Was over midnight now,
'm still using comp?
Heh heh x.x
Was thinking of lortsa things,
& him, yeaaaas.
I don't know how t describe yeaaaas,
So jus forget it. HAHA!
Christmas is coming mannnnn!
Whooooosh ~
've determined t bought this stuff before Christmas come yahhhh, HAHA!
Th dumb purple skinnies
Dumb grey skinnies
Fcuking FBT Shorts
Green/Yellow/Electric Blue Cardigans
New Bag
Change th dumb specs
Change my Nokia phone t some better phones
Seriously, there's more t go,
But this stuffs would be in priority first?
Yahhhh, 'm saving th money.
'm not going t spend too much, whenever 'm outside?
Especially Bugis & Amk, too much temptations over there.
'll try t minimize my spendings. Awwwwwws. )':
Jessica is good enough, t save up t 400$ during this hols yahhh?
Gooood luck t me, (:
This is just some stupid random post,
I merely bloggd it, cos' 'm too sians + free = boliao. -.-
Shall post this pict, t end this post. (: