helloooooooos ! 'm back.
frankly speaking,
ie havent been blogging properly for th past few days lahs.
either 'm sleeping so soundly or mye comp lag,
adn ie have no mood t restart it or whatever.
so yupps,
'm posting right now. (:
these few days,
were jus freaking cold,
adn ie was liek freezing lahs.
nbr bring mye jacket somemore.
freaking asshole one.
nothing t cover.
so yupps,
was liek shivering.
whatever lahs.
dhens ahONG told us,
mus made th freaking blog.
pianggs ehs,
liek we veh free liddat.
still need t BE IN PR0PER ENGLISH.
think we so so so good in english mehs ?
stupid deh lorhs.
ya lahs.
ie have no rights t say yoos.
cos, ie had failed mye english,
adn whatever, adn alsoo ie can say tads, whole class failing.
so ahONG dont think our standard veh good siahhs.
dhens ie can tell yoos,
yoos think too much liaoo.
continue with Matrices,
is a new topic anw.
jus t keep everybody updated,
cos yupps,
havent been update so long lerhs.
was so damn easy,
id ie reall go concentrate. (:
ie shall start mugging,
adn start study liaoo.
ie stop here lerhs.
dont know want type whads lerhs. (:
thanks for treating me so good,
ie started t love yoos more && more lerhs.
hope yoos wont leave me ever lerhs. (:
iLu ;