That's great, isn't it? (:
Rotted at home for th past 3days.
LayHoon came over on Saturday.
She Sunday, going JB. o.o
Went t school ytd.
Meet up with Brother @ 107 after that.
Cabbed over t Hougang, & went home t change.
Went t Kingkong's house t slack.
Meetup with KiMeng & Laopeh @ Buangkok Bball court.
've nothing better else t do.
Once Lawrence came, i went off.
Sry guys, i suddenly bo mood luh. Zzzz.
Went home, bathe then slept.
Ah anw, i guess 'm posting up a few more peektures,
That's like 1week ago? o.o
Should be 26th May i guess,
After O Level MTL Paper.
Ali Kapom!
They enjoyed blocking people's way. :x
At S'goon Mac. :D