well ..
school starts as usual lahs.
nothing much reall happen.
reach busstop quite early, adn manage t caught up with 73.
so yupps, boardddd it lahs.
waitedddd for him, before walking t school.
didnt had time t discuss about cca thingy.
adn ie rush t finddddd Yanfang as soon as ie can,
before passing th paper t ChuSin.
after assembly, ie was searching for Chusin, adn founddd her at th back of 4t1.
POA, was alright lahs.
catch th balls Mrs.Phua throwing lahs.
budds, her actions are getting more adn more exaggerate lahs. omg.
didnt bother about her so much.
as ie was real tiredddd lahs.
A.Math, Minyee adn me bought th wrong book,
so we borrow from Jiawen lahs.
caught th balls, budds somehow ie have t focus more of it. (:
hope everything went on fine till Mid-Year is over. (:
English, no differences lahs.
everyday is th same.
poor 3e2 lahs.
please pity us whu are under Miss.Ong class lahs.
no wonder we gorts a f grade back home. ):
Mother Tongue, as usual.
nothing change lahs. hahaha.
copiedddd some answer from th screen lahs. hahaha.
Physics, had test lahs.
didnt study lahs.
was liek studying it at th eleventh hour lahs.
after test,
ChunKai, Laopeh, Mei, WeiLing adn me went t th washroom lahs.
LaoPeh go Girls' Toilet.
he biantai one. lols.
revathi from sec5 shockedddd lorhs, when saw LaoPeh. lols.
dhens at Lab zilian-ing with mye friendddds.
shall uploaddd iit id ie can. (:
Assembly, gorts th bandddd competition lahs.
their soundddd, make me having headache lahs. hais. ):
finddd Miss.Yvonne after school,
view th photos lahs.
dhens proceedddd t councillor meeting norhs.
involve in friday, Sec2 Streaming talk.
ushering niahhs. lols. 6pm-8pm. hahaha.
Saturday, helping Miss.Munira ourt.
dhens go ourt with Brothers adn friendddds.
maybe, buying bag nahs. (:
shall stop here.
byes friends.