've delete th previous post eh,
It's just some stupid post. :/
Woke up at 1045am, laid on bed till 12.30pm. o.o
Urms, liek wow?
Prepared, bus-d t amk after that,
So tdy,
It's liek Home > Amk > FarEast > Raffles City > Peninsula > Bugis > Home -.-
Fcuker ivan, dua me again. >:[
Saw dumbdumb with his stead. Sweet uh.
Mus last long lah dey, :D
Was nearly bang by a bus, a excursion bus. Nb!
Thanks t them eh, keep on spamming me calls. :/
Until i didnt even go see th traffic. -.-
Waitd for Manda's at th alighting area there,
& mrt-d over t Orchard.
Otw t MRT Stn, saw Sharon. Lol,
Know her since last year, know her while working.
Surprisingly, she knew Manda as well, lol.
S'pore reall small uh, small lil cute teeny weeny red dot o.o
Went t FarEast, ate LJS.
Walkd walkd, shopd shopd.
Bought necklaces & mrt-d over t Cityhall.
Was supposed t meet Nicolette over at Dhoby,
But she's kind enough t come over t Cityhall meet me.
Went t Raffles City while waiting for her. :/
Well, she pass me my fbt, & 10bucks flew away. TT
Went over t Peninsula,
Was veh rush lah, sort out everything at BK.
Sort for 1 hr plus? Liek WOW?
Go Bugis meet Rachel, Weixuan & Joycelyn.
Not bad uh, Rachel & Weixuan all call their bf t help them take.
Sweet lah, sweet lah. -.-
Went t Street find th damn shop,
& liek, oos. Fcukd it. _l_
Geigao kia was dulan with me, i tell you.
Keep on kp-ing me. Cheebong. :/
Shan't elaborate much, later eyes got fire. Lol,
Went back t Street t find manda & her friend.
Walkd t a restaurant near Raffles Hospital.
Left awhile, after they ordered their dinner.
Daddy & Mummy came t fetch me.
*yawnnnnnnnns. Slept in th car. -.-
Reachd home soon later.
Might be going out with brother they all tmr for movie.
& liek meet in th evening,
Heng siah, can let me sleep. :D:D:D
Dinner with them as well.
Tmr, enjoying night life? o.o
Stupid YOU!
You know you neglected me th whole day?
No msg, no call, no nothing!
Walao eh, _l_ leh you. D:
Stupid, stupid, stupid. :{
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Update for th sake of updating bahs. :/
Woke up fcuking early tdy, o.o
Meet xdada brother & kingkong @ 107 for breakfast.
No pratas again. D:
Had math lesson,
Was gossiping with laobu. Hahaha!
After lesson, pass Shermin stuffs & money.
Went t buy topup card for my 2nd number.
Bus-d t Amk & then t hougang & then home.
Everybody push forward th time. :/
Reachd home, used comp dhens sleep.
& much thanks t Ahben for saying that,
'm going t become a pig someday, hahaha!
He went mia-d after awhile.
Don't bother about him.
End here for tdy,
Random updates is good enough. :D
Woke up fcuking early tdy, o.o
Meet xdada brother & kingkong @ 107 for breakfast.
No pratas again. D:
Had math lesson,
Was gossiping with laobu. Hahaha!
After lesson, pass Shermin stuffs & money.
Went t buy topup card for my 2nd number.
Bus-d t Amk & then t hougang & then home.
Everybody push forward th time. :/
Reachd home, used comp dhens sleep.
& much thanks t Ahben for saying that,
'm going t become a pig someday, hahaha!
He went mia-d after awhile.
Don't bother about him.
End here for tdy,
Random updates is good enough. :D
Yahhhhhh, add in new songs, changed blog skin.
This is just a temporary skin lah,
Wait till find better ones, then changed, provided 'm not lazy. :x
Was kind of troubled since i woke up.
Blahhh, blahhh, blahhhh.
Was afk-ing from comp almost th whole day.
'm lazy t reply smses, first time eh.
Ahben ps me tdy as well, _l_
Some of th programs from Cable TV also cancel,
Nabuey cheebye. :/
Made my mood more ... ):
Tried MobTv, cnt sign in. Chicken one. D:
Tmr having Amath extra lesson,
After that, 'm going t be busy.
Don't bother jio-ing me out.
'm a busy woman. :x liek real!?
See how things go, 'm lazy. Bobian. ._.
Friday, out with Manda,
Going town,
Want find us, go there find. Lol,
Wangwang & Huihui Piggy went t camp alread,
They'll be back onl on 7th Dec.
Hais, 'm going t miss them for sure.
Rmb t takecares of yourself, girls. :D
End here tdy,
Lazy t update more. BYEEEES!
This is just a temporary skin lah,
Wait till find better ones, then changed, provided 'm not lazy. :x
Was kind of troubled since i woke up.
Blahhh, blahhh, blahhhh.
Was afk-ing from comp almost th whole day.
'm lazy t reply smses, first time eh.
Ahben ps me tdy as well, _l_
Some of th programs from Cable TV also cancel,
Nabuey cheebye. :/
Made my mood more ... ):
Tried MobTv, cnt sign in. Chicken one. D:
Tmr having Amath extra lesson,
After that, 'm going t be busy.
Don't bother jio-ing me out.
'm a busy woman. :x liek real!?
See how things go, 'm lazy. Bobian. ._.
Friday, out with Manda,
Going town,
Want find us, go there find. Lol,
Wangwang & Huihui Piggy went t camp alread,
They'll be back onl on 7th Dec.
Hais, 'm going t miss them for sure.
Rmb t takecares of yourself, girls. :D
End here tdy,
Lazy t update more. BYEEEES!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Woke up liek so early today. :/
10.30am, that early, you know!
Prepared, & went t AMK.
Thanks Mummy for helping me take down th fcuking idiot bulky, fatfat, stupid orange plastic bag t busstop nearby.
Oh well, mummy take one, i take one.
Means 2 in other words, it's fcuking heavy you know? :x
Waitd for Jovian & Feon's stead.
Jovian came first, & blessd her mannnnn.
She so thin lah, i don't know how she carries home. :/
As for Feon's stead,
He's sick, so 'm kind enough t take those stuffs t AMK Mrt Stn.
Actuall, i also need go there meet people, shun bian mahs. Lol!?
Meet up with Vanessa, & off i go t school.
Reachd school, hand in homework.
& went home.
Otw, saw Sabrina & Fifi,
& then th TAN KUAN YEW & AhBert AhGong,
Mind you, is AhGong, in other word means Berton. -.-
Walkd back home.
Reachd home, used comp. & went out again t meet Yanfang, th grad one,
Not fangi. :/ @ her house there,
Ahben text me saying he saw me, he bia cab home lah. :/
Rich man's son. :x
Walkd past 962, Ahben's friend disiao, _l_
Cos, he's treating his friend @ there eating pizza.
Nabuey, xiasuay onl. -.-
Reachd home,
& 'm going t nappd now. HAHA!
10.30am, that early, you know!
Prepared, & went t AMK.
Thanks Mummy for helping me take down th fcuking idiot bulky, fatfat, stupid orange plastic bag t busstop nearby.
Oh well, mummy take one, i take one.
Means 2 in other words, it's fcuking heavy you know? :x
Waitd for Jovian & Feon's stead.
Jovian came first, & blessd her mannnnn.
She so thin lah, i don't know how she carries home. :/
As for Feon's stead,
He's sick, so 'm kind enough t take those stuffs t AMK Mrt Stn.
Actuall, i also need go there meet people, shun bian mahs. Lol!?
Meet up with Vanessa, & off i go t school.
Reachd school, hand in homework.
& went home.
Otw, saw Sabrina & Fifi,
& then th TAN KUAN YEW & AhBert AhGong,
Mind you, is AhGong, in other word means Berton. -.-
Walkd back home.
Reachd home, used comp. & went out again t meet Yanfang, th grad one,
Not fangi. :/ @ her house there,
Ahben text me saying he saw me, he bia cab home lah. :/
Rich man's son. :x
Walkd past 962, Ahben's friend disiao, _l_
Cos, he's treating his friend @ there eating pizza.
Nabuey, xiasuay onl. -.-
Reachd home,
& 'm going t nappd now. HAHA!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
More updates now, 'm freeee mannnnnn!
Woke up fcuking early, ALL BY MY OWN! How great uh?
Bathe, went over t YCK meet Feon, saw Sec5 Felicia as well. Lol.
Busd back home again, changed & went t Hougang meet Fangi & HuiHui Piggy.
MRT-d t Outrum, then t Bugis,
Went there buy Cardigans, supposed t buy tunic as well.
But gave it a pass last minute.
Huihui Piggy bought her belt, liek finally! She's happy! :D
Walkd over t Cityhall there, Peninsula.
Liek wow mannnnn!
You know, we walkd over! Thanks t huihui eh.
Gave th person th paper,s
& we went around walkwalk,
& yahhhhhhs,
Was listening t th tattoo "zzzz-ing" cos Fangi enjoy listening t it?! o.o
Went downstair & waitd for th orders.
Was brought over t their warehouse?!
Yahhhh, so calld lah, & get our stuffs ready yeaaaaas.
& that fcuking hp kept ringing non-stop. :/
Ahben claimd that he's at Peninsula,
Liek you know, i don't believe a single word he say. Haha!
Went out with lortsa bags, & it's fcuking heavy???
You will nbr know th feeeeeling. :/
Well, went out of Peninsula.
Suay suay saw ahben. -.-
He & his hia di, whatever it is, i don't care.
He didnt see me, it's alread good enough.
Cos, will suay until dont know how. -.-
& yahhhhhs, saw him at th tattoo shop previously,
But didnt know is him.
So yahhhhs, obviously he going t do something.
Went over t opposite,
Treatd Fangi & huihui t beverages at Burger king. See, 'm nice ok?
Busd back t S'goon after that,
Too lazy t go over t Interchange.
Took cab home instead, since it's heavy. :/
Spon huihui & fangi as well.
Huihui was first followd by Fangi & then me.
Mummy was nice enough, t come down helpd me take those stuffs.
Love you, mummy!
& yahhhhs, daddy was nice t change th normal scv t digital scv box liaoo.
Liek whooooooos ~
For th sake of their own daughters,
They treatd us Mcd lahhh,
& ohoh, huihui taught us this.
"I Hate You, You Hate Me
We're Always Enemies,
With A Shot Gun Bang Bang, Barney On The Ground,
There'll Be No More Purple Dinosaur"
'm going t find my Binomial Worksheet alread,
Woke up fcuking early, ALL BY MY OWN! How great uh?
Bathe, went over t YCK meet Feon, saw Sec5 Felicia as well. Lol.
Busd back home again, changed & went t Hougang meet Fangi & HuiHui Piggy.
MRT-d t Outrum, then t Bugis,
Went there buy Cardigans, supposed t buy tunic as well.
But gave it a pass last minute.
Huihui Piggy bought her belt, liek finally! She's happy! :D
Walkd over t Cityhall there, Peninsula.
Liek wow mannnnn!
You know, we walkd over! Thanks t huihui eh.
Gave th person th paper,s
& we went around walkwalk,
& yahhhhhhs,
Was listening t th tattoo "zzzz-ing" cos Fangi enjoy listening t it?! o.o
Went downstair & waitd for th orders.
Was brought over t their warehouse?!
Yahhhh, so calld lah, & get our stuffs ready yeaaaaas.
& that fcuking hp kept ringing non-stop. :/
Ahben claimd that he's at Peninsula,
Liek you know, i don't believe a single word he say. Haha!
Went out with lortsa bags, & it's fcuking heavy???
You will nbr know th feeeeeling. :/
Well, went out of Peninsula.
Suay suay saw ahben. -.-
He & his hia di, whatever it is, i don't care.
He didnt see me, it's alread good enough.
Cos, will suay until dont know how. -.-
& yahhhhhs, saw him at th tattoo shop previously,
But didnt know is him.
So yahhhhs, obviously he going t do something.
Went over t opposite,
Treatd Fangi & huihui t beverages at Burger king. See, 'm nice ok?
Busd back t S'goon after that,
Too lazy t go over t Interchange.
Took cab home instead, since it's heavy. :/
Spon huihui & fangi as well.
Huihui was first followd by Fangi & then me.
Mummy was nice enough, t come down helpd me take those stuffs.
Love you, mummy!
& yahhhhs, daddy was nice t change th normal scv t digital scv box liaoo.
Liek whooooooos ~
For th sake of their own daughters,
They treatd us Mcd lahhh,
& ohoh, huihui taught us this.
"I Hate You, You Hate Me
We're Always Enemies,
With A Shot Gun Bang Bang, Barney On The Ground,
There'll Be No More Purple Dinosaur"
'm going t find my Binomial Worksheet alread,
'm so sian-ed. :/
Random updates, liek ie say before.
Woke up fcuking early?! o.o
Cos' need meet ahbert eh,
But was late, reachd her house by 12.50pm liek that.
Get stuffs, bus-d back.
Find xdada brother & kingkong.
Slackd, waitd for YF & th rest.
YF came first, slackd, joked,
Playd bball again,
2pm went over t amk,
Meet Hazel & Feon.
I know, it love me. :x
Busd back, makan lunch with fangi, huihui & wangwang.
Drank th weirdest horlicks ice. *puke
Waitd for sexybaby, yanmei & wc jiujiu.
Kensington won, liek duh ~ ! :p
'm jus trying t feel th victory, not bhb eh ~
Went seperate ways,
Going Bugis + Peninsula tmr. Heh. (:
& let some photos brighten your days,
Cute lil' Aden & Mcguire. Aren't they cute? Lol.
THIS CUTER! {Look Below} *PUKE
'm so sian-ed. :/
Random updates, liek ie say before.
Woke up fcuking early?! o.o
Cos' need meet ahbert eh,
But was late, reachd her house by 12.50pm liek that.
Get stuffs, bus-d back.
Find xdada brother & kingkong.
Slackd, waitd for YF & th rest.
YF came first, slackd, joked,
Playd bball again,
2pm went over t amk,
Meet Hazel & Feon.
I know, it love me. :x
Busd back, makan lunch with fangi, huihui & wangwang.
Drank th weirdest horlicks ice. *puke
Waitd for sexybaby, yanmei & wc jiujiu.
Kensington won, liek duh ~ ! :p
'm jus trying t feel th victory, not bhb eh ~
Went seperate ways,
Going Bugis + Peninsula tmr. Heh. (:
& let some photos brighten your days,
Cute lil' Aden & Mcguire. Aren't they cute? Lol.
THIS CUTER! {Look Below} *PUKE
Friday, November 23, 2007
Okokays, it's th 400th post, should be happy yahhh?
Was over midnight now,
'm still using comp?
Heh heh x.x
Was thinking of lortsa things,
& him, yeaaaas.
I don't know how t describe yeaaaas,
So jus forget it. HAHA!
Christmas is coming mannnnn!
Whooooosh ~
've determined t bought this stuff before Christmas come yahhhh, HAHA!
Th dumb purple skinnies
Dumb grey skinnies
Fcuking FBT Shorts
Green/Yellow/Electric Blue Cardigans
New Bag
Change th dumb specs
Change my Nokia phone t some better phones
Seriously, there's more t go,
But this stuffs would be in priority first?
Yahhhh, 'm saving th money.
'm not going t spend too much, whenever 'm outside?
Especially Bugis & Amk, too much temptations over there.
'll try t minimize my spendings. Awwwwwws. )':
Jessica is good enough, t save up t 400$ during this hols yahhh?
Gooood luck t me, (:
This is just some stupid random post,
I merely bloggd it, cos' 'm too sians + free = boliao. -.-
Shall post this pict, t end this post. (:
Was over midnight now,
'm still using comp?
Heh heh x.x
Was thinking of lortsa things,
& him, yeaaaas.
I don't know how t describe yeaaaas,
So jus forget it. HAHA!
Christmas is coming mannnnn!
Whooooosh ~
've determined t bought this stuff before Christmas come yahhhh, HAHA!
Th dumb purple skinnies
Dumb grey skinnies
Fcuking FBT Shorts
Green/Yellow/Electric Blue Cardigans
New Bag
Change th dumb specs
Change my Nokia phone t some better phones
Seriously, there's more t go,
But this stuffs would be in priority first?
Yahhhh, 'm saving th money.
'm not going t spend too much, whenever 'm outside?
Especially Bugis & Amk, too much temptations over there.
'll try t minimize my spendings. Awwwwwws. )':
Jessica is good enough, t save up t 400$ during this hols yahhh?
Gooood luck t me, (:
This is just some stupid random post,
I merely bloggd it, cos' 'm too sians + free = boliao. -.-
Shall post this pict, t end this post. (:
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Back t blog, yah?
There's nothing for me t blog, just make it alive yeaaas. :/
Just some random updates will do.
Nahhhhhs, 'm just feeling so tired. D:
Went over t Shenton Way for some White Ribbon Campaign thingy,
Distributed 300 brochures + 300++ ribbons = TIRED!!
Taggd with Fangi, nice one. (:
Went over t FarEast for some shopping,
In search of Donald Duck tee, but there's none. D:
Cant find at all dey, found Heineken Top,
Was thinking whether t buy or not,
Ended up nbr buy, cos broke?! ):
Yahhhhhhh, how sad??
Have decided what bag t buy for next year,
Saving money in progress ~ Zzzz, 'm so broke.
Hais, D:
Was arguing & "scolding" with ahben through smses,
Yahhhh, you win k? STUPID BEN! :/
Busd back t Amk, saw Johan Besty with his mother in 132. Lol?
Went over t Amk, meet Jean, & bought hp pouch with Fangi.
Yeaaaaaa, white okay? Happy bo, GOH FANGI? -.-
Reply t tags:
terine: it wun be me again. lols. hhahhas. ((: i have make upp my mind oready ;DD no matter wad i wil still zhu fu hym de,.
Jessica ♥: But saosao, i supposed you still love korhkorh right?
You liek that, liek torturing yourself eh, isn't it worse? D:
ahtat: now then u noe u dua us....FINALLY!!haha=D
Jessica ♥: Sorry lah, brother! Nonono, i supposed is SHOW? I jolin leh, rmb? Lol!? Will go next time, i try my best. Anw, small eyed also not there. :/
wang wangxD: evil also not u evil ..i also learn frm u de:nuts:..next time bball must come horx...miss u too ehh~~
Jessica ♥: Eheheh, dont bo shui, bo dua eh ~ I where got evil, you older than me leh, HAHAHA! I learn from you de, Lol. See you soooon, play bball sooooon, k? Missmiss! ;D
gary: hahaha. lazy go see leh mei ;d wahaahs. don wori nah im fine nw i gues? ;D miss u too mei ;D wan i go find u bbal next week? ;p
Jessica ♥: GO SEEE DOCTOR LAH! You want me shout at you, then go see urh? Machiam, i your laobu liek that. Not ahmei liaooo. -.-" Whoooos? See how first eh, now nbr play bball le eh, lan duo go. You know, you mei is lazy enough right? :x Hehehe, AH KORH! MISSES YOU! (((((:
& ohyahhhh!,
Dumbdumb, didnt talk t you so long alread,
Glad you still rmb me! ._.
Know you & your stead were sad yaaaa?
Cheer up k?
There's nothing for me t blog, just make it alive yeaaas. :/
Just some random updates will do.
Nahhhhhs, 'm just feeling so tired. D:
Went over t Shenton Way for some White Ribbon Campaign thingy,
Distributed 300 brochures + 300++ ribbons = TIRED!!
Taggd with Fangi, nice one. (:
Went over t FarEast for some shopping,
In search of Donald Duck tee, but there's none. D:
Cant find at all dey, found Heineken Top,
Was thinking whether t buy or not,
Ended up nbr buy, cos broke?! ):
Yahhhhhhh, how sad??
Have decided what bag t buy for next year,
Saving money in progress ~ Zzzz, 'm so broke.
Hais, D:
Was arguing & "scolding" with ahben through smses,
Yahhhh, you win k? STUPID BEN! :/
Busd back t Amk, saw Johan Besty with his mother in 132. Lol?
Went over t Amk, meet Jean, & bought hp pouch with Fangi.
Yeaaaaaa, white okay? Happy bo, GOH FANGI? -.-
Reply t tags:
terine: it wun be me again. lols. hhahhas. ((: i have make upp my mind oready ;DD no matter wad i wil still zhu fu hym de,.
Jessica ♥: But saosao, i supposed you still love korhkorh right?
You liek that, liek torturing yourself eh, isn't it worse? D:
ahtat: now then u noe u dua us....FINALLY!!haha=D
Jessica ♥: Sorry lah, brother! Nonono, i supposed is SHOW? I jolin leh, rmb? Lol!? Will go next time, i try my best. Anw, small eyed also not there. :/
wang wangxD: evil also not u evil ..i also learn frm u de:nuts:..next time bball must come horx...miss u too ehh~~
Jessica ♥: Eheheh, dont bo shui, bo dua eh ~ I where got evil, you older than me leh, HAHAHA! I learn from you de, Lol. See you soooon, play bball sooooon, k? Missmiss! ;D
gary: hahaha. lazy go see leh mei ;d wahaahs. don wori nah im fine nw i gues? ;D miss u too mei ;D wan i go find u bbal next week? ;p
Jessica ♥: GO SEEE DOCTOR LAH! You want me shout at you, then go see urh? Machiam, i your laobu liek that. Not ahmei liaooo. -.-" Whoooos? See how first eh, now nbr play bball le eh, lan duo go. You know, you mei is lazy enough right? :x Hehehe, AH KORH! MISSES YOU! (((((:
& ohyahhhh!,
Dumbdumb, didnt talk t you so long alread,
Glad you still rmb me! ._.
Know you & your stead were sad yaaaa?
Cheer up k?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Many many people taggd me eh, 1st time. (:
Reply to tags:
gary: hahaha. know wat? lols. no lehs. siann! hahaha. kns sia my flu =.= summore i din go c doc ;p
Jessica ♥: Is now eh, i tell you spelling error liao. :/ Hiyaaas, go see doctor lah! Piangg eh, Misses you korh! DRINK MORE WATER LAAAAA! ;D
terine: mish uu shoo shoo much too (: i dunnoe wad eur cong kor tinking again =.- wadeva la. just waiting ferr the aswer he goin tu gib me on sunday.prpared oready :\
Jessica ♥: Saosao ah! Korh will make th right decision deh, i know going back t you, is a right choice eh. Like i say before, i will always regard you as my beloved saosao deh. (: Dont worry k? Love you saosao!
LPT: LOL, those words in red is the no. 3 arh?
Jessica ♥: Hahaha, yipo ah, i know you veh smart one eh, askd xiong no. 1, she knows what 'm saying, i better dont say too much over here. Lol. See you soooon eh, (: You know, i know, xiong family know, Lol
wang wangxD: i tink i noe who u talkin in de red words...can see u really pissed off..am abit too..hi5 man..no money still can go eat fastfood wif HL..wth..-.-"
Jessica ♥: Aisehs, dearest wangwang, taggd me eh. :p Lol, know than goood. I know 'm evil eh, xiong mother will angry of me not? :/
wang wangxD: i noe am bad..but really..ur red word damn zai..see lerx damn siong...wakakaka xD...take care worrxxx
Jessica ♥: 'm evil enough le, you more evil than me leh. OMGAWD! See you soon, miss you eh ~ !
ahtat: CANNOT!!!I SHOW lei...basketball time u noe y...lolssss,y u nv say me exceed sms n no money...i also very chamm,=(
Jessica ♥: Brother eh, you cham urh? I cry for you want? Next time, sure pei you all go see small eyed de, k? Psps lah, keep on dua you all. :x
karenn: iie mean iis www.huijinq-lorves.blogspot.com sryy
Jessica ♥: Precious girl, will relinkd you deh, (:
Many many people taggd me eh, 1st time. (:
Reply to tags:
gary: hahaha. know wat? lols. no lehs. siann! hahaha. kns sia my flu =.= summore i din go c doc ;p
Jessica ♥: Is now eh, i tell you spelling error liao. :/ Hiyaaas, go see doctor lah! Piangg eh, Misses you korh! DRINK MORE WATER LAAAAA! ;D
terine: mish uu shoo shoo much too (: i dunnoe wad eur cong kor tinking again =.- wadeva la. just waiting ferr the aswer he goin tu gib me on sunday.prpared oready :\
Jessica ♥: Saosao ah! Korh will make th right decision deh, i know going back t you, is a right choice eh. Like i say before, i will always regard you as my beloved saosao deh. (: Dont worry k? Love you saosao!
LPT: LOL, those words in red is the no. 3 arh?
Jessica ♥: Hahaha, yipo ah, i know you veh smart one eh, askd xiong no. 1, she knows what 'm saying, i better dont say too much over here. Lol. See you soooon eh, (: You know, i know, xiong family know, Lol
wang wangxD: i tink i noe who u talkin in de red words...can see u really pissed off..am abit too..hi5 man..no money still can go eat fastfood wif HL..wth..-.-"
Jessica ♥: Aisehs, dearest wangwang, taggd me eh. :p Lol, know than goood. I know 'm evil eh, xiong mother will angry of me not? :/
wang wangxD: i noe am bad..but really..ur red word damn zai..see lerx damn siong...wakakaka xD...take care worrxxx
Jessica ♥: 'm evil enough le, you more evil than me leh. OMGAWD! See you soon, miss you eh ~ !
ahtat: CANNOT!!!I SHOW lei...basketball time u noe y...lolssss,y u nv say me exceed sms n no money...i also very chamm,=(
Jessica ♥: Brother eh, you cham urh? I cry for you want? Next time, sure pei you all go see small eyed de, k? Psps lah, keep on dua you all. :x
karenn: iie mean iis www.huijinq-lorves.blogspot.com sryy
Jessica ♥: Precious girl, will relinkd you deh, (:
Well, 'm getting lazier & lazier,
Everyday, sleep + eat + watch tv + comp + abit bball + go out = PIG?
Alright, alright, i will try t blog more often. :/
Monday, went out t hougang & amk hub there,
T meet with olivia's friends,
& with FEON! Oh my, oh my,
FEON. Haha, i love meeting her, cos she's nice. (:
Took bus home after that,
Changed & went over t KFC meet with xiong family,
Lucky eh, 'm not th last one.
Supposed t dine in KFC,
Had severe headache, & no appetite. -.-
Wellwell, things didnt goes well.
Feeling reall veh uncomfortable eh. D:
Thanks t LPT, Wangwang, Fangi, xdada brother & ahben for concerning eh.
Hahaha, & that damn ahben still offers t call me, & pei me.
Hahaha, how nice. (: Thanks friend!
Slept throughout, & woke up eat dinner + comp dhens back t sleep again. -.-
Bert jio me out on tuesday eh,
Pei her go lortsa place,
Meet her 2pm @ amk,
But due t th damn bus 88, i waitd liek 20 mins,
From 1.40pm to 2pm, no sight of it.
Bert calld me, & persuade me take cab instead.
Cos, she say neeed chiong. Bo xi gan. -.-
& yaya, i took cab, was calling th driver drive faster, faster.
& ya, opposite round, slower & slower. Nb, waste my 5dollars. -.-
Stupid driver, with stupid driving skill.
Home --> Bishan --> Novena --> ChinaTown --> Bugis --> Amk --> Home
Bishan, NOvena & Chinatown is bert want meet people,
So bobian, pei her.
Went Bugis in search for Donald Duck Tee,
But ended up become bert's shopping spree?!
She spent alot, i tell you. o.o
I onl spent around 2bucks on transport, & 5bucks on cab,
Wow, 7bucks yeaaas?
I bought nothing, waste trip. D:
Took bus home alone,
Was thinking of lortsa things,
Yaya, mind full of "knowledge" right now. Lol.
Home Sweet Home by 6.30pm. (:
Comp + Eat + Dinner = BIG FAT PIG. ;D
Oh well, just cut it off.
'm sick of this can?
You're rich, aren't you? SO PLEASE STOP SAYING YOU AINT RICH.
Yahyah, 'm so pissed about you.
Please be happy about it yah?
People say they bo lui, i understand eh.
You ming ming jiu wu lui eh, keep on saying until liek you beggar siah.
People bill also ex liek fcuk what,
Not only yours. Nabuey!
& you think, onl your sms exceeded meh?
Mine also what, fangi also what, wangwang also what.
Everybody also what, not onl yours.
You scare bill ex, stop sms lah,
Keep on sms, also dontknow for what sioh.
Machiam doing big business liek that. -.-
Last time, your sms haven't exceeded, mine alread liek WOW. o.o
Still force me pei you sms,
Woahhhs, i so rich meh? Think i can pay off everything so easily meh?
Transport, shopping, bills, topup cards, meals if settle alone, everything ownself pay leh.
Think what ah you?
I bth liao horhs, dont't keep on saying what what what liao horh. Nb. :/
Everyday, sleep + eat + watch tv + comp + abit bball + go out = PIG?
Alright, alright, i will try t blog more often. :/
Monday, went out t hougang & amk hub there,
T meet with olivia's friends,
& with FEON! Oh my, oh my,
FEON. Haha, i love meeting her, cos she's nice. (:
Took bus home after that,
Changed & went over t KFC meet with xiong family,
Lucky eh, 'm not th last one.
Supposed t dine in KFC,
Had severe headache, & no appetite. -.-
Wellwell, things didnt goes well.
Feeling reall veh uncomfortable eh. D:
Thanks t LPT, Wangwang, Fangi, xdada brother & ahben for concerning eh.
Hahaha, & that damn ahben still offers t call me, & pei me.
Hahaha, how nice. (: Thanks friend!
Slept throughout, & woke up eat dinner + comp dhens back t sleep again. -.-
Bert jio me out on tuesday eh,
Pei her go lortsa place,
Meet her 2pm @ amk,
But due t th damn bus 88, i waitd liek 20 mins,
From 1.40pm to 2pm, no sight of it.
Bert calld me, & persuade me take cab instead.
Cos, she say neeed chiong. Bo xi gan. -.-
& yaya, i took cab, was calling th driver drive faster, faster.
& ya, opposite round, slower & slower. Nb, waste my 5dollars. -.-
Stupid driver, with stupid driving skill.
Home --> Bishan --> Novena --> ChinaTown --> Bugis --> Amk --> Home
Bishan, NOvena & Chinatown is bert want meet people,
So bobian, pei her.
Went Bugis in search for Donald Duck Tee,
But ended up become bert's shopping spree?!
She spent alot, i tell you. o.o
I onl spent around 2bucks on transport, & 5bucks on cab,
Wow, 7bucks yeaaas?
I bought nothing, waste trip. D:
Took bus home alone,
Was thinking of lortsa things,
Yaya, mind full of "knowledge" right now. Lol.
Home Sweet Home by 6.30pm. (:
Comp + Eat + Dinner = BIG FAT PIG. ;D
Oh well, just cut it off.
'm sick of this can?
You're rich, aren't you? SO PLEASE STOP SAYING YOU AINT RICH.
Yahyah, 'm so pissed about you.
Please be happy about it yah?
People say they bo lui, i understand eh.
You ming ming jiu wu lui eh, keep on saying until liek you beggar siah.
People bill also ex liek fcuk what,
Not only yours. Nabuey!
& you think, onl your sms exceeded meh?
Mine also what, fangi also what, wangwang also what.
Everybody also what, not onl yours.
You scare bill ex, stop sms lah,
Keep on sms, also dontknow for what sioh.
Machiam doing big business liek that. -.-
Last time, your sms haven't exceeded, mine alread liek WOW. o.o
Still force me pei you sms,
Woahhhs, i so rich meh? Think i can pay off everything so easily meh?
Transport, shopping, bills, topup cards, meals if settle alone, everything ownself pay leh.
Think what ah you?
I bth liao horhs, dont't keep on saying what what what liao horh. Nb. :/
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hello! Back again. (:
Happy sixth month to them eh.
Really glad for them luh. (:
Getting green skinnies & black shorts from Hazel tmr @ bishan.
& 've inform her about th electric blue skinnies. HAHA!
Monday, going bball again. Woosh~
Today veh sians luh.
Home --> S'goon --> FarEast --> AMK --> Hougang --> Home
Nothing much t talk about today,
Legs breaking onl. :x
& there's no good quality purple skinnies available.
How sad. D:
Getting my Yellow/Red Striped Cardigans, perhaps next week.
Provided 'm going out. (:
Going Clementi with Mummy soon eh. ;D
HAHA! Mus qiao za again, woolalas~
Happy sixth month to them eh.
Really glad for them luh. (:
Getting green skinnies & black shorts from Hazel tmr @ bishan.
& 've inform her about th electric blue skinnies. HAHA!
Monday, going bball again. Woosh~
Today veh sians luh.
Home --> S'goon --> FarEast --> AMK --> Hougang --> Home
Nothing much t talk about today,
Legs breaking onl. :x
& there's no good quality purple skinnies available.
How sad. D:
Getting my Yellow/Red Striped Cardigans, perhaps next week.
Provided 'm going out. (:
Going Clementi with Mummy soon eh. ;D
HAHA! Mus qiao za again, woolalas~
Friday, November 16, 2007
No matter what, i reall have t post today. (:
Cos, it's ahkorh's 17th bday. (:
& _l_ ahben, he ps me today. D:
Nbr msg me or what.
Kill + whack + hoot you uh! (:
Stupid stupid ahben. -.-
& 'm getting my Electric Blue skinnies real real soon,
All thanks t Hazel, you reall helpd me alot. ;D
&&; Gary korhkorh arhh,
Dont be moody alread k?
Must stay happy, liek you ahmei, ME! Haha,
Loves & Misses you. :D
Cos, it's ahkorh's 17th bday. (:
& _l_ ahben, he ps me today. D:
Nbr msg me or what.
Kill + whack + hoot you uh! (:
Stupid stupid ahben. -.-
& 'm getting my Electric Blue skinnies real real soon,
All thanks t Hazel, you reall helpd me alot. ;D
&&; Gary korhkorh arhh,
Dont be moody alread k?
Must stay happy, liek you ahmei, ME! Haha,
Loves & Misses you. :D
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
As usual, 'm lazy t blog heh. (:
Shall blog now,
Summarise th post for Sunday & Monday.
Nothing much, woke up damn late at around 3plus,
Went t opposite, meetup with th same group.
But not, not bball?
It's roller skate & bicycle. (:
Thanks sexybaby for bringing it down yeas.
Playd & gossips as usual.
Back home@ 7+pm.
Went t school for Amath extra lesson for those failures.
Metup with Kingkong & xdada brother @ 107, for breakfast.
JJ contactd me, & JJ & JH came t find us.
Went t classrm tgt yeaaas.
Continue with lesson,
Manageable. (: Cos' ie understand. Wooooo~
Went t Amk, meet with Wangwang, HL & Sexybaby.
Buy stuff, chiong back t house there.
Sorry fangi, let you wait.
Playd bball again,
First time liek so damn damn damn hiong, was sweating till dontknow how.
Nice try. (:
Home-d by 1940, cos' i want watch Clement in Hey! Gorgeous. (:
Went t school, for camping briefing.
Plus volunteering in th WRC'07, Sec1 Registration & Bradell Heights Countdown.
Was super active in this kind of thing,
I volunteered for everything yeaaaas.
Cos' this year, last year alread.
How sad?! TT
Bus-d back home, changed,
& busd t Amk t meet th rest.
Stupid Ahben ps me, say gorts what damn meeting at his there. -.-
Then, cnt msg me. _l_
Walkd around, zuobo-ing, waiting for PT,
PT reachd, bought movie ticket, "The Game Plan".
Cheap! Cheap! ~
Was crying non-stop, while others were laughing away?
Oh ya, "'m very emotional de!" Lol. :x
Guess the xiong family, knows what ie meant. Lol. :/
After movie, waitd for HL,
& Alison came t loookd for me.
Calld Wenni t come down t join us,
So was liek walking around & around & around.
Saw Wenwen @ Amk Hub as well, waved t her. ;D
Metup with Wenni, went t arcade,
& saw Wenwen again. Coincidence heh ~ ._.
KingKong left first,
Followd by xdada brother.
WC followd us t eat dinner @ KFC.
Ya ya, as usual.
Ahah, ie bet you guys will say lame, after knowing what is it. -.-
After eating + gossiping about Q&Q?! Lol.
Home-d by 2000 exactly. (:
& that stupid ahben, finally msg me during dinner time,
Whack you, then you know. -.-
Was msg-ing with KY as well. Lol.
Happy 1st Year Anniversary of breaking up t :
Fangi & KY {R.I.P On 290906 ~ 131106} +
Uncle & Me! {R.I.P On 291006 ~ 131106} Lol?!
Everything is just a coincidence heh ~
Shall blog now,
Summarise th post for Sunday & Monday.
Nothing much, woke up damn late at around 3plus,
Went t opposite, meetup with th same group.
But not, not bball?
It's roller skate & bicycle. (:
Thanks sexybaby for bringing it down yeas.
Playd & gossips as usual.
Back home@ 7+pm.
Went t school for Amath extra lesson for those failures.
Metup with Kingkong & xdada brother @ 107, for breakfast.
JJ contactd me, & JJ & JH came t find us.
Went t classrm tgt yeaaas.
Continue with lesson,
Manageable. (: Cos' ie understand. Wooooo~
Went t Amk, meet with Wangwang, HL & Sexybaby.
Buy stuff, chiong back t house there.
Sorry fangi, let you wait.
Playd bball again,
First time liek so damn damn damn hiong, was sweating till dontknow how.
Nice try. (:
Home-d by 1940, cos' i want watch Clement in Hey! Gorgeous. (:
Went t school, for camping briefing.
Plus volunteering in th WRC'07, Sec1 Registration & Bradell Heights Countdown.
Was super active in this kind of thing,
I volunteered for everything yeaaaas.
Cos' this year, last year alread.
How sad?! TT
Bus-d back home, changed,
& busd t Amk t meet th rest.
Stupid Ahben ps me, say gorts what damn meeting at his there. -.-
Then, cnt msg me. _l_
Walkd around, zuobo-ing, waiting for PT,
PT reachd, bought movie ticket, "The Game Plan".
Cheap! Cheap! ~
Was crying non-stop, while others were laughing away?
Oh ya, "'m very emotional de!" Lol. :x
Guess the xiong family, knows what ie meant. Lol. :/
After movie, waitd for HL,
& Alison came t loookd for me.
Calld Wenni t come down t join us,
So was liek walking around & around & around.
Saw Wenwen @ Amk Hub as well, waved t her. ;D
Metup with Wenni, went t arcade,
& saw Wenwen again. Coincidence heh ~ ._.
KingKong left first,
Followd by xdada brother.
WC followd us t eat dinner @ KFC.
Ya ya, as usual.
Ahah, ie bet you guys will say lame, after knowing what is it. -.-
After eating + gossiping about Q&Q?! Lol.
Home-d by 2000 exactly. (:
& that stupid ahben, finally msg me during dinner time,
Whack you, then you know. -.-
Was msg-ing with KY as well. Lol.
Happy 1st Year Anniversary of breaking up t :
Fangi & KY {R.I.P On 290906 ~ 131106} +
Uncle & Me! {R.I.P On 291006 ~ 131106} Lol?!
Everything is just a coincidence heh ~
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Ytd after helping Bear,
Went over t AMK t slackd,
Peid Wangwang till 1plus,
& she went for cip,
While, Fangi & me went over t Peninsula,
Changd Fangi's deh striped top size,
& change skinnies size,
Took Mrt t Bugis,
Shopshop, kup money,
Bought Lil'Miss again, was superb broke. T.T
Went ourt of Street t find HuiLing & Sexybaby.
Went intro Street adn shop again,
Didnt buy anything,
Went t LJS t have dessert, yumyum!
Went back t house there,
Met up with KingKong, xdada brother & laopeh.
Didnt play bball, watch them play only.
Keep on suan laopeh & kingkong. Lol.
Homw Sweet Home!
All photos are credited t ONG PEI TING, GOH FANGI!
Thanks for all th fun, friends.
You guys, totally rocks. (:
& let me made this group photo,
T end this post. (:
Ytd after helping Bear,
Went over t AMK t slackd,
Peid Wangwang till 1plus,
& she went for cip,
While, Fangi & me went over t Peninsula,
Changd Fangi's deh striped top size,
& change skinnies size,
Took Mrt t Bugis,
Shopshop, kup money,
Bought Lil'Miss again, was superb broke. T.T
Went ourt of Street t find HuiLing & Sexybaby.
Went intro Street adn shop again,
Didnt buy anything,
Went t LJS t have dessert, yumyum!
Went back t house there,
Met up with KingKong, xdada brother & laopeh.
Didnt play bball, watch them play only.
Keep on suan laopeh & kingkong. Lol.
Homw Sweet Home!
All photos are credited t ONG PEI TING, GOH FANGI!
Thanks for all th fun, friends.
You guys, totally rocks. (:
& let me made this group photo,
T end this post. (:
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