'm back! :D
Liek i say, 'll upload th video of kingkong.
Hohoho, uploaded le.
Do enjoy k?
& there's a dumb MENTOR'S PHOTO below as well. :x
Sorry Shawn Neo, lol!
Going ourt soooon le,
Going back t schoooool as well. Hohoho.
Later have Bball!
Want find us, go Buangkok there find us.
Haha, promised SWK pei him, zzz.
SWK, your hero is nice ok? Mus rmb!
Updated ,
Back from ourtside,
Jus now, went ourt, & bus-d over t Mall with Fangi.
Supposed t buy my shopping bag, but onl last th one on display.
So didnt buy it, zzzzzz.
Waitd for th fcuking girl, so damn long, cbk.
Went back t school, meet Jiale & Bryanbear.
Went t thomsom, but Miss Clarity Cafe was closed.
Went t bugis, requested t let us go t street awhile.
Ran t buy stuffs & my shoppping bag.
Hohoho, cost me 18bucks. :/
Ate-d, blablabla.
Talkd abt alorts of things.
Jiale went home first, then BryanBear fetch us over t HgMall.
Walkd awhile, & went t AMK,
Loook for bag, no nice one.
All nike de. :/
Bus-d home, stop over at Fangi's house there.
Bought bubble tea & Teenage magazine.
Bus-d back t house there,
Waitd for Swk. Jus nice, ahben calld me.
Hohoho, chatted awhile, adn he came.
We chattd alot lah,
Hohoho, first time urh?! Lol,
Nice chatting with him,
Reachd home, @ around 12mn le. Ha-ha.
Nice one, going slp now.