Woke up at 12nn exactly. :/
Alarm clock went off, Mummy came t wake me up.
But like no use also.
Baby cousin came in, & sat on me, & slap my face.
He says, he want me wake up. Zzzz,
'm alrdy used t it. Dots.
When he's 3 years old, he pinches & bites me.
Now, 5years old, it's natural for him t slap me. Zzzz, :/
Accompanied Baby Cousin t watch Ratatouille(sp?),
& shun bian started on my History. Like omfgawd.
I dont even caught any balls. So didnt touch it anw. :x
Went ourt soon @ around 1345pm.
Cos, 've promised th guys t go out long time ago.
So sry t th lapas, that ie didnt go meet you all.
Reach-ed Amk first, then met up with Ali Kapom.
Train-ed down t Somerset with Ali Kapom, x.Reddot, Kingkong & Brother.
Adn we found ourt sth ok!
Kingkong said, Somerset as Somersault. Cool uh? :b
Down-ed t Cineleisure > Wheelocks Place > FarEast Plaza.
105-ed down t S'goon Central,
Chatted alot with Kingkong & Ali Kapom.
About our future! LOL.
Train-ed down t Sengkang,
Bought Sushi for family & went t buy Iced Milk Tea as well.
Fucking 156, make me wait for half an hour.
Supposed t reached home around 815pm liek that.
Ended up 845pm. Nabueyyyyyyy.
Camped infront of Television till now then use comp.
'm losing interest in internet alrdy. Tsktsk.
Awwwwws, ):
I missed Boyf badly, )':
It's been 3weeks4days ever since ie saw him. Zzzzz,
& Dearest, 4 more days t th 6th Month! (:
21st June ' 08
It's 4.20am now.
Dearest jus called me t chat, when ie woke him up from his sleep.
'm so sry! But Dearest is nice enough t pei me.
Omgawd, how sweet of Dearest. (:
Love you manymany k? :D
Layhoon not coming over tmr. Tsktsk.
She got her commitment,
1 more day left t reopen school. Fuck sian. ):
Peektures up!
Anw, my cousin is jus acting one shy. Zzzz,