Math first,
& then Physics.
Was slacking & chatting with Peiting & Mingyang Laopeh.
Miss.Chng came in by 11.10am.
& we're release at around 11.15am.
Slacked outside classroom, chatted with Laopeh.
Went out chitchat with th girls.
Pei-ed Fangi wait for 109.
& chatted with Cheerene & Samuel.
Bus-ed home.
After that.
Meet Manda, Huihui & AhMui @ Hub first.
Walked over t Jubilee meet th rest.
Arcade-ed, spend 5plus luh.
Ate @ Mcd,
Was chatting & laugh till dontknow how.
Jokes are created, & laugh like nobody business.
Like wooooo ~ (:
Peektures ,
Boyf, 'm prepare for th worse alrdy.
Sorry for th past few days.
My attitude sucks big time.
But 'm really hope that, nothing would happen.
Like you said, you're waiting for 251208, 251209 & so on.
'm still waiting for those days .. I love you.