jus reachd home lahs.
adn its fcuking late oks ?
its nine plus right now.
early in th morning.
kena said by chinniah lahs.
say this adn tads.
retarded lahs she-.-
have Upper Sec. Recess first.
dhens have lesson till 9.40am.
dhens start celebration.
th celebration sucks.
onl th Wushu, they liek performd better,
compared t last time lehs. *applaud for Wushu*
nothing much t comment about th Celebration,
cos its too fcuking lame lahs-.-
went back t xps alone.
yf adn gordon left for home lahs.
they are ultra guai. ((((:
went back t school,
meet Sheena, mei adn meifu.
help mei buy chicken rice adn green tea. (:
ate finish, jiu off t j8 liaos. (:
went around, shopshop lorhs.
Cindy bought a shirt, $26++, at 77th Street,
fcuking expensive-.-
Sheena bought a short, $39.90, at newbie,
another rich girl lahs.
she even bought Crown Belt adn Bag lahs can ?!?!?!
rich means rich. LOLSLOLSLOLS.
Sheena went off first,
adn meet us in Hougang Mall hours later. (:
went t Plaza Sing. meet Dean,
adn ie off t shopshop,
find mye shirt.
dont have mye cup of tea.
jiu off t Hougang Mall meet Sheena.
went t funfair,
th whads Euro thingy lahs.
shall elaborate more in th next post. (: