'm reall veh lazy t upload picts.
But 'll try t upload it later on. :D
17th Jan ,
Eustance korhkorh's bday.
He's 18th now. Liek WOW?!
Time flies damn fast. o.o
Lesson was so-so,
& you know what?
MISS SIM IS BACK! I miss her so so ...
Lol, ;D
Went t Ngee Ann with school as well.
Shared th same bus with half of th 4E4.
OR 1/4? Idk la. Lol.
Surprisingly, saw Eugene ahjie @ NP as well.
Was great luh, calld him immediately after seeing him. Lol.
Chatted awhile, then seperate liao. :/
Playd "Concentration Game" awhile, then watch video.
Damn sians, i tell you.
Had a walk around th dontknow what.
Lookd at some courses, also damn sians. :/
Went back t school sooon after.
Went t classrm, slackslack.
& saw Shermin & Weikeat tgt. o.o Lol.
They chatting niahs, nth much.
Playd Concentration again. :x
Home after tads.
18th Jan ,
School was so-so lah,
Was release @ 12.40pm instead of 12.10pm.
Cos was liek detention? Whatever it is.. Zzz..
Went home after they went t Guides.
Slept, & meet Fangi & Sexybaby @ Mall.
Meet with Olivia as well, & went t buy stuffs.
Went back t school, slackd with th usual grp.
Supposed t meet Ahben, but didnt meet in th end. Lol.
Slackd with Fangi, @ Hougang ave 4 there.
Chatted alorts luh, was telling my xinshi t her as well.
I rmbd, we talkd abt our desired courses & poly as well. Lol.
Reachd home by 11pm, i guess. :D
19th Jan ,
Chris korh's bday,
18th birthday as well, zzzz. -.-
340pm, met with Ahben first,
Cos we stayd near t each other mah,
Then took 72, t meet Fangi.
Went t TM t watchd movie.
Meetup with Butter korhkorh as well,
But he fcukd one lah, meet 430pm, reachd @ 640pm. -.-
Bought th tickets of "One Missed Call",
Was horror?!
Dontknow lah, i liek everything also dontdare watch. tsktsk.
They playd arcade, fangi & me seesee niahs. -.-
Went seperate ways,
Went t Bugis, find Huihui Nutty.
She knocked off at 10pm. o.o
Chased for bus 133, -.-
Reachd Amk, bought my cup noodles.
& went back home.
20th Jan ,
Went t meet Fangi & Huihui Nutty @ HGPT.
Ate Mcd, & went t 925, do h/w.
Finally, done abit of my Amath,
Will try t do finish by tmr luh.
Tues, neeeeed handup. -.-
Tues, there's lortsa test, jus hope any of it will be postpone.
So wont be so zzzz.
Whatever la, D:
Fcukd Olvl upside down, inside ourt. -.-
Photos of manymanymany days,
Not accordingly.. Zzzz,
Photos below, are th day we went t TP.
& this is what we're doing when waiting for Huihui Nutty.
& below are some picts taken during Sec1 Camp. :D
Most recent photos ..
Photos of tdy .. :D
Misson accomplished.
Byeeee now! :D