&yeaaaas, first thing first. :DDD
&yes, it's both a great news&badddd news luhhh.
Gooood news is, he's 15 years olddd.
&badddd news is, he's older dhens me. shaggg-.-
&yeaaaas, presents norts bought yet, money! T.T
As usual,
Went schooool aloneee,
Cos YK forget t reminddd CLIQUE t meeeetup,
So we didnt meeeetup ? LOL.
Duty was changeee, budds, ie still sit behinddd 1a2,
Cos, ie dint even know it's change.
So yaaaas, whatever.
&yeaaaas, spotcheck for councillors is today.
Thank goddd, thanks Bertbert, she remindeddd me. :D
So 'm with long skirt&socks?
Yeaaaas, 'm guai for today onl. LOL
Miss.Tan dint catch me today,
She say mye skirt is longgg today,
&mye socks, are perfectly highhhh. :DDD
'm guaikiaa? LOL.
Gorts reprimanded&stuffs liek tads.
Went back t classroooom lateeee,
Around 0825am liek tads.
So didnt reall pay attention luhhhh. LOL.
Was chattinggg away lahhhhs, heeheeeees. xDDDDD
Went t Aircon roooom for SS luhhhh,
Damn scuks, bloooody colddd.
Bloooooody freezingggg,
BertBert was freeeeezinggg, so ie lent her mye jkt. :DDD
I still norts tads colddd actually. :DDD
Gorts back test3 marks,
Damn fcuk, 7/12?
Yeaaaas, ie didddd droppp until veh jialat luh.
Oh, how wonderful-.-
Shall buckup in th next test,
In orderrr t pull up mye CA marks. ):
Jayson wasnt in schooool today.
So went t have 'SGS Tour' for about 15mins?
Yeaaasa, went back t classss.
Askd GN t teachhh me Math,
&ie went t sleeeep after tads,
Woke up, bell rangggg, havinggg headache.
Cos sleeeeep tooo longgg, oh, so wonderful?
Went t recess with Mei they alll.
Fang dint taggeddd alonggg,
She doesnt want t grabbb any biteee luh.
Dint eat, cos tooo pooor?
See them eat&drink. zzzz .. .
I damn pooooor lahhhhs. ):
Having gastric after tads,
Budds, norts tads pain, so okays lerhs. :DDD
'm real guai alrights.
I followd whads cher do, &ie get everything right, :DDD
I haveeee full confidence tads ie will pass mye POA Test, this timeee round.
We shall seeeee. :DDDD
Cheerios for me! xDDDD
SS again,
Damn sians, went t washroooom first before goinggg t aircon rooom.
Was kindarhhhs latee ?
Mr.Wong was scoldinggg people,
Lucky, nbr kenaaa on whads. LOL.
Forget t bringgg textboook down,
So shareee with bytch. LOL.
Crap&joke with Adnama&bytch.
Siansss lahhhs, timee passes damn slow luhhhh. -.-
Hadddd test, totally clueeeless,
Dont know how t do, hais. ): 'm soso dumb. )':
ANyhow do, &slept.
Sleeeep until veh songgg till after schooool,
Collect paper&stufffs.
Dint went down t eat,
Budds, insteaddd help Johan Goodfriend, copy sentences again&again.
'm a gooood frienddd kays. :DDDD
Helpd him, &let him relaX. lol.
Had English Common Test,
Super difficult for me. Damn shaggg. ):
ONl know how do PassageB,
PassageA, totally buanggg for me. GODDD BLESS!
After common test,
Waitd for BertBert&Bytch,
As they chiongg-ingg their English proj,
With onl th pathetic 10mins?
Well, blamed th library for closinggg so fcukinggg early.
Awwwwws, BOOOOOOS! >.
Went ourt of schooool,
&saw KaBeng, LOL.
Sweeeet lahhhhs dey. hahaha.
Walkd t circus there,
Went t Cartel t eateat.
&start t gossips&crappd.
Yeaaaas, Bert&Me GOSSIPS th most lahhhhs,
Tooook 315 with them,
&chionggg t HS immediately.
Was lateee luh, as usual. NO DETENTION! xDDDD
Ate chocolateee, &drawinggg in tuition class.
Cos, whads cher teach, is totally useless?
Cos, we norts learninggg anw. Oh, crappp! o.o
AhBen walkd me homeee today. :DDDD
Budds still, went t meet YK t slack.
Pei him go Point walkwalk, &buy his stuffs.
Went t seesee ThumbDrive,
Oh, holy crapppp. 'm soso brokeeee. ):
Supposeddd t meeeet YF, budds .. she is lazy lahhhs.
After tads,
Went homeeee, &walkd th wrongg way.
So walkd shortcurt go homeee,
Walkd past Playgrounddd,
People calld me,
I chuaaa tio.
Seesee, is Almonddd luh.
Chattd&slackd with Butter&AhXiang korhkorhs &&-; Daniel.
They damn crapppp lahhhhs,
Jokers toooo.
With them, was full of jokeee luh.
Talk alorts of thinggggs,
&Butter korhkorh pei me walkd t mye houseee downstair.
How kinddd of him. LOL.
Butter&AhXiang are officially mye GOD BROTHERS TODAY. :DDD
They wantd me t be their mei.
They are niceeeee, ie believed. :DDDD
Reachd homeee at 2325pm,
Tads all bahhhhhs!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
22 more days t MYE BIRTHDAY!
&followed by,
2 more days t Johan goooodfrienddd's birthday,
6 more days t Mr.Low's birthday,
7 more days t HuiLing ZhenZuMu's birthday,
9 more days t TWK's birthday (how on earth ie rmb his birthday?)
11 more days t NATIONAL DAY!
12 more days t mye Auntie's Birthday,
20 more days t NuEr&NuXu's 3rd Month Anniversary {congrats},
21 more days t Ederlyn's Birthday,
22 more days t MYE BIRTHDAY,
23 more days t V.KorhKorh&G.Didi's birthday,
27 more days t Flag Day,
31 more days t GYF's birthday.
Readers may ignore this post,
Cos 'm jus practically boliaooo,
¬hinggg t do,
Despite 'm havinggg MathTest tmr. shagggg-.-
Back t topic?
Yeaaaas, woke up&as usual.
Watch television&stuffs liek tads,
Super slackd, super boliaooo.
Dint managd t meeeet up with YK&Bert,
Cos mye mum, dont let me go ourt,
Even is Hgpt. Arssss. ):
Now ie totally dontknow how t do th Math qns.
See lerhhhhs, alsooo liek siansss ji puaa.
POA? it's quite manageable now,
I reall haveeee t pay attention nahhhhs. zzz .. .
Wednesday, is POA Test,
Blessd me&ie mus pass lahhhhs.
Heeheeeees. xDDDDDD
So, as usual.
I haveee nothinggg t bloggg lahhhhs.
Siannnns. =/
Will try t post up picts,
Id 'm norts lazy enoughhh. :DDDD
Will updateee this post again,
At th enddd of today. :DDDD
Next Week:
Monday - MathTest&English CommonTest
Tuesday - Mother Tongue Test
Wednesday - POA Test
Thursday - History Test
Friday - 'm freeeeee. :DDD
This part, yoooos all can dont readddd.
It's onl for mye own reference. :DDDD
- Today, 1930 - High School Musical, on Channel5.
-Before Next Friday[030807] - Chiongggg Englishhhh Proj.
- Before next week, or th week after th next, have t celebrate finish Asaad&Johan's birthdays, &buyinggg of their present.
- Buyingggg of Bytch's present t be done asap.
- Before National Day, Chionggggg History Proj&Buy Thumbdriveeee.
- Before 210807 - had t buy Zippo Lighter&Spade Shirt,
&Engravingggg of names by Didi'sFriend t be done.
- Change specs, as birthday present for myself, id ie gorts th money.
- Or, made skin for w850, id ie gorts th money.
- After Birthday, Madeee IC with G.Didi&GYF.
- Cutting of hair before or after mye birthday. :DDD
Yeaaaaas, tads alll.
I haveeee t start savingggg&stuffs.
Haveee t be deity for th rest of next month. ):
edited post-
&yes, 'm back t blogggg. :DDD
Jus watch finish HighSchoolMusical on Channel5,
I sweard it's niceee alrights.
It's niceee lahhhhs, actualllly. :DDD
Tmr havingggg Math Test,
Oh, How wonderful.
Do bless me alrights.
'm norts goinggg t flunggg any moreeee test.
I dont want any moreeee reddd marks insideee mye report booook.
&yuppppps, tmr, those seniors are goinggg t haveee their mock exams.
Wish me all th best, &goooood luck. :DDD
Hais, ie cant imagine myself,
Into this kinddd of situation next year.
Oh. holy hell.
Nbr mindddd, 'm gonnnnaaaa study harddd. :DDD
&alsoooo, save money. hais, there's lortsa thinggg undone.
Shall endddd here liaooo,
22 more days t MYE BIRTHDAY!
&followed by,
2 more days t Johan goooodfrienddd's birthday,
6 more days t Mr.Low's birthday,
7 more days t HuiLing ZhenZuMu's birthday,
9 more days t TWK's birthday (how on earth ie rmb his birthday?)
11 more days t NATIONAL DAY!
12 more days t mye Auntie's Birthday,
20 more days t NuEr&NuXu's 3rd Month Anniversary {congrats},
21 more days t Ederlyn's Birthday,
22 more days t MYE BIRTHDAY,
23 more days t V.KorhKorh&G.Didi's birthday,
27 more days t Flag Day,
31 more days t GYF's birthday.
Readers may ignore this post,
Cos 'm jus practically boliaooo,
¬hinggg t do,
Despite 'm havinggg MathTest tmr. shagggg-.-
Back t topic?
Yeaaaas, woke up&as usual.
Watch television&stuffs liek tads,
Super slackd, super boliaooo.
Dint managd t meeeet up with YK&Bert,
Cos mye mum, dont let me go ourt,
Even is Hgpt. Arssss. ):
Now ie totally dontknow how t do th Math qns.
See lerhhhhs, alsooo liek siansss ji puaa.
POA? it's quite manageable now,
I reall haveeee t pay attention nahhhhs. zzz .. .
Wednesday, is POA Test,
Blessd me&ie mus pass lahhhhs.
Heeheeeees. xDDDDDD
So, as usual.
I haveee nothinggg t bloggg lahhhhs.
Siannnns. =/
Will try t post up picts,
Id 'm norts lazy enoughhh. :DDDD
Will updateee this post again,
At th enddd of today. :DDDD
Next Week:
Monday - MathTest&English CommonTest
Tuesday - Mother Tongue Test
Wednesday - POA Test
Thursday - History Test
Friday - 'm freeeeee. :DDD
This part, yoooos all can dont readddd.
It's onl for mye own reference. :DDDD
- Today, 1930 - High School Musical, on Channel5.
-Before Next Friday[030807] - Chiongggg Englishhhh Proj.
- Before next week, or th week after th next, have t celebrate finish Asaad&Johan's birthdays, &buyinggg of their present.
- Buyingggg of Bytch's present t be done asap.
- Before National Day, Chionggggg History Proj&Buy Thumbdriveeee.
- Before 210807 - had t buy Zippo Lighter&Spade Shirt,
&Engravingggg of names by Didi'sFriend t be done.
- Change specs, as birthday present for myself, id ie gorts th money.
- Or, made skin for w850, id ie gorts th money.
- After Birthday, Madeee IC with G.Didi&GYF.
- Cutting of hair before or after mye birthday. :DDD
Yeaaaaas, tads alll.
I haveeee t start savingggg&stuffs.
Haveee t be deity for th rest of next month. ):
edited post-
&yes, 'm back t blogggg. :DDD
Jus watch finish HighSchoolMusical on Channel5,
I sweard it's niceee alrights.
It's niceee lahhhhs, actualllly. :DDD
Tmr havingggg Math Test,
Oh, How wonderful.
Do bless me alrights.
'm norts goinggg t flunggg any moreeee test.
I dont want any moreeee reddd marks insideee mye report booook.
&yuppppps, tmr, those seniors are goinggg t haveee their mock exams.
Wish me all th best, &goooood luck. :DDD
Hais, ie cant imagine myself,
Into this kinddd of situation next year.
Oh. holy hell.
Nbr mindddd, 'm gonnnnaaaa study harddd. :DDD
&alsoooo, save money. hais, there's lortsa thinggg undone.
Shall endddd here liaooo,
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Before ie start sayinggg any crappppy things.
I haveee t do somethingggg first. :DDDD
Okays, ie will start now. :DDD
Was waken up by father,
Blooooody arss. >:[
Budds, thanks him tooooo. xDDDD
Cos, by right, today haveee th Youth Mediation Course @ Suntec.
Dhens, was meetingggg mye fellow councillors @ AMK MRT Stn.
Yeaaaas, supposeeee t meet them at seven.
&ie woke up at 6.45am.
Oh, how wonderful!
Shouldddd yoooos clap for me ? -.-
Prepare, prepare.
&was going ourt @ 7am exactly.
Yeaaaas, ie dont haveeee time management lahhhhs.
Blameee myself, sleeeeeping infront of comp,
&norts adjusting alarm.
Oh, crappppp! ):
Reachd there @ 7.25 liek tads,
Blooooody sheit.
Shona, GN&YF was waitingggg for me lahhhhhs!
Th rest, tooook MRT t CityHall lerhs. o.o
Nbr minddd, 'm norts last anw.
OUR 'YIPO', ONGPEITING (supposee t be LamPeiTing, was changd t ONG, for some reasons,LOL),
WAS LATER THAN ME!!! wahahahahah.
'm blooooody happpy tads 'm norts th last.
Budds, nbr minddd lahhhhs.
We all are happppy waitingggg for each other.
Patience, yoooos know.
We six traind t CityHall tgt,
&then, met Mr.Yap @ th entrance of Suntec there,
Met TWK otw. Damn suay?
LBB(liau bertbert), OPT(ong peiting), GYF&Me,
Chionggg t eat breakfast.
Cos toooo hungry?
Yeaaaas, hungry ghosts, yoooooos see. :DDD
We four bought th same set of breakfast,
Cos we dint even know, whads th other sets of breakfast is. LOL.
Went up t Convention Hall,
&settled down.
Th Course start&blahhhhhs.
Crappppping, &openinggg address.
&blahhhhs, teachinggg of peer mediation.
&blahhhhs, skits. xDDDDDDDd
Th skits were niceee. Super funny. :DD
I loveee Skits 1&2, budds. norts 3. Heehees. xDDDD
Went for TeaBreak,
&all of us, ate tgt.
We tooook fooood for each other.
&ended up, @our areaaa,
Gorts moreee than twenty plates? LOL.
Cleand up&stuffs.
GN, YF&Me, went offf t th washrooooom.
Settleddd down first,
&th course resume.
Damn sians as usual.
Hadddd groupwork discussions.
&they repeat th 3skits in a more shorter timeee.
Th forwardedd-skits are moreeee funnnny.
I still rmb, th quote,"son, you suck".
I know, tads th most hilarioussss part,
I laughd until pengggg.
Had groupwork discussion.
&was groupd with MandaiZoo(Zul), Menu(GN, as she call herself meinu-.-), Night Safari(Zwi), GYF&Shawnkie. LOL.
They damn crapppppy lahhhhs.
Whooooos~!~!~ LOVEEE THEM!
After tads, had panel of dont know whads sai.
&blahhhhhs, &blahhhhs, &blahhhhhs ... ....
Everythinggg endedddd,
&haddd token of dontknow whads. LOL.
Was chatting with MandaiZoo, cos was sitting with him.
Talk about his ex&mye ex.
&his current steadddd.
Well, They both are 3months.
Tads longgg enuff for me. :DDDD
Yeaaaaas, c'mon. LOL
Filld in evaluation forms&stuffs.
Craps luh.
Saw Anna, JiaYing, Andrew&their fellow hougeans.
They were shockd lahhhhs,
Anna, nearly couldnt recognises me.
All chiobu lerhhhh sehs.
Badeee farewell t them&our schooool councilors.
Tooook 133 back t AMK.
Was sleeeepinggg throughourt,
&YK keeep on smsing me, where t meeeet. -.-
Damn superrrr zzzz ..
Cos cannnnot sleeeep peacefully.HIYAAA!
Alight-eddd, &cross over t th other sideee.
T takeeee 88 t bishan meeeet JW&YK.
Meeet up with th seller,
&then meeeet them.
Went t LJS t eat,
&again, ie forces them t eat. -.-
We four, once moreee.
Became deity again-.-
Went t walkd arounddd.
&demandingggg anime t be bought by eachhh other, AS PRESENT.
Siaoooo oneeee.
Everythinggg becameee damn funnny,
When GYF&NYK became fightinggg.
Haha, ie join in, followd by JW.
Superrrrr arss FUNNNNNY.
Bus-edd back homeee,
&watch tv.
Finishd, &'m here bloggggging. :DDDD
Tads allll! BYEEEEEEES!
Before ie start sayinggg any crappppy things.
I haveee t do somethingggg first. :DDDD
Okays, ie will start now. :DDD
Was waken up by father,
Blooooody arss. >:[
Budds, thanks him tooooo. xDDDD
Cos, by right, today haveee th Youth Mediation Course @ Suntec.
Dhens, was meetingggg mye fellow councillors @ AMK MRT Stn.
Yeaaaas, supposeeee t meet them at seven.
&ie woke up at 6.45am.
Oh, how wonderful!
Shouldddd yoooos clap for me ? -.-
Prepare, prepare.
&was going ourt @ 7am exactly.
Yeaaaas, ie dont haveeee time management lahhhhs.
Blameee myself, sleeeeeping infront of comp,
&norts adjusting alarm.
Oh, crappppp! ):
Reachd there @ 7.25 liek tads,
Blooooody sheit.
Shona, GN&YF was waitingggg for me lahhhhhs!
Th rest, tooook MRT t CityHall lerhs. o.o
Nbr minddd, 'm norts last anw.
OUR 'YIPO', ONGPEITING (supposee t be LamPeiTing, was changd t ONG, for some reasons,LOL),
WAS LATER THAN ME!!! wahahahahah.
'm blooooody happpy tads 'm norts th last.
Budds, nbr minddd lahhhhs.
We all are happppy waitingggg for each other.
Patience, yoooos know.
We six traind t CityHall tgt,
&then, met Mr.Yap @ th entrance of Suntec there,
Met TWK otw. Damn suay?
LBB(liau bertbert), OPT(ong peiting), GYF&Me,
Chionggg t eat breakfast.
Cos toooo hungry?
Yeaaaas, hungry ghosts, yoooooos see. :DDD
We four bought th same set of breakfast,
Cos we dint even know, whads th other sets of breakfast is. LOL.
Went up t Convention Hall,
&settled down.
Th Course start&blahhhhhs.
Crappppping, &openinggg address.
&blahhhhs, teachinggg of peer mediation.
&blahhhhs, skits. xDDDDDDDd
Th skits were niceee. Super funny. :DD
I loveee Skits 1&2, budds. norts 3. Heehees. xDDDD
Went for TeaBreak,
&all of us, ate tgt.
We tooook fooood for each other.
&ended up, @our areaaa,
Gorts moreee than twenty plates? LOL.
Cleand up&stuffs.
GN, YF&Me, went offf t th washrooooom.
Settleddd down first,
&th course resume.
Damn sians as usual.
Hadddd groupwork discussions.
&they repeat th 3skits in a more shorter timeee.
Th forwardedd-skits are moreeee funnnny.
I still rmb, th quote,"son, you suck".
I know, tads th most hilarioussss part,
I laughd until pengggg.
Had groupwork discussion.
&was groupd with MandaiZoo(Zul), Menu(GN, as she call herself meinu-.-), Night Safari(Zwi), GYF&Shawnkie. LOL.
They damn crapppppy lahhhhs.
Whooooos~!~!~ LOVEEE THEM!
After tads, had panel of dont know whads sai.
&blahhhhhs, &blahhhhs, &blahhhhhs ... ....
Everythinggg endedddd,
&haddd token of dontknow whads. LOL.
Was chatting with MandaiZoo, cos was sitting with him.
Talk about his ex&mye ex.
&his current steadddd.
Well, They both are 3months.
Tads longgg enuff for me. :DDDD
Yeaaaaas, c'mon. LOL
Filld in evaluation forms&stuffs.
Craps luh.
Saw Anna, JiaYing, Andrew&their fellow hougeans.
They were shockd lahhhhs,
Anna, nearly couldnt recognises me.
All chiobu lerhhhh sehs.
Badeee farewell t them&our schooool councilors.
Tooook 133 back t AMK.
Was sleeeepinggg throughourt,
&YK keeep on smsing me, where t meeeet. -.-
Damn superrrr zzzz ..
Cos cannnnot sleeeep peacefully.HIYAAA!
Alight-eddd, &cross over t th other sideee.
T takeeee 88 t bishan meeeet JW&YK.
Meeet up with th seller,
&then meeeet them.
Went t LJS t eat,
&again, ie forces them t eat. -.-
We four, once moreee.
Became deity again-.-
Went t walkd arounddd.
&demandingggg anime t be bought by eachhh other, AS PRESENT.
Siaoooo oneeee.
Everythinggg becameee damn funnny,
When GYF&NYK became fightinggg.
Haha, ie join in, followd by JW.
Superrrrr arss FUNNNNNY.
Bus-edd back homeee,
&watch tv.
Finishd, &'m here bloggggging. :DDDD
Tads allll! BYEEEEEEES!
Friday, July 27, 2007
&this is th 301th post of mye bloggg. :DDD
As usual&stuffs,
Went t schooool&blahhhhs,
Budds, didnt met up with YK today.
As usual lahhhs,
He neeeed early go schoool open NPRoom.
Whu call him is LogHead (Mu Tou,lol)
Do duty&stuffs,
Zwi keeep on begging me, t let him sit behinddd.
Being suchaa a nicenice senior,
Of cos, ie let him lahhhhs.
Fifi alsooo sit behinddd. Damn lameeee. -.-
Sit infront damn weirddd,
Budds, still was use t it lahhhhs.
Weather is damn coldddd as usual.
Fcuk th weather mannnn! >:[
First two periodddd was math,
&we reachd classrooooom @ 0804am. LOL.
Cos of, our 'kind&friendly' principal,
@there, talk talk talk ..
Alsoooo dont know why talk so muchhh. BUAY TAHANNN!
@class, msg, msg, msg.
Dint get caught today.
How smart jessicaaa is.
Budddds, bearbear caught me onceee during PCCG periodddd. -.-
Had groupwork during seconddd period.
Nearly quarrel with TWK again.
Omg, ie blooooody wannaaa whack him by th face.
Super irritatingggg. -.-
Act lihai, act everything.
Why norts, go act gay alsooo. -.-
Act taijian, super steadyyy oneeee.
Had englishhhh again,
Went t washroooom with GYF,
Budddds, all occupieddd.
Cos LowerSec recess.
Damn arsss lahhhhhs!
Bumpd into V.korhkorh,
Budds still, as usual.
Dint say hi or whadddds.
Hais, sorrrry lahhhh!
I mus reall pluck up mye courageeee deh.
Th best is, he say hi t me insteadddd.
Dhens, everythinggg will be settleddd. LOL
At there tieee hair niahhhs.
Cos hair messy,
Jayson jiu say me want me model.
Hai me so ps. Fcuker. >:[
I didnt even see other cher saying liek tads.
Yooooos jiu liek tads say me.
Arssss yoooos lahhhs, yooos this shietty faceee. ._.
Recess again.
Ate burger.
&pei ACG go buy drinks for Sheena&mei.
I drank mei deh. HAhahaha.
Went t finddd YK they all.
Want return him, his hp.
Budddds, msg keeeep on cominggg in.
So after schooool, dhens return him. LOL.
Saw V.korhkorh again.
Damn arsssss.
He's eating, so dint see me. HAHAHAHA.
Fight with Gordon didi ourtsideee 4t2 class there deh corridor.
He pinchhh me.
Stupiddd didi bulllly sister onl. =/
I bet oneee day,
I will pinch didi backkk. HAHAHA.
Super guai today.
Get whads Mrs.Phua taught.
'm sososo SMART today!
Complete POA worksheeeet.
Last periodddd,
Super slackd.
Sang National Day Songs with BertBert, Johan goodfriend, Brother&Sasa.
Super funfun. :DDDD
Sanggg other stupiddd dumbdumb songgg alsooo.
Liek, Elmo's song, Old Mcdonald, London bridge is falling down &etcetc.
Super slackd&funfun. :DDDD
Next week, PCCG lesson will be lesson time.
Sians ji puaaa lahhhhs.
zzzz . ..
After schooool,
Went t 1o7, with Bytch, JW&Brother.
Bytch abit siaoooo,
Keeeeep on sayinggg ie her BF.
Siaoooo oneee,
Sent her off from coffeeshop.
Bade farewell. LOL.
Shoulddd be makan at 1o7.
Budds, JW&Me onl drink Milo Dinosaur.
Cos, no money. T.T
We can be deity liaoooo.
Cos deity dont eat deh. LOL.
We both &YK is super broke. LOL.
Went back t schooool t play Bballl.
&then t classroooom t slackd.
Slept throughourt.
Slept an hour adn plus.
With JW, YF&Brother chattting.
'm a PIGGGG! Hais. LOL.
Later on,
Went downnn t canteen, see th NDP Rehearsal.
LOL, AhGong's voiceee was loudddd,
KF's voice alsooo loudddd.
No wonder they commandddd. LOL.
Saw mei, she is super duper ultraaa megaaa small sizeeee in her Guides' uni.
Dont know why, she shrank ? OMG. lol.
Bade farewell t JL, Van&Jana,
&went t 1o7 be deity again. -.-
Cos no money. So went t sit at other placeee instead.
Shoulddd be waitinggg for YK,
Go homeee tgt.
Budddds, he still meeting.
So forget it, ie went homeee first.
Tmr, still have course. Damn sheit.
7am, meeeeet at AMK.
Oh, how wonderful. -.-
I want sleepsleeeep alsooo cnt. ):
&maybe ourtingggg with CLIQUE.
See how bahhhhs,
Cos didi wasnt with us tmr toooo.
He gorts NDP paradeee. zzz..
Maybe meeting JW&YK luh. LOL.
Maybe go play Bball alsooo.
Shall enddd here lerhhhs.
As usual&stuffs,
Went t schooool&blahhhhs,
Budds, didnt met up with YK today.
As usual lahhhs,
He neeeed early go schoool open NPRoom.
Whu call him is LogHead (Mu Tou,lol)
Do duty&stuffs,
Zwi keeep on begging me, t let him sit behinddd.
Being suchaa a nicenice senior,
Of cos, ie let him lahhhhs.
Fifi alsooo sit behinddd. Damn lameeee. -.-
Sit infront damn weirddd,
Budds, still was use t it lahhhhs.
Weather is damn coldddd as usual.
Fcuk th weather mannnn! >:[
First two periodddd was math,
&we reachd classrooooom @ 0804am. LOL.
Cos of, our 'kind&friendly' principal,
@there, talk talk talk ..
Alsoooo dont know why talk so muchhh. BUAY TAHANNN!
@class, msg, msg, msg.
Dint get caught today.
How smart jessicaaa is.
Budddds, bearbear caught me onceee during PCCG periodddd. -.-
Had groupwork during seconddd period.
Nearly quarrel with TWK again.
Omg, ie blooooody wannaaa whack him by th face.
Super irritatingggg. -.-
Act lihai, act everything.
Why norts, go act gay alsooo. -.-
Act taijian, super steadyyy oneeee.
Had englishhhh again,
Went t washroooom with GYF,
Budddds, all occupieddd.
Cos LowerSec recess.
Damn arsss lahhhhhs!
Bumpd into V.korhkorh,
Budds still, as usual.
Dint say hi or whadddds.
Hais, sorrrry lahhhh!
I mus reall pluck up mye courageeee deh.
Th best is, he say hi t me insteadddd.
Dhens, everythinggg will be settleddd. LOL
At there tieee hair niahhhs.
Cos hair messy,
Jayson jiu say me want me model.
Hai me so ps. Fcuker. >:[
I didnt even see other cher saying liek tads.
Yooooos jiu liek tads say me.
Arssss yoooos lahhhs, yooos this shietty faceee. ._.
Recess again.
Ate burger.
&pei ACG go buy drinks for Sheena&mei.
I drank mei deh. HAhahaha.
Went t finddd YK they all.
Want return him, his hp.
Budddds, msg keeeep on cominggg in.
So after schooool, dhens return him. LOL.
Saw V.korhkorh again.
Damn arsssss.
He's eating, so dint see me. HAHAHAHA.
Fight with Gordon didi ourtsideee 4t2 class there deh corridor.
He pinchhh me.
Stupiddd didi bulllly sister onl. =/
I bet oneee day,
I will pinch didi backkk. HAHAHA.
Super guai today.
Get whads Mrs.Phua taught.
'm sososo SMART today!
Complete POA worksheeeet.
Last periodddd,
Super slackd.
Sang National Day Songs with BertBert, Johan goodfriend, Brother&Sasa.
Super funfun. :DDDD
Sanggg other stupiddd dumbdumb songgg alsooo.
Liek, Elmo's song, Old Mcdonald, London bridge is falling down &etcetc.
Super slackd&funfun. :DDDD
Next week, PCCG lesson will be lesson time.
Sians ji puaaa lahhhhs.
zzzz . ..
After schooool,
Went t 1o7, with Bytch, JW&Brother.
Bytch abit siaoooo,
Keeeeep on sayinggg ie her BF.
Siaoooo oneee,
Sent her off from coffeeshop.
Bade farewell. LOL.
Shoulddd be makan at 1o7.
Budds, JW&Me onl drink Milo Dinosaur.
Cos, no money. T.T
We can be deity liaoooo.
Cos deity dont eat deh. LOL.
We both &YK is super broke. LOL.
Went back t schooool t play Bballl.
&then t classroooom t slackd.
Slept throughourt.
Slept an hour adn plus.
With JW, YF&Brother chattting.
'm a PIGGGG! Hais. LOL.
Later on,
Went downnn t canteen, see th NDP Rehearsal.
LOL, AhGong's voiceee was loudddd,
KF's voice alsooo loudddd.
No wonder they commandddd. LOL.
Saw mei, she is super duper ultraaa megaaa small sizeeee in her Guides' uni.
Dont know why, she shrank ? OMG. lol.
Bade farewell t JL, Van&Jana,
&went t 1o7 be deity again. -.-
Cos no money. So went t sit at other placeee instead.
Shoulddd be waitinggg for YK,
Go homeee tgt.
Budddds, he still meeting.
So forget it, ie went homeee first.
Tmr, still have course. Damn sheit.
7am, meeeeet at AMK.
Oh, how wonderful. -.-
I want sleepsleeeep alsooo cnt. ):
&maybe ourtingggg with CLIQUE.
See how bahhhhs,
Cos didi wasnt with us tmr toooo.
He gorts NDP paradeee. zzz..
Maybe meeting JW&YK luh. LOL.
Maybe go play Bball alsooo.
Shall enddd here lerhhhs.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Back t blogggggg. :DDD
Miss me ? Miss me ? (oh,crap)
Yeaaaaas, dint blogggg ytd. Sorry lahhhhhhs! xD
Was too tiredddd ? Pon English tuition still.
Thanks mum, for lettingggg me t quit.
It's obvious, ie super hateeee Wednesday classss. BOOOOOOO! >:[
I loveeeee monday's class,
Cos gorts SexyBaby, Jiaqi, AhBen, ZY, Andy, JQ, JK they alll.
Super fun lahhhhhs cannnnn!
&tads super crappppppy Mr.Tan. LOL.
Oh wellwell,
Back t topic.
There's nothingggg much t bloggggg about ytd.
Everythinggg was a TOTAL CRAPPPPP!
SLept during POA lesson,
Mrs.Phua wantedddd me t loooook for her after schoooool.
Oh, how wonderful.
She talkd t me, about some stuffffs.
Oh, well. I tryyyy t change alrights.
I know ie dint haveee a goooood learning attitudeeee either.
I will try t changeeee. :D
&ie certainly know 0lvl is jus next yearrrr.
Mrs.Phua alsoooo taught me some basic thingggg all over again,
I bet ie will pass th next POA test. :DDDD
Well, ie gorts confidence. :DDDDD
Haha, ie promised mye friends,
T study hardddd, &mugggg for exams.
I will, means ie willlll. :DDDDDDD
I pon th Council Leadership module tooooo.
Cos met Mrs.Phua, so didnt manageddd t go.
&cos, of tads fcuking arssholeeee tuition teacher.
Call me early go tuition,
As ie pon tuition for 2wks?
&call me is a MUST t go for ytd's lesson.
Budds well, ie reall hadddd no interest in it lahhhhhh!. ):
So, in th enddddd.
I still pon ytd's lessooon.
So ytd, slept quite early infront of comp. -.-
Sleepppp until songsong. WOOOOOLALA~!~!~!~!~!~
Early in th morng, met YK go schoooool tgt.
Ytd, he was late for 15mins,
So ie toooook mye revenge todayyy. :DDDD
I met him at 6.50am,
'm 20mins lateeeee. xDDDDDD
Still managedddd t reach schooool punctually lahhhhs.
Met JW alsoooo,
Cos he cameeee lateee t schooool today.
We waitd for him @ th busstopppp. :DDDD
Phoneddd Didi toooo,
Budds, he dint answer. So dint careee toooo much.
Went t meeeeet BertBert as wellll.
Walkd t th convenience shopppp @ 1o7,
&bought mye Mentos coooool mint. :DDDD
Want buy eclipse deh. Budddds, no Spearmint.
Reachd schoooool,
Hengheng lights offff, so ie chaseeee th students off from corridors.
'm a goooood councillor. :DDDDDD
Saw mye qingaide. WOOOLALALA~
I loveeee her! :DDD
Pledge taking&stufffs. BLAAAAS~
Blaaaaas, lazy t elaborateeee. Haha.
Supposed tads all group leaders shoulddd meet BearBear.
&ie shouldnt be there,
Cos WC jiujiu was busy,
So ie helpd him ourt by meeting BEarBEar,
Since ie alsooo neeeeed meet him whads.
Th reat, &those helpful&kinddd persons liek ME!,
Went t helpddd alsooo lahhhs.
Nearly quarrel with TeoWeiKeat, he totally pissd me offff,
Thought he BIGGG, so whads.
Sorry babes, yoooos all shoulddd know mye temper no gooood deh.
So it's easy for me t quarrel with GUYS LIEK TWK,
I reall bwg, arghhhhhhhs~!~!~!!~
He's attitude, He's action-ness.
Woo, can pissd me off liek siaoooo.
YM nearly quarrel with himmm toooo.
I know ie shouldnt do tads,
Budds, yooooos know ..
I cant control mye temper lahhhhs,
I can jus blast offfff anytime, anyday deh lahhhh!
Went t Swensens' again,
Budds with BearBear, YF&YM.
Crappd alsoooo lahhhhs.
Super full luh. Dint eat icecream today. ):
Budds, gorts cheeeeese cannn lerhs. xDDDDD
Reachd homeee @ around 8pm liek taddddds.
&'m here bloggingggg again. LOL.
Tads alllll! BYEEEEEEES~!~!~!
TWK, yoooos shoulddd know ie haveee a baddd temper,
&yoooos still at there kpkb me,
It's norts fun alrighhhhts,
Th fact is, ie dint even touchhh th measuring tapeeee,
&yoooos still @ there kp me,
Fcuk offf lahhhs can.
It's norts a jokeee or whads.
I can simply treat it as a jokeee,
Budds, your attitudeeee is damn sucks.
&how yoooos talk t me,
It's liek wannnnaaa finddd troubleee liek tads,
Do yoooos ever know tads,
Tads veh moment, ie wishd t slappp yooos by your face??
Yeaaaas, yoooos knew it, S-L-A-P ie meant!
I guess yoooos nbr see how ie scolddd people,
Oh well,
Duringgg this two years with yooos in a SAME CLASS,
I think, yooos will see me shoutinggg at yooos,
Mindddd yoooos,
I alread veh dulan with yoooos lerhs.
If yooooos kp me again,
I cant promiseeee ie wont quarrel with yoooos.
It's jus a fcuking few days ?
We're still of th sameee ageee,
Onl yooos 7th, &'m 20th.
There's alorts of people older than me,
Budds, ie didnt see other people keeppp on telling th WHOLE WORLD,
So stopppp your crapp,
&jus shuddup alrights.
'm jus younger than yooos by abit.
Dont expect me t RESPECT yooooos or whads.
Id yooooos respect me,
'm sureee ie will respect yoooos back.
&'m sureee ie will treat yooos liek how yoooos treat me.
SO MYOB alrighhhhhhts.
Miss me ? Miss me ? (oh,crap)
Yeaaaaas, dint blogggg ytd. Sorry lahhhhhhs! xD
Was too tiredddd ? Pon English tuition still.
Thanks mum, for lettingggg me t quit.
It's obvious, ie super hateeee Wednesday classss. BOOOOOOO! >:[
I loveeeee monday's class,
Cos gorts SexyBaby, Jiaqi, AhBen, ZY, Andy, JQ, JK they alll.
Super fun lahhhhhs cannnnn!
&tads super crappppppy Mr.Tan. LOL.
Oh wellwell,
Back t topic.
There's nothingggg much t bloggggg about ytd.
Everythinggg was a TOTAL CRAPPPPP!
SLept during POA lesson,
Mrs.Phua wantedddd me t loooook for her after schoooool.
Oh, how wonderful.
She talkd t me, about some stuffffs.
Oh, well. I tryyyy t change alrights.
I know ie dint haveee a goooood learning attitudeeee either.
I will try t changeeee. :D
&ie certainly know 0lvl is jus next yearrrr.
Mrs.Phua alsoooo taught me some basic thingggg all over again,
I bet ie will pass th next POA test. :DDDD
Well, ie gorts confidence. :DDDDD
Haha, ie promised mye friends,
T study hardddd, &mugggg for exams.
I will, means ie willlll. :DDDDDDD
I pon th Council Leadership module tooooo.
Cos met Mrs.Phua, so didnt manageddd t go.
&cos, of tads fcuking arssholeeee tuition teacher.
Call me early go tuition,
As ie pon tuition for 2wks?
&call me is a MUST t go for ytd's lesson.
Budds well, ie reall hadddd no interest in it lahhhhhh!. ):
So, in th enddddd.
I still pon ytd's lessooon.
So ytd, slept quite early infront of comp. -.-
Sleepppp until songsong. WOOOOOLALA~!~!~!~!~!~
Early in th morng, met YK go schoooool tgt.
Ytd, he was late for 15mins,
So ie toooook mye revenge todayyy. :DDDD
I met him at 6.50am,
'm 20mins lateeeee. xDDDDDD
Still managedddd t reach schooool punctually lahhhhs.
Met JW alsoooo,
Cos he cameeee lateee t schooool today.
We waitd for him @ th busstopppp. :DDDD
Phoneddd Didi toooo,
Budds, he dint answer. So dint careee toooo much.
Went t meeeeet BertBert as wellll.
Walkd t th convenience shopppp @ 1o7,
&bought mye Mentos coooool mint. :DDDD
Want buy eclipse deh. Budddds, no Spearmint.
Reachd schoooool,
Hengheng lights offff, so ie chaseeee th students off from corridors.
'm a goooood councillor. :DDDDDD
Saw mye qingaide. WOOOLALALA~
I loveeee her! :DDD
Pledge taking&stufffs. BLAAAAS~
Blaaaaas, lazy t elaborateeee. Haha.
Supposed tads all group leaders shoulddd meet BearBear.
&ie shouldnt be there,
Cos WC jiujiu was busy,
So ie helpd him ourt by meeting BEarBEar,
Since ie alsooo neeeeed meet him whads.
Th reat, &those helpful&kinddd persons liek ME!,
Went t helpddd alsooo lahhhs.
Nearly quarrel with TeoWeiKeat, he totally pissd me offff,
Thought he BIGGG, so whads.
Sorry babes, yoooos all shoulddd know mye temper no gooood deh.
So it's easy for me t quarrel with GUYS LIEK TWK,
I reall bwg, arghhhhhhhs~!~!~!!~
He's attitude, He's action-ness.
Woo, can pissd me off liek siaoooo.
YM nearly quarrel with himmm toooo.
I know ie shouldnt do tads,
Budds, yooooos know ..
I cant control mye temper lahhhhs,
I can jus blast offfff anytime, anyday deh lahhhh!
Went t Swensens' again,
Budds with BearBear, YF&YM.
Crappd alsoooo lahhhhs.
Super full luh. Dint eat icecream today. ):
Budds, gorts cheeeeese cannn lerhs. xDDDDD
Reachd homeee @ around 8pm liek taddddds.
&'m here bloggingggg again. LOL.
Tads alllll! BYEEEEEEES~!~!~!
TWK, yoooos shoulddd know ie haveee a baddd temper,
&yoooos still at there kpkb me,
It's norts fun alrighhhhts,
Th fact is, ie dint even touchhh th measuring tapeeee,
&yoooos still @ there kp me,
Fcuk offf lahhhs can.
It's norts a jokeee or whads.
I can simply treat it as a jokeee,
Budds, your attitudeeee is damn sucks.
&how yoooos talk t me,
It's liek wannnnaaa finddd troubleee liek tads,
Do yoooos ever know tads,
Tads veh moment, ie wishd t slappp yooos by your face??
Yeaaaas, yoooos knew it, S-L-A-P ie meant!
I guess yoooos nbr see how ie scolddd people,
Oh well,
Duringgg this two years with yooos in a SAME CLASS,
I think, yooos will see me shoutinggg at yooos,
Mindddd yoooos,
I alread veh dulan with yoooos lerhs.
If yooooos kp me again,
I cant promiseeee ie wont quarrel with yoooos.
It's jus a fcuking few days ?
We're still of th sameee ageee,
Onl yooos 7th, &'m 20th.
There's alorts of people older than me,
Budds, ie didnt see other people keeppp on telling th WHOLE WORLD,
So stopppp your crapp,
&jus shuddup alrights.
'm jus younger than yooos by abit.
Dont expect me t RESPECT yooooos or whads.
Id yooooos respect me,
'm sureee ie will respect yoooos back.
&'m sureee ie will treat yooos liek how yoooos treat me.
SO MYOB alrighhhhhhts.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
-edited post
As usual,
When t schoool&blahhhhs.
Couldnt wake up @ 6am.
So unablee t meet clique they all.
Call them, go schoool first.
Reachd schooool,
No assembly again. :DDD
It will be colddd on raining days,
Budds, still ie forget t bring jacket go schoool.
Fcuk it! >:[
Didnt on hp after ie left mye house,
Coscos, I forget t chargeee myeee phoneee th previous dayy.
Fcukingggg arss.
On phone during recess,
Cos 'm expecting some people missinggg me. =xx (haha,crap)
Was buying mye BBQ burger,
&mye phone vibrated, no time go see alsooo. LOL.
Dhens receiveddd a msg from somebody*,
Weirddd msg, thought tads person sent wrong.
So repliedd tads person back,
Tads person dint senddd wrong,
&so things went on, &blahhhhhhs!
Shall norts elaborate, hahaha-.-
Back t topic,
Had PE, bouldering wall-.-
Nbr mind, lets push all th blame t th BADDD WEATHER! haha-.-
Was quite fun lahhhhs, cos we at there crapp niahhhhs. LOL.
Had Groupwork @ fitness corner,
Was fun lahhhhs!
Budds, sorry Group8,
Didnt mean t guess wrong th direction.
I have no sense of direction. Sorry!
Had Groupwork&blahhhhs.
Chat with Hadirah awhile alsooo.
She' nice. :DDDDD
Had Chemistry after math perioddddd,
Miss.Mok was on course, ie think.
So some relief cher came in,
Had Chemistry test,
Oh, how wonderful-.-
I sweard ie fail th test AGAIN!
I supposed, th test is tmr.
Budds, in th end. FCUK, FCUK, FCUK! ):
Recess, &whads happen.
I alread saiddd it. LOL.
Was damn funnnn lahhhhs!
Four person go washroom with two passes?
Hahaha, Miss.Guo was so niceeee lahhhhs!
'm so in LOVEEEE with her. LOL.
Gossiping&eating behinddd th classroom.
Talk about somebody ourtsideee school,
So ie think readers are norts curious or whads. LOL.
So wont elaborate.
Hadddd Math again,
Continued with lessons,
Budds, Mrs.Chan came in soon after,
Cos BearBear haddd t go do some stuffs lahhhhs!
Dhens, jiu lesson endeddd. LOL.
Mother-Tongued again,
Listen t songs, &bluetoothing songs. LOL.
Super boliaoooo,
Crap with mye 2bytches. LOL.
&YF @ there readdd comics. SPEECHLESSSS LUH!
Went washroom again,
&is four person with 2passes again-.-
Slackd inside toilet,
&crappedddd luh.
Nothing much lahhhh!
Soso, in loveeee with them. LOL
Lesson endeddd,
Went makan-ing,
&'m here blogging inside Comp Lab,
CCA, super slackd. Fcuk.
So nothingggg t do,
Tads why @ here slackslack, blogblog. surfsurf. LOL.
So yupppps, after blogging,
I went t sleep insideee comp lab.
Miss.Munira wasnt down t comp lab. YIPEEEEEE! xDDDD
I slept throughourt CCA luh.
Super shiok, budds, it's FREEZING COLDDD lahhhhs!
Reall regret nbr bring jacket t schooool.
Fcuk! Died of coldness. LOL.
After wake up, was 4.17pm lerhhhs.
So went ourt, cos fcuking colddd.
&waited for YF,
Askd LM, is it release or whaddds.
Steady sehs, early release. HAHA(:
Went off with YF, after her Math Olympiad exam. LOL.
Was walkinggg down th bridge,
JL cameeee, &we took th same bus. :DDDD
JL went home, while ..
YF&Me, went t HGMall, t looook at someee stufffs. :DD
Bags ! Bags ! Bags !
I want buy bags lahhhhh! Fcuking brokeee.
Damn myself. FCUK ! FCUK ! FCUK ! )':
Reachd HGMall,
I was complaining, veh cold, fcuking colddd &stuffs,
Sorry YF, for irritatingggg her. LOL.
Went Eight Percent after reaching,
No bags ie liek,
Hais, i want Nike bagggg lahhhh! ):
Nbr minddd, 'm determine t SAVEEE MONEY ! :D
Was reminded by something,
Tads ie havent buy Zippo Lighter yet,
Fcuk! Supposed t be somebody's birthday present next month.
'm saving money! CB! Super broke.
Went t LJS t eat,
Shared with YF, cos toooo brokee? Hais. ):
Was full stillll. :DDD
Went t takeeee 72 homeee,
Reachd YF's house there deh busstop,
Slackd&chatted awhile. ROFL.
Talk cock, &talk about th stuffs we wantedddd.
I needdd more things than her? Oh, how wonderful-.-
Dammit ! D:
My leg is bleeding onceee moreee.
Oh, how wonderful again-.-
I kept squeezinggg th blooooddd ourt,
I know 'm disgustingggg. ROFLMAOS. :DDDD
Reachd homeeee,
Found ourt, mye arm haddd a small curt.
Fcuk it mann! No wonder, ie feel th pain. NBCCB.
'm goinnggg crazy,
Lortsa stuffs undone. Hais. ):
Shall endddd here!
-edited post
As usual,
When t schoool&blahhhhs.
Couldnt wake up @ 6am.
So unablee t meet clique they all.
Call them, go schoool first.
Reachd schooool,
No assembly again. :DDD
It will be colddd on raining days,
Budds, still ie forget t bring jacket go schoool.
Fcuk it! >:[
Didnt on hp after ie left mye house,
Coscos, I forget t chargeee myeee phoneee th previous dayy.
Fcukingggg arss.
On phone during recess,
Cos 'm expecting some people missinggg me. =xx (haha,crap)
Was buying mye BBQ burger,
&mye phone vibrated, no time go see alsooo. LOL.
Dhens receiveddd a msg from somebody*,
Weirddd msg, thought tads person sent wrong.
So repliedd tads person back,
Tads person dint senddd wrong,
&so things went on, &blahhhhhhs!
Shall norts elaborate, hahaha-.-
Back t topic,
Had PE, bouldering wall-.-
Nbr mind, lets push all th blame t th BADDD WEATHER! haha-.-
Was quite fun lahhhhs, cos we at there crapp niahhhhs. LOL.
Had Groupwork @ fitness corner,
Was fun lahhhhs!
Budds, sorry Group8,
Didnt mean t guess wrong th direction.
I have no sense of direction. Sorry!
Had Groupwork&blahhhhs.
Chat with Hadirah awhile alsooo.
She' nice. :DDDDD
Had Chemistry after math perioddddd,
Miss.Mok was on course, ie think.
So some relief cher came in,
Had Chemistry test,
Oh, how wonderful-.-
I sweard ie fail th test AGAIN!
I supposed, th test is tmr.
Budds, in th end. FCUK, FCUK, FCUK! ):
Recess, &whads happen.
I alread saiddd it. LOL.
Was damn funnnn lahhhhs!
Four person go washroom with two passes?
Hahaha, Miss.Guo was so niceeee lahhhhs!
'm so in LOVEEEE with her. LOL.
Gossiping&eating behinddd th classroom.
Talk about somebody ourtsideee school,
So ie think readers are norts curious or whads. LOL.
So wont elaborate.
Hadddd Math again,
Continued with lessons,
Budds, Mrs.Chan came in soon after,
Cos BearBear haddd t go do some stuffs lahhhhs!
Dhens, jiu lesson endeddd. LOL.
Mother-Tongued again,
Listen t songs, &bluetoothing songs. LOL.
Super boliaoooo,
Crap with mye 2bytches. LOL.
&YF @ there readdd comics. SPEECHLESSSS LUH!
Went washroom again,
&is four person with 2passes again-.-
Slackd inside toilet,
&crappedddd luh.
Nothing much lahhhh!
Soso, in loveeee with them. LOL
Lesson endeddd,
Went makan-ing,
&'m here blogging inside Comp Lab,
CCA, super slackd. Fcuk.
So nothingggg t do,
Tads why @ here slackslack, blogblog. surfsurf. LOL.
So yupppps, after blogging,
I went t sleep insideee comp lab.
Miss.Munira wasnt down t comp lab. YIPEEEEEE! xDDDD
I slept throughourt CCA luh.
Super shiok, budds, it's FREEZING COLDDD lahhhhs!
Reall regret nbr bring jacket t schooool.
Fcuk! Died of coldness. LOL.
After wake up, was 4.17pm lerhhhs.
So went ourt, cos fcuking colddd.
&waited for YF,
Askd LM, is it release or whaddds.
Steady sehs, early release. HAHA(:
Went off with YF, after her Math Olympiad exam. LOL.
Was walkinggg down th bridge,
JL cameeee, &we took th same bus. :DDDD
JL went home, while ..
YF&Me, went t HGMall, t looook at someee stufffs. :DD
Bags ! Bags ! Bags !
I want buy bags lahhhhh! Fcuking brokeee.
Damn myself. FCUK ! FCUK ! FCUK ! )':
Reachd HGMall,
I was complaining, veh cold, fcuking colddd &stuffs,
Sorry YF, for irritatingggg her. LOL.
Went Eight Percent after reaching,
No bags ie liek,
Hais, i want Nike bagggg lahhhh! ):
Nbr minddd, 'm determine t SAVEEE MONEY ! :D
Was reminded by something,
Tads ie havent buy Zippo Lighter yet,
Fcuk! Supposed t be somebody's birthday present next month.
'm saving money! CB! Super broke.
Went t LJS t eat,
Shared with YF, cos toooo brokee? Hais. ):
Was full stillll. :DDD
Went t takeeee 72 homeee,
Reachd YF's house there deh busstop,
Slackd&chatted awhile. ROFL.
Talk cock, &talk about th stuffs we wantedddd.
I needdd more things than her? Oh, how wonderful-.-
Dammit ! D:
My leg is bleeding onceee moreee.
Oh, how wonderful again-.-
I kept squeezinggg th blooooddd ourt,
I know 'm disgustingggg. ROFLMAOS. :DDDD
Reachd homeeee,
Found ourt, mye arm haddd a small curt.
Fcuk it mann! No wonder, ie feel th pain. NBCCB.
'm goinnggg crazy,
Lortsa stuffs undone. Hais. ):
Shall endddd here!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Woke up at 0615am today. :D
Kindarhhh early?
Met YK&JW @ 315 busstop,
Dhens meet Di @ behind Bert's house. LOL.
Went school tgt, blooooody cold-.-
Met Adnama&Mei otw. LOL.
Continue with lesson&stuffs,
No much difference.
Slept throughourt Mother Tongue lesson,
Super cold, tired & hungry. o.o
Woke up,
Chiong SocialStudies&Mother Tongue workbook luh.
LOL, went t aircon room for SS lesson.
Damn cock, forget bring jacket.
Freezing luh! ._.
Went t buy Hashbrown t eat before English lesson,
'm super hungry, cos ie skipped th previous night dinner.
So sneakd t canteen t buy with mye 2bytches. LOL.
Thought would get caught,
In th end, alorts of upper sec,
Alsooo come down t buy. CHEYYYYS!
Went t blk F for english lesson.
Fcuk it mannn!
Go comp lab for lesson.
Freezing colddd again. Hais,
Slackd inside comp lab,
Nothing much t do.
Went t canteen straight,
While, Delon, ACG, Mei&Mei,
Took turns t phoned YF,
&ACG calld in. So baddd!
Calld she t come down, meet us,
She dont want, say want study SS,
Guaikia are liek tads. LOL.
Didnt sleep luh.
So guai, listen t lesson lahhhhs!
Cos, worksheet missing, so have t pay attention. -.-
SS again,
NBCCB, imagine taddddds mann!
I seriously, dont want fail lahhhs! ):
Bless me alrights? :D
Had math during th last period,
Gorts back test paper result. :DDDD
I super happpppy lahhhh!
&'m mus loveeee math!,
So as t pass welllll. LOL,
Continue with Chapter 11,
Total clueless.
Dont know how do. Cham! ):
Went ourt t 1o7 t makan with Brother, JW&YK.
Cos its liek 3guys&1girl.
SQ, @ there, talk cock. SIAOOO EH!
We jus close friends, dont think so much. -.-
Went Bugis after,
Bought our Wallets. LOL,
We're in th shop for nearly 1hr?
All thanks t me,
Keep thinking which pattern t buy.
Sorry lahhhh!
Head t th VCD shop,
Help Manda buy her MVP Valentine luh.
20 bucks, ie alsoo want!
Budds, seriously broke luh. ):
WEnt ourt t Bugis Street there,
Help Bert buy her cardigans. :DDD
I want buy black deh.
Budds, no money.
So 'm waiting t buy a more cheap deh. HEH:DDDD
Went t walk around,
&ate in LJS. LOL,
MRT-eddd homeeee after tads,
Toook 156 home with YK from Sengkang. LOL.
Went tuition after taddds!
AhBen senddd me homeee,
How kinddd of him. LOL.
Kindarhhh early?
Met YK&JW @ 315 busstop,
Dhens meet Di @ behind Bert's house. LOL.
Went school tgt, blooooody cold-.-
Met Adnama&Mei otw. LOL.
Continue with lesson&stuffs,
No much difference.
Slept throughourt Mother Tongue lesson,
Super cold, tired & hungry. o.o
Woke up,
Chiong SocialStudies&Mother Tongue workbook luh.
LOL, went t aircon room for SS lesson.
Damn cock, forget bring jacket.
Freezing luh! ._.
Went t buy Hashbrown t eat before English lesson,
'm super hungry, cos ie skipped th previous night dinner.
So sneakd t canteen t buy with mye 2bytches. LOL.
Thought would get caught,
In th end, alorts of upper sec,
Alsooo come down t buy. CHEYYYYS!
Went t blk F for english lesson.
Fcuk it mannn!
Go comp lab for lesson.
Freezing colddd again. Hais,
Slackd inside comp lab,
Nothing much t do.
Went t canteen straight,
While, Delon, ACG, Mei&Mei,
Took turns t phoned YF,
&ACG calld in. So baddd!
Calld she t come down, meet us,
She dont want, say want study SS,
Guaikia are liek tads. LOL.
Didnt sleep luh.
So guai, listen t lesson lahhhhs!
Cos, worksheet missing, so have t pay attention. -.-
SS again,
NBCCB, imagine taddddds mann!
I seriously, dont want fail lahhhs! ):
Bless me alrights? :D
Had math during th last period,
Gorts back test paper result. :DDDD
I super happpppy lahhhh!
&'m mus loveeee math!,
So as t pass welllll. LOL,
Continue with Chapter 11,
Total clueless.
Dont know how do. Cham! ):
Went ourt t 1o7 t makan with Brother, JW&YK.
Cos its liek 3guys&1girl.
SQ, @ there, talk cock. SIAOOO EH!
We jus close friends, dont think so much. -.-
Went Bugis after,
Bought our Wallets. LOL,
We're in th shop for nearly 1hr?
All thanks t me,
Keep thinking which pattern t buy.
Sorry lahhhh!
Head t th VCD shop,
Help Manda buy her MVP Valentine luh.
20 bucks, ie alsoo want!
Budds, seriously broke luh. ):
WEnt ourt t Bugis Street there,
Help Bert buy her cardigans. :DDD
I want buy black deh.
Budds, no money.
So 'm waiting t buy a more cheap deh. HEH:DDDD
Went t walk around,
&ate in LJS. LOL,
MRT-eddd homeeee after tads,
Toook 156 home with YK from Sengkang. LOL.
Went tuition after taddds!
AhBen senddd me homeee,
How kinddd of him. LOL.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I forget t mention,
On friday, JYmama&Me went t Bugis Starbucks t relax.
LOL, ie feel so poooor ourt of sudden.
Thursday - Went Cafe Cartel t makan dinner.
Friday - First time step into Starbucks t drink coffee-.-
Saturday - Went t Billy Bombers t makan dinner.
&yeaaaas, ie feel so so so POOOOOR! ):
FRIDAY , 20072007
Th one with whipped cream, is JY oneeee.
LOL, th normal onee is mine. LALALAS~
I forget t mention,
On friday, JYmama&Me went t Bugis Starbucks t relax.
LOL, ie feel so poooor ourt of sudden.
Thursday - Went Cafe Cartel t makan dinner.
Friday - First time step into Starbucks t drink coffee-.-
Saturday - Went t Billy Bombers t makan dinner.
&yeaaaas, ie feel so so so POOOOOR! ):
FRIDAY , 20072007
Th one with whipped cream, is JY oneeee.
LOL, th normal onee is mine. LALALAS~
Yeah hey!
Back t blog once more. :DDD
Did nothing today luh.
Havent start mye SocialStudies yet.
Howhow wonderful-.-
Tmr, having SS test lahhhhhs! DAMMIT! >:[
We're having test every monday yooooo see. fcuk it!
Okays, back t topic.
Woke up at 1240pm liek tads,
Msged YF, &told her t come down t mye house here.
Was sms-ing with YK, &mye prepaid value turn neg. amt. Shagggg.
YK met YF under mye block.
&they forces me t pei them lahhhhs!
How damn was them.
I kept telling them no, cos ie lazy go down once more.
So nbr mind,
I took 1.50$, &go down return t YF,
&slackd with them luh.
While slacking&chatting,
I kept yawning away.
Was super tired at tads point of time. LOL.
Jio JW t come down t mye house here alsooo,
&calld him t bring down tidbits adn drinks.
He came soon after tads,
He brought Calbee potato chips&Lays,
&didnt bring drinks-.-
So ie went t th vending machine at 974,
&buy for them luh.
Calld Didi come down alssooooo.
&was liek slacking throughourt luh.
Nothing t do,
Plays Di's PSP,
Hais, ie hope ie had oneee too.
But, it's too ex yoooos see.
Fcuk! Fcuk! Fcuk!
Tmr going down t Bugis again with YK&JW.
LOL, Bert norts going,
Cos of her Fracne trip thingy.
'm jioing some other people t go.
Hope adnama can go luh. :DDDDD
End here bahhhhhs.
Shall upload photos after this post. :DDD
Back t blog once more. :DDD
Did nothing today luh.
Havent start mye SocialStudies yet.
Howhow wonderful-.-
Tmr, having SS test lahhhhhs! DAMMIT! >:[
We're having test every monday yooooo see. fcuk it!
Okays, back t topic.
Woke up at 1240pm liek tads,
Msged YF, &told her t come down t mye house here.
Was sms-ing with YK, &mye prepaid value turn neg. amt. Shagggg.
YK met YF under mye block.
&they forces me t pei them lahhhhs!
How damn was them.
I kept telling them no, cos ie lazy go down once more.
So nbr mind,
I took 1.50$, &go down return t YF,
&slackd with them luh.
While slacking&chatting,
I kept yawning away.
Was super tired at tads point of time. LOL.
Jio JW t come down t mye house here alsooo,
&calld him t bring down tidbits adn drinks.
He came soon after tads,
He brought Calbee potato chips&Lays,
&didnt bring drinks-.-
So ie went t th vending machine at 974,
&buy for them luh.
Calld Didi come down alssooooo.
&was liek slacking throughourt luh.
Nothing t do,
Plays Di's PSP,
Hais, ie hope ie had oneee too.
But, it's too ex yoooos see.
Fcuk! Fcuk! Fcuk!
Tmr going down t Bugis again with YK&JW.
LOL, Bert norts going,
Cos of her Fracne trip thingy.
'm jioing some other people t go.
Hope adnama can go luh. :DDDDD
End here bahhhhhs.
Shall upload photos after this post. :DDD
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Jus back from ourtsideeee.
Hais, 'm getting sick of blog alread.
&'m alsoo getting sick of friendster.
It totally sucks mann?
Haha, friendster - cos no momo or whads.
Blog - nobody tagging, &'m pretty sure, nobody even reads it. -.-
Kays, nbr mind.
I jus blog for th sake of blogging,
Adn for th sake of mye own business. :DDD
So yupppps,
Went ourt with Adnama today.
Met her in bus1o5,
As it was raining,
Cannot expect her t go Interchange. LOL.
So we went over t Fareast first,
She bought her two clothing. :DDDD
&mye heart was itchyitchy of th cardigans. D:
&well, she bought her dress? tunic? dont know lahhhs,
Within half&hour. How great mannn!
Budds, ie can say, it's nice lahhhs!
It cost 60 over bucks,
I can say JYmama was damn richhhh! LOL.
Went over t Bugis,
Saw a few not-so-punk style guys luh.
Was liek damn suay lahhhs!
Go until which part of Fareast alsoo will see them.
I super rmb them,
Cos oneee of them, had a BIG BANDAGE over his arm.
&one with checkered clothings luh.
In MRT, alsoo see them.
Tads guy, arm was hurt, still playing. WTF?!?!
JY&Me buay tahan, &we moved t other side.
Alight, saw Ernest they all luh.
Should be celebrating Charlene's Birthday as stated in TMJ's blog.
We both siamsiamsiam.
Siam until farfar. LOL.
I know ie veh jian lahhhhs!
Bought th redred pumps. :DD
HAPPY is th worddd. :D
Ate in LJS with JYmama,
&ate th cake or whads thing,
Super delicious.
Went over t KFC, see Lihui at there working norts.
Budds, saw nobody.
So went t MRT again,
MRT-ed t Tampines.
Window-shopped awhile,
Then went over t Century Square.
Walkwalk awhile,
Dhens legs super painnn,
So we went over t Billy bombers t makan dinner.
Slackd there awhile,
31 bucks. fuck it.
Supposed t went over t Tampines Mall,
Jus t say 'hello' t tads bytch(raylene).
But, lazy go in,
So MRT-edd t Bugis again.
Went there seesee Cardigan,
JYmama&Me bought a blue oneee. :DD
20 bucks. MYE MONEY! T.T
Shopped around,
Want t buy clothings deh.
But, super lazy.
So went over t Bugis Junction luh,
Shop-edd around,
&went t Wallet Shop,
Know which wallet t buy alread,
&th bag ie alsoo want buy.
Heart itchyitchy.
Hope mye mum seriously let me buy lahhhhs! Hais.
Went t onee VCD shop as well.
Had Moving ourt sale,
Wannaaa buy My MVP Valentine VCD, half price. :D
After tads,
Bus-ed back t Serangoon luh.
Took 43 home from there.
& mye ex-link card,
Liek going no money alread. )':
From Hougang --> Serangoon --> FarEast
--> Bugis --> Tampines Mall --> Century Square
--> Bugis --> Serangoon --> Hougang.
Yeaaaas, 'm so-so 'RICH'! ):
Tads all lerhhhhs! BYEEEEEES!
My quote for today for disturbing JYmama,
" You&your 12 dollars. " LOL.
She was super irritates over this thing. LOL.
&YK, do takecares of yourself lahhhs!
Rest well&takecares of your feet.
Posting of photos,
Would be soonnnn lahhhhs! Jus wait lahhhhs! (:
Hais, 'm getting sick of blog alread.
&'m alsoo getting sick of friendster.
It totally sucks mann?
Haha, friendster - cos no momo or whads.
Blog - nobody tagging, &'m pretty sure, nobody even reads it. -.-
Kays, nbr mind.
I jus blog for th sake of blogging,
Adn for th sake of mye own business. :DDD
So yupppps,
Went ourt with Adnama today.
Met her in bus1o5,
As it was raining,
Cannot expect her t go Interchange. LOL.
So we went over t Fareast first,
She bought her two clothing. :DDDD
&mye heart was itchyitchy of th cardigans. D:
&well, she bought her dress? tunic? dont know lahhhs,
Within half&hour. How great mannn!
Budds, ie can say, it's nice lahhhs!
It cost 60 over bucks,
I can say JYmama was damn richhhh! LOL.
Went over t Bugis,
Saw a few not-so-punk style guys luh.
Was liek damn suay lahhhs!
Go until which part of Fareast alsoo will see them.
I super rmb them,
Cos oneee of them, had a BIG BANDAGE over his arm.
&one with checkered clothings luh.
In MRT, alsoo see them.
Tads guy, arm was hurt, still playing. WTF?!?!
JY&Me buay tahan, &we moved t other side.
Alight, saw Ernest they all luh.
Should be celebrating Charlene's Birthday as stated in TMJ's blog.
We both siamsiamsiam.
Siam until farfar. LOL.
I know ie veh jian lahhhhs!
Bought th redred pumps. :DD
HAPPY is th worddd. :D
Ate in LJS with JYmama,
&ate th cake or whads thing,
Super delicious.
Went over t KFC, see Lihui at there working norts.
Budds, saw nobody.
So went t MRT again,
MRT-ed t Tampines.
Window-shopped awhile,
Then went over t Century Square.
Walkwalk awhile,
Dhens legs super painnn,
So we went over t Billy bombers t makan dinner.
Slackd there awhile,
31 bucks. fuck it.
Supposed t went over t Tampines Mall,
Jus t say 'hello' t tads bytch(raylene).
But, lazy go in,
So MRT-edd t Bugis again.
Went there seesee Cardigan,
JYmama&Me bought a blue oneee. :DD
20 bucks. MYE MONEY! T.T
Shopped around,
Want t buy clothings deh.
But, super lazy.
So went over t Bugis Junction luh,
Shop-edd around,
&went t Wallet Shop,
Know which wallet t buy alread,
&th bag ie alsoo want buy.
Heart itchyitchy.
Hope mye mum seriously let me buy lahhhhs! Hais.
Went t onee VCD shop as well.
Had Moving ourt sale,
Wannaaa buy My MVP Valentine VCD, half price. :D
After tads,
Bus-ed back t Serangoon luh.
Took 43 home from there.
& mye ex-link card,
Liek going no money alread. )':
From Hougang --> Serangoon --> FarEast
--> Bugis --> Tampines Mall --> Century Square
--> Bugis --> Serangoon --> Hougang.
Yeaaaas, 'm so-so 'RICH'! ):
Tads all lerhhhhs! BYEEEEEES!
My quote for today for disturbing JYmama,
" You&your 12 dollars. " LOL.
She was super irritates over this thing. LOL.
&YK, do takecares of yourself lahhhs!
Rest well&takecares of your feet.
Posting of photos,
Would be soonnnn lahhhhs! Jus wait lahhhhs! (:
Friday, July 20, 2007
Woke up kindarhhhhs late today.
&replied XiaokKorhkorh msg.
Cheerup, Cheerup.
Your mei here,
Will support yoooos deh lahhhs! :DDD
Find oneee goodgood deh saosao for me can lerhs ! . :DDD
Dint meet with YK,
Cos he going school early for opening th NPCC Room door,
So yeppppps, went alone.
So pathetic? LOL.
Took 73 t schooool,
I liek four days nbr take lerhs.
So missing it. LOL.
Reachd school at around 0727am.
Howhow wonderful-.- LOL.
Had groupwork for th first period,
&we stayd at parade square t play ?!?!?!?
Return back t class after tads.
Adn continue with lessons luh.
Had th smilartity dont know whads thing.
Th ratio ratio thingy.
Get whads bearbear teach. GoodSign*
English was liek damnn sians ?
Didnt had th mooddd t even go do compo.
So ie guaiguai,
Do compre instead. LOL.
Lied t Jayson, say ie left th compo at home.
LOL, 'm doing anger.
Give me ideas lahhhhhs! ._.
Had performance after recess,
Liek so funny lahhhhs!
When BearBear came ourt,
Our whole class liek scream&shout.
Adn same goes t when ..
PT, Jana, Johan&Asaad came ourt.
Was damn cooool lahhhhhs!
Liek ie say before, ILOVE3E2. :DDDD
How wonderful.
Dont kua suay KENSINGTON.
We norts baddd lerhs horhhhhs! lol.
Kensington 1, in Cdivision,
Was alsoo in for th Netball interhouse.
I knew ie have t go support on th next round of comp.
I cannot dont go watch lerhs.
I promise Zafirah deh. :DDDD
Went back t class for th one hour.
Dhens Mr.Wong came t tell us about next week test.
SIANS 1/2.
BearBear came afterwards,
Something scary happppen.
Shall norts reall elaborate lahhhhs!
Was a saddd thing alsooo.
Hais, cheerup Anita.
Went t FarEast with JYmama,
Shopped around,
Went t BUgis afterwards,
Bought a Red Belt.
JYmama bought a belt toooo. LOL.
Bus-edd hommmmeee,
Was damn stupiddd when in bus.
We crapped until liek nobody's business.
Liek whole bus ours lahhhhs!.
Lazy type lerhhhhs.
Maybe going ourt tmr alsoooo. :DDD
Shall upload photos id 'm freeee. :DDD
Woke up kindarhhhhs late today.
&replied XiaokKorhkorh msg.
Cheerup, Cheerup.
Your mei here,
Will support yoooos deh lahhhs! :DDD
Find oneee goodgood deh saosao for me can lerhs ! . :DDD
Dint meet with YK,
Cos he going school early for opening th NPCC Room door,
So yeppppps, went alone.
So pathetic? LOL.
Took 73 t schooool,
I liek four days nbr take lerhs.
So missing it. LOL.
Reachd school at around 0727am.
Howhow wonderful-.- LOL.
Had groupwork for th first period,
&we stayd at parade square t play ?!?!?!?
Return back t class after tads.
Adn continue with lessons luh.
Had th smilartity dont know whads thing.
Th ratio ratio thingy.
Get whads bearbear teach. GoodSign*
English was liek damnn sians ?
Didnt had th mooddd t even go do compo.
So ie guaiguai,
Do compre instead. LOL.
Lied t Jayson, say ie left th compo at home.
LOL, 'm doing anger.
Give me ideas lahhhhhs! ._.
Had performance after recess,
Liek so funny lahhhhs!
When BearBear came ourt,
Our whole class liek scream&shout.
Adn same goes t when ..
PT, Jana, Johan&Asaad came ourt.
Was damn cooool lahhhhhs!
Liek ie say before, ILOVE3E2. :DDDD
How wonderful.
Dont kua suay KENSINGTON.
We norts baddd lerhs horhhhhs! lol.
Kensington 1, in Cdivision,
Was alsoo in for th Netball interhouse.
I knew ie have t go support on th next round of comp.
I cannot dont go watch lerhs.
I promise Zafirah deh. :DDDD
Went back t class for th one hour.
Dhens Mr.Wong came t tell us about next week test.
SIANS 1/2.
BearBear came afterwards,
Something scary happppen.
Shall norts reall elaborate lahhhhs!
Was a saddd thing alsooo.
Hais, cheerup Anita.
Went t FarEast with JYmama,
Shopped around,
Went t BUgis afterwards,
Bought a Red Belt.
JYmama bought a belt toooo. LOL.
Bus-edd hommmmeee,
Was damn stupiddd when in bus.
We crapped until liek nobody's business.
Liek whole bus ours lahhhhs!.
Lazy type lerhhhhs.
Maybe going ourt tmr alsoooo. :DDD
Shall upload photos id 'm freeee. :DDD
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Met up with YK as usual luh.
Reachd school, super early?
Lazy reply sms&etc.
Cos, msg burst lerhs.
He* keep on smsing me. Fcuk! D:
Dont have group work for th first period agn.
Was postponed t tmr.
So yuppppps,
Continued with lessons&blahhhhs.
Miss.Chng was still absent again.
Dont know whads happen t her lehhhhs.
I missd her lessons lahhhhhs!
I want Physics. :DDDDD
Cos no relieved cher alsooo,
So AsaadMaster, JohanGoodFriend, MingYangLaoPeh &me,
Walkd round fourth floor agn&agn. o.o
Laopeh&me walk 4 1/2 rounds,
While, Master&Goodfriend walkd 3 1/2 rounds.
We damn freee lahhhs!
People studying, we at there walkd&walkd. -.-
WE walkd 3rd floor, half moreee rounddd before going Physics class lahhhhs,
Cos GoodFriend, want see how his cousin doing.
He so goooood,
He treat cousin veh goodgooood,
He jus wantd his cousin t be safe&sound withourt any probs.
Cos ie think recently,
His cousin was bullied by people in her class.
As a friend of GoodFriend,
I ofcos wishd,
Those fcuking idiots or bastards,
To stop bullying GoodFriend's cousin lerhhhhs.
They might get cursed badly by ME,
If they dare bully his cousin again.
Anw, Mr.Chioh relieve us agn.
No difference,
Was exchanging hp t use with them.
Today super guai, nbr sleeeeep.
Cos, Mrs.Tai observe lesson.
Cannot sleeeep. D:
Mother Tongue,
Doing all th worksheets, Miss Guo given us.
'm guai okayyyys, &ie need buckup liaoooo. ):
History lorhhhhs.
Mr.Arman wasnt here today,
So yuppppps,
Me&Kailin slept throughourt th period.
I sleep until headache,
After Mr.Lee left, ie chionggg go washroom wash face.
After tads,
Release, cos going OFH.
Went t 1o7,
Ate rotiprata with Brother, YK, XiaoMao, th couple, WC&YF.
I helpd them order drinks lehhhhs!
See ie so poorthing. ):
Went t buy nuggets after going back t schooool.
Still hungryhungry luh! :D
'm getting fatter lerhhhhs. ):
Was reall funfun lahhhhs!
Cos, we liek so united as a classs.
We crap inside th bus,
&cooperate well with each other at OFH. LOL.
BearBear sing songssss lehhhhs! LOL.
ADn Chunkai, announce thinggg until zhao siah.
Haha, he weak lahhhs!
People is "shutup",
He go say "siahup". Improper pronunciation? LOL.
Backd from OFH,
Playd throwing of balls inside th bus.
Damndamn funfun lahhhhhs!
ILOVE3E2 ! . ((((((((((((((:
Slackd with JYmama, JW &YK at Garden's Cafe Cartel.
We crap liek fcukd. Cos all talkd cock oneee.
Liek th Cafe Cartel, onl we four of us niahhhhs.
We laughd until peng.
Siaoooo luh!
Took 315 back t near central there,
Adn took 156 home with YK.
Have real fun!
AhBen, sorry luh.
Not ie dont want reply your msges,
You have t limit yourself withourt me.
We alread brokeup.
Yeaaas, yooos know th reason.
I didnt mean t hurt yooos.
I jus cant forget tads damn bastard, yoos see.
I jus didnt want yoos t be th substitude.
It wasnt fair t yooos.
So yeaaas,
Sorry for all th waiting&stuffs.
Guess we wont be patching lerhs bahhhs.
Sorry Ahben.
Do forgive alrights.
Reachd school, super early?
Lazy reply sms&etc.
Cos, msg burst lerhs.
He* keep on smsing me. Fcuk! D:
Dont have group work for th first period agn.
Was postponed t tmr.
So yuppppps,
Continued with lessons&blahhhhs.
Miss.Chng was still absent again.
Dont know whads happen t her lehhhhs.
I missd her lessons lahhhhhs!
I want Physics. :DDDDD
Cos no relieved cher alsooo,
So AsaadMaster, JohanGoodFriend, MingYangLaoPeh &me,
Walkd round fourth floor agn&agn. o.o
Laopeh&me walk 4 1/2 rounds,
While, Master&Goodfriend walkd 3 1/2 rounds.
We damn freee lahhhs!
People studying, we at there walkd&walkd. -.-
WE walkd 3rd floor, half moreee rounddd before going Physics class lahhhhs,
Cos GoodFriend, want see how his cousin doing.
He so goooood,
He treat cousin veh goodgooood,
He jus wantd his cousin t be safe&sound withourt any probs.
Cos ie think recently,
His cousin was bullied by people in her class.
As a friend of GoodFriend,
I ofcos wishd,
Those fcuking idiots or bastards,
To stop bullying GoodFriend's cousin lerhhhhs.
They might get cursed badly by ME,
If they dare bully his cousin again.
Anw, Mr.Chioh relieve us agn.
No difference,
Was exchanging hp t use with them.
Today super guai, nbr sleeeeep.
Cos, Mrs.Tai observe lesson.
Cannot sleeeep. D:
Mother Tongue,
Doing all th worksheets, Miss Guo given us.
'm guai okayyyys, &ie need buckup liaoooo. ):
History lorhhhhs.
Mr.Arman wasnt here today,
So yuppppps,
Me&Kailin slept throughourt th period.
I sleep until headache,
After Mr.Lee left, ie chionggg go washroom wash face.
After tads,
Release, cos going OFH.
Went t 1o7,
Ate rotiprata with Brother, YK, XiaoMao, th couple, WC&YF.
I helpd them order drinks lehhhhs!
See ie so poorthing. ):
Went t buy nuggets after going back t schooool.
Still hungryhungry luh! :D
'm getting fatter lerhhhhs. ):
Was reall funfun lahhhhs!
Cos, we liek so united as a classs.
We crap inside th bus,
&cooperate well with each other at OFH. LOL.
BearBear sing songssss lehhhhs! LOL.
ADn Chunkai, announce thinggg until zhao siah.
Haha, he weak lahhhs!
People is "shutup",
He go say "siahup". Improper pronunciation? LOL.
Backd from OFH,
Playd throwing of balls inside th bus.
Damndamn funfun lahhhhhs!
ILOVE3E2 ! . ((((((((((((((:
Slackd with JYmama, JW &YK at Garden's Cafe Cartel.
We crap liek fcukd. Cos all talkd cock oneee.
Liek th Cafe Cartel, onl we four of us niahhhhs.
We laughd until peng.
Siaoooo luh!
Took 315 back t near central there,
Adn took 156 home with YK.
Have real fun!
AhBen, sorry luh.
Not ie dont want reply your msges,
You have t limit yourself withourt me.
We alread brokeup.
Yeaaas, yooos know th reason.
I didnt mean t hurt yooos.
I jus cant forget tads damn bastard, yoos see.
I jus didnt want yoos t be th substitude.
It wasnt fair t yooos.
So yeaaas,
Sorry for all th waiting&stuffs.
Guess we wont be patching lerhs bahhhs.
Sorry Ahben.
Do forgive alrights.
Ytd didnt blog.
HO-HO-HO , HE-HE-HE. howhow wonderful o.o
Lazy blog alsoo lahhs.
Lessons as usual&blahhhhs.
Slept throughourt English lesson,
Adn was gan by Jayson. HEHE.
Norts ie want t sleep,
Is eyes want close mahhhs!
GN wasnt in SG,
Missmiss her luh. )':
Next time, sleep more in Jayson's class. :DDDD
Had assembly,
About RHD,
Kindarhhhhs hilarious lahhhhs!
Bearbear talkd t me about something*,
Hiyaaaas, over alread.
Ended liaoooo lahhhhs!
2days niahhhs, wonderful luh ?
Failed relationship, LOL.
'm norts saddd, SURPRISINGLY! =x
Me&Johan goodfriend exchange bags.
Damn cooool lahhhhs!
He liek mye bag,
&ie liek his. LOL.
After schooool,
Met up with Didi&YK,
Supposed we three go ourt niahhhhs.
Then YF, diedie alsoo want pon MathOympiad,
&go ourt with us, then ie speechless norhhhhs. =x
Went t ChoaChuKang with them luh.
Go there, &go th HTA, think so. forget liaooo.
Then went back t AMK,
Supposed t slackd,
Budds, YK need reachd home early,
So went homeeee.
Nothing much happen,
As usual,
Was fighting with Didi agn. ._.
YK was dragd in this time round,
Howhow wonderful-.-
HO-HO-HO , HE-HE-HE. howhow wonderful o.o
Lazy blog alsoo lahhs.
Lessons as usual&blahhhhs.
Slept throughourt English lesson,
Adn was gan by Jayson. HEHE.
Norts ie want t sleep,
Is eyes want close mahhhs!
GN wasnt in SG,
Missmiss her luh. )':
Next time, sleep more in Jayson's class. :DDDD
Had assembly,
About RHD,
Kindarhhhhs hilarious lahhhhs!
Bearbear talkd t me about something*,
Hiyaaaas, over alread.
Ended liaoooo lahhhhs!
2days niahhhs, wonderful luh ?
Failed relationship, LOL.
'm norts saddd, SURPRISINGLY! =x
Me&Johan goodfriend exchange bags.
Damn cooool lahhhhs!
He liek mye bag,
&ie liek his. LOL.
After schooool,
Met up with Didi&YK,
Supposed we three go ourt niahhhhs.
Then YF, diedie alsoo want pon MathOympiad,
&go ourt with us, then ie speechless norhhhhs. =x
Went t ChoaChuKang with them luh.
Go there, &go th HTA, think so. forget liaooo.
Then went back t AMK,
Supposed t slackd,
Budds, YK need reachd home early,
So went homeeee.
Nothing much happen,
As usual,
Was fighting with Didi agn. ._.
YK was dragd in this time round,
Howhow wonderful-.-
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