back t blog agn lerhs. (:
nbr sms with him liaoo.
he vanish lerhs. hahaha(:
mood wasnt there jus now.
all becos th hp craps adn everything lahs.
shall norts elaborate much.
tmr having A.Math test adn POA Test.
basically, onl one wordd t describe lahs.
didnt specially mug for his both sub.
cos ie gorts other sub t mug lahs.
sucha as Social Studies. LOLS.
becos of th Sec3 Camp.
all tests, are t be squeezed into next week lahs.
so ya,
ie guess maybe ie will flungg all ?
whu knows ? LOLS.
id dont know how t face mye mum,
with those results lahs.
ie was practically failing all of mye subs.
expecially Math,
'm sure tads, ie will get a underlined marks back home.
sians ~ !
anybody jus help me lahs can ?
help me with mye studies adn everything.
help me change mye mindset towards studies.
idiot lahs !
doesnt wanna say anything more lerhs.
so ya,
byebyes. (:
takecares friends.