Yeaaaaas, 'm back! :DDDD
Hais, nothinggg much t bloggg.
Dint went for sinda t helpppp.
Cos, 'm norts involveddd.
Nobody call me go as well. LOLLOLLOL.
Used comp sinceeee th time ie wokeee up,
Till now, 5.10pm, still usinggg. LOL.
Hiyaaaas, purely boringgg,
So snappd someee of th picts of th top,
I snappd it for someee reasons,
Guess myeee threee other bytches, know whads ie meant. :DD
I havent study mye SS yet,
I want a pass, &is pass veh well?
Whatever, liek sheit onl.
Now, 'm waitinggg for dinner time,
Goinggg ourt t eat, sians! ):
Friends ourt there,
Rmb t msg me, cos 'm sureee,
I will boreddd t death, Thanks! :DDD
Shall updateddd again,
Once ie reachd homeee later in th night. :DDD
updatedd post-
&yeaaas, off comp, &went t toook a nap,
&supposed t wakee up at 7pm t watch dramaaa deh.
Budds, overslept, until 8plus.
&ie did promiseddd mye mum t go havee dinner with them.
In th endddd, they left withourt me,
Cos they cant wakeee me up. So whatever.
Mye own fault anw. ._.
Wokeee up, findd snacks t eat,
&continueee watchingg EngagementForLove,
Damn niceeeee. :DDD
I loveee XuShaoYang, he so shuaishuai, so cuteeee nahhhs. LOL.
After tads,
Watch EngagementForLoveee all over again,
From th veh first episodeee.
Heeheeees. :DDD
From 8.45pm liek tads, watch all th way till now, 2.40 liek tads,
&useddd comp again.
Hiyaaaaa, Saturdays&Sundays, ie veh restless deh lahhhs.
Nothinggg t do somemore. wth. -.-
&Yeaaaaas, BIG NEWS, BIG NEWS mannnn!
&on SATURDAY, 040807 :DD
HAHAH. so cooool lahhhs,
I finall receiveddd it lerhhhhs. BOOOOS!
Bert arhhhs Bert, ie alsooo receiveddd mye letter liaooo.
LOL, ie can madeee liaooo IC liaooo lahhhs, bertbert. LOL.
Nothinggg muchhh alread.