Tdy is a happpppppppy day. Lol.
Prepared & went ourt,
Meeeet Ahben & saw his sister.
Zzzzz, damn paiseh la. :/
88-ed t Amk first,
Meeeeet Cheryl & Hazel.
All late luh.
So went t Hub, walkwalk.
Damn suay lah, saw 4E1 peeeepos first.
Then, saw Berton they all, i guess?! :/
Then, went t washrooom, saw Jasmin.
S'pore is bloooody small. -.-
Saw some online friends,
Liek wow can?! o.o
After meeeting them, went over t Cityhall.
Ahben wanna meet his friend, Jee Rui i think.
Cos neeeed pass cigg & buy cigg. :/
After meeting, they go eat & we seperate with them.
Mrt-d over t Bugis,
Ahben meeet Zhiyong & Jianhan..
Seperate with him, he went t Paradix Center play poool.
While, i find fangi they all @ Bugis street.
Wangwang is damn rich lah, i tell you. :/
She bought, 1 highheel, 3 slogans, then i dontknow got what le.
Rich people, spend money veh shuang oneeee.
Huihui is another richgirl lah,
She bought, 1 skinnies, 1 highheel, 1 patent belt, 2 tunics.
Super rich girl. -.-
Fangi, bought 1 skinnies, 1 slogan. She most thrifty de.
& tads Sexybaby, bought 1 skinnies, 1 flippies, 1 patent belt
& dontknow what else le.
& well,
Alot of things @ my wishlist, striked off alread.
Bought 2patent belts, 1white flippies,
1 black pumps, 1 tanktop, 1 tube, 2 cardigans.
Spent 6.70$ + 7.90$ + 13.50$ + 8$ + 5$ + 20$ = 61.50$
My wallet had a hole now, super heartbroken. D:
Went back @ around 8plus.
Meeeet Ahben, Zhiyong & Jianhan back @ PS.
Was damn sians, alight @ S'goooon.
103-ed home.
Reachd home @ 1045pm liek tads.
Great day luh,
Thanks t my girls, ahben & friends. :D
Love you allllllllllll ~
Byeeee now! :D
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