Was far tooo tireddd.
Cos, late go home&stuffs lahhhs.
Ytd, Ahbert dint come t schooool,
Cos of personal matters,
Shall norts say.
&dhens, I MISS HER ! lol.
SS test, ytd.
Was a lousy oneeee,
Mye minddd went blank,
When ie startd t write th qns down.
So ie think, yooos all haveee t bless me onceee moreee. ):
After schoooool,
Stayd back,
Cos, Mrs.Phua, wannaaa see th few of us.
&cos, of mye Amath results,
I was super down lahhhs.
Text, tads someone, &text dumbdumb.
Cos, ie super super sadddd lahhhs.
Dumbdumb, repliedd first,
&ie lazy replied him.
So ie calld him instead,
Tell him about mye result,
&ie criedddd. Hais. ):
He knew tads 'm sad,
&he try t console meeee lahhhhs.
Okays, nbr minddd.
Back t topic.
Cos, Phua thinks tads, our POA wasnt tads goood.
We didnt have th concept&stuffs.
Hahaha, budds ..
In th enddd, she say mye concept was gooood,
Onl, lazy draws lines&stuffs ..
&ie nbr revise deh.
So yuppps, nbr minddd.
Chionggg ourt t schooool,
Supposingly, t meeeet dumbdumb.
Buddds, cos ..
His there, gorts twoo more persons,
I dontknow deh.
So jus tell him, ie norts meeeeting him.
&he said, he waitd me for so long,
In th end, ie dontwant meeeet him.
He bu shuangggg, so he cameee t meeet me personally,
Jus t giveee me see something. -.-
Cos, ie want t seeee mahhhhs.
&He dont believe,
I bring dinosaur's egg home, for Amath.
&ie showd him, mye Amath paper, &he believed. -.-
Promised, t show him mye progress card next weeeek. -.-
Went back t 107 thereee,
&find brother they all.
Ate&went back t schooool.
Cos, helpinggg ourt for th Annual Staff Sports Fiesta.
Everything ended,
Went ourt t makan with ..
JY, Ederlyn, Sheena, Ahmei & ACG.
Share Carbonara with Ahmei.
&senddd her homeeee after tads, with Sheena.
Chattd awhile,
Dhens tooook 315 homeeee.
Was scary lahhhhs.
Cos, mye houseeee there, dont have tooo much lights.
So bobian, dieee alsoo have t walk.
Lucky, gorts phonecall pei me siahhhhs.
Arbo, can dieeee luh.
Reachd homeee,
Too tiredddd,
So jus text dumbdumb, sayinggg 'm norts calling him.
Somemore, th next day ..
Gorts Flag Day,
&'m meeeeting they all @ 8am, under mye block. -.-
&ie went t sleeeep. :D:D:D
Tads all, for ytd deh. (:
As for today,
Had Flag Day & stuffs.
Had lobanggg, so went Woodlands first.
Quiteee alrights lahhhs.
Wrapd up @ Yishun.
Cos, too tired.
&today, ie flared up four times.
Yeaaas, ie admit ..
I dont have goood temper.
I cant control lahhhhs.
Was reall reall veh dulan lahhhhs.
Hais, want know why ..
Jus comeee, &askd me.
Went t Kovan t walkwalk awhile.
&home. :D
&'m here blogging.
&tads all lerhhhs bahhhs.