'm so ultra lucky lahs can ?!?!?!?
specs kena someone,
made spoilt.
now wear specs until veh weird lahs.
wantd t wear new specs,
budds, ie simply hate th color.
blue color, it's always blue.
sians liek fcuk lahs can ?!?!?!?!
whatever it it,
ie hope mye old specs would be spoilt.
adn ie will wear th brand new one !
nothing reall happen much,
during afternoon or rather morning lahs.
suppose t help ourt in spring cleaning.
ended up sleeping liek pig.
sleep on th sofa, so fcuking uneasy.
budds, whu cares ? as long as ie cares. (:
nothing reall much happen.
until at night eleven plus.
lortsa people started t msgd, happy CNY adn all sorts of things.
ie dont go for this kind of things.
adn messages are bustd,
want send also cnt.
so had wishd in MSN or rather Friendster liaos.
text with korh,
till jus now.
so nothing much t comment.
adn ie wont reveal whads thing we chatting.
can text until so late.
shall end here with wishing everybody.