hour.
from thirty plus shot up t seventy plus in jus half an hour.
*claps for me&fang* LOL.
when we decidedd t stop.
as usual, slack again.
adn playeddd th dryice lahs. HAHA(:
alsooo chattedddd alorts lahs.
was last t return th trolley lahs.
andrew say us again. walaoooos.
we know alread, we're always last in everything lahs. LOL.
later on,
countedd money ..
return t J8 lorhs.
slack abit at arcade. see people playplay. LOL.
saw CELESTE! walaooos. damn chio sehs. envy her!
reach homeee at eleven plus.
adn blogblog; use comp; sms; msn. HAHA(:
she's working.
she's hardworking.
no offence. LALALAS~
moree adn moreeee icecreams lahs.
three spilts.
adn oneee cornetto. 'M UBER FAT!
th darn dryice, we playinggg lahs. haha(:
all yanfang ..
cool norts .. HAHA(:
aint th doggg cute ?
it doesnt bark at all deh.
sales wasnt gooddd today.
wtf sehs.
first sales always belong t me adn fanggg.
we hadddd t take ourt money from our own pockets jus t satisfy ourselves.
adn tads darn supervisor lahs.
as usual lahs.
was late for work again. zzz .. .
ie deliberate want late oneee.
or else, will see those bengs&lians lahs.
ie reall dont liek seeing them actually.
no offence luh.
was late liek half an hour lahs.
andrew call us dont late again. LOL.
first sales were from fanggg&me.
we bought th split t eat.
ate 3 at oneee go.
ie KNEW ie getting fatter adn fatter.
budds, whads t do luh.
th first few hours, were a torturinggg oneee.
nobody wanna buy from us.
so yupppps, we slack, slack, slack.
took tonnes of photos lahs. LOL.
by then we were super tireddd lahs. wanna orhorh oneeee. LOL.
budds still,
we chionggg liek fcuk for th last hour.
from thirty plus shot up t seventy plus in jus half an hour.
*claps for me&fang* LOL.
when we decidedd t stop.
as usual, slack again.
adn playeddd th dryice lahs. HAHA(:
alsooo chattedddd alorts lahs.
was last t return th trolley lahs.
andrew say us again. walaoooos.
we know alread, we're always last in everything lahs. LOL.
later on,
countedd money ..
return t J8 lorhs.
slack abit at arcade. see people playplay. LOL.
saw CELESTE! walaooos. damn chio sehs. envy her!
reach homeee at eleven plus.
adn blogblog; use comp; sms; msn. HAHA(:
she's working.
she's hardworking.
no offence. LALALAS~
moree adn moreeee icecreams lahs.
three spilts.
adn oneee cornetto. 'M UBER FAT!
th darn dryice, we playinggg lahs. haha(:
all yanfang ..
cool norts .. HAHA(:
aint th doggg cute ?
it doesnt bark at all deh.
Friday, May 25, 2007
'm back! sorry friends, reall dont haveee th moodddd t blog.
'm getting lazier adn lazier alread. haha(:
updates for recent days lahs.
adn yupps~
some peepos adn me are looking for jobs lahs.
no oneeee want hire us, say we too young. =x
WTH! we're so oldddd~ norts younggg anmore lerhs lahs.
ytd went t Aljuniedddd with manda, wint moe adn zhemin.
went for tads darn interview thingy.
okays, ie reall norts interesteddd in it lahs.
jus hopeee he wont call. GODDD BLESS~!
all thanks t this.
fanggg&me were late for tads iceeecream thingy lahs.
biaaa cab down t mye house there,
as andrew call lerhs lorhs.
adn he let us wait for half adn hour.
shoulddd haveee took bus, insteaddd of cab. wtf!
yoos see, 'm reall broke. cab took mye money away. ):
were late for school.
secondddd perioddd dhens reach school. hahs.
Mrs.phua's lesson was over lerhs lahs.
dont care lahs. nothing much today, hearddd they all say.
after school,
supposingly shouldddd help in usheringgg lahs.
doinggg duties lorhs.
yoos see, students are with parents, so whads th point of ushering-.-
lame Mr.tan lahs. walao eh~
didnt do duties lahs.
everybody wasnt there too.
all went t makan, so alone with him chatchat.
fetch him t busstop there, adn pei him at 2.30 liek tads lahs.
cannot see him alread lahs .. make me so super duper ultraaa megaaaa SIANS~
ie misss him alread lahs. ): hais.
went t PS after tads darn duty.
adn after makan-ing with Delon adn CG at 1o7 lorhs.
thought of callinggg CG pei us go PS alsooooo deh.
in th end, he went home.
Delon adn Bernarddd went with us.
adn took photos lahs.
makan at Mac too. LALAs~
seperate with them at MRT.
adn went t Kovan buy shoeeee lorhs.
lazy t elaborate.
'm back! sorry friends, reall dont haveee th moodddd t blog.
'm getting lazier adn lazier alread. haha(:
updates for recent days lahs.
adn yupps~
some peepos adn me are looking for jobs lahs.
no oneeee want hire us, say we too young. =x
WTH! we're so oldddd~ norts younggg anmore lerhs lahs.
ytd went t Aljuniedddd with manda, wint moe adn zhemin.
went for tads darn interview thingy.
okays, ie reall norts interesteddd in it lahs.
jus hopeee he wont call. GODDD BLESS~!
all thanks t this.
fanggg&me were late for tads iceeecream thingy lahs.
biaaa cab down t mye house there,
as andrew call lerhs lorhs.
adn he let us wait for half adn hour.
shoulddd haveee took bus, insteaddd of cab. wtf!
yoos see, 'm reall broke. cab took mye money away. ):
were late for school.
secondddd perioddd dhens reach school. hahs.
Mrs.phua's lesson was over lerhs lahs.
dont care lahs. nothing much today, hearddd they all say.
after school,
supposingly shouldddd help in usheringgg lahs.
doinggg duties lorhs.
yoos see, students are with parents, so whads th point of ushering-.-
lame Mr.tan lahs. walao eh~
didnt do duties lahs.
everybody wasnt there too.
all went t makan, so alone with him chatchat.
fetch him t busstop there, adn pei him at 2.30 liek tads lahs.
cannot see him alread lahs .. make me so super duper ultraaa megaaaa SIANS~
ie misss him alread lahs. ): hais.
went t PS after tads darn duty.
adn after makan-ing with Delon adn CG at 1o7 lorhs.
thought of callinggg CG pei us go PS alsooooo deh.
in th end, he went home.
Delon adn Bernarddd went with us.
adn took photos lahs.
makan at Mac too. LALAs~
seperate with them at MRT.
adn went t Kovan buy shoeeee lorhs.
lazy t elaborate.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
hais): sadsad.
baobei mei is leaving for shandong tmr.
ie reall know ie will miss miss misss her so so so muchh lahs.
how goodddd can she be ?
wannaaaa bet whether she will buy things back for me luh ? LOL.
dhensdhens, partner is leaving for France next week.
missss her manymany too deh lahs.
stupiddd zhenzufu is leavinggg for HongKong too.
wth, everybody leaving S'pore.
leave me aloneee in S'pore. wtHELLLLL!
ie will ps everybody next year,
id ie gorts th chance t go t next year's humans trip.
oh well ..
hopeee they happyhappy.
adn spent their day fulfiledddd.
went t j8 with FAMILYTREEOF3E2,
with mye three jiujius, laopeh, yanfang adn zhenzufu. LOL.
went t j8 first lorhs.
findddd tads dumb present for laopeh.
budds, didnt get it. getting it tmr bahs. whatever. -.-
his present was super difficult t findddd. walao~
adn yeaaaas,
we went amk ave 1o afterwards.
play bball, yf didnt join luh.
she dont feel liek playing.
so its liek me, th same olddd pattern ..
shout everytime. -.- or rather scream lahs. HA-HA.
ie was in Weichi jiujiu adn Jiahao jiujiu's team.
while th other jiujiu, laopeh adn zhenzufu was another team.
ie thought we might lose.
budds, we won th three-guys team.
seriously sayingggg luh,
Jiahao adn Weichi jiujiu deh shootinggg damn gooddd lahs.
budds, their skills .. ahemahem*
went t tads person house slackslack.
nine plus dhens go home.
haveeee real fun day today.
bless me mann,
andrew want me adn yf back for th job.
takecares frienddddds.
boy, thanks for everything.
ie reall loveeeeee yoos alorts.
ie wanteddd yoos t be happy, so ie let yoos do whatever yoos want.
hen ai hen ai ni worhs. muackmuacks(:
baobei mei is leaving for shandong tmr.
ie reall know ie will miss miss misss her so so so muchh lahs.
how goodddd can she be ?
wannaaaa bet whether she will buy things back for me luh ? LOL.
dhensdhens, partner is leaving for France next week.
missss her manymany too deh lahs.
stupiddd zhenzufu is leavinggg for HongKong too.
wth, everybody leaving S'pore.
leave me aloneee in S'pore. wtHELLLLL!
ie will ps everybody next year,
id ie gorts th chance t go t next year's humans trip.
oh well ..
hopeee they happyhappy.
adn spent their day fulfiledddd.
went t j8 with FAMILYTREEOF3E2,
with mye three jiujius, laopeh, yanfang adn zhenzufu. LOL.
went t j8 first lorhs.
findddd tads dumb present for laopeh.
budds, didnt get it. getting it tmr bahs. whatever. -.-
his present was super difficult t findddd. walao~
adn yeaaaas,
we went amk ave 1o afterwards.
play bball, yf didnt join luh.
she dont feel liek playing.
so its liek me, th same olddd pattern ..
shout everytime. -.- or rather scream lahs. HA-HA.
ie was in Weichi jiujiu adn Jiahao jiujiu's team.
while th other jiujiu, laopeh adn zhenzufu was another team.
ie thought we might lose.
budds, we won th three-guys team.
seriously sayingggg luh,
Jiahao adn Weichi jiujiu deh shootinggg damn gooddd lahs.
budds, their skills .. ahemahem*
went t tads person house slackslack.
nine plus dhens go home.
haveeee real fun day today.
bless me mann,
andrew want me adn yf back for th job.
takecares frienddddds.
boy, thanks for everything.
ie reall loveeeeee yoos alorts.
ie wanteddd yoos t be happy, so ie let yoos do whatever yoos want.
hen ai hen ai ni worhs. muackmuacks(:
adn yeaaaas,
sorry ie didnt blog. LALALAS~
as ie say in mye dont know how many previousX10 deh post.
ie saidddd about th sex talk.
ie say ie will bringgg cotten wool or wahds sai.
adn th fact is, IE FALL ASLEEP! lalas~
ratnam nbr catch.
so ie slept for full HALF AN HOUR.
ie was gladddd lahs, although it's short-.-
ie slept straight after,
ie watchedddd finish th videoooo clip.
ie sweareddddd it's BORING! real boreddd lahs can.
whatever it is. dont careeee alsooo lahs. LALA~
partner going off t France next week,
ie will nbr see her online for TEN DAYS!
ie knew ie will missedddd her. haishais.
for th students&chers whu goingggg t France,
Bon Voyage luh, mus takecares. &&- blablablahhhhhhs. -.-
sorry ie didnt blog. LALALAS~
as ie say in mye dont know how many previousX10 deh post.
ie saidddd about th sex talk.
ie say ie will bringgg cotten wool or wahds sai.
adn th fact is, IE FALL ASLEEP! lalas~
ratnam nbr catch.
so ie slept for full HALF AN HOUR.
ie was gladddd lahs, although it's short-.-
ie slept straight after,
ie watchedddd finish th videoooo clip.
ie sweareddddd it's BORING! real boreddd lahs can.
whatever it is. dont careeee alsooo lahs. LALA~
partner going off t France next week,
ie will nbr see her online for TEN DAYS!
ie knew ie will missedddd her. haishais.
for th students&chers whu goingggg t France,
Bon Voyage luh, mus takecares. &&- blablablahhhhhhs. -.-
Sunday, May 20, 2007
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