've th sudden urge t blog uh.
So ie came t blog. :DDDDDDD
Bet everyone are missing me, & my posts. -.-
Oh oh, bullshits. :/
25th August ,Happy 8th Month t Dearest. :DThanks for th past 7 months of good memories you gave me.
Dear, you're th best of th best.
'll treasure you uh. Heh. {:
English paper, ie think ie flunk th whole of it.
My onl hope which is on Paper 2, & ie did badly for it.
'm not focusing well anw. Wtf!
What's happening t me mannzxzxzxzxz? ):26th August ,Mother Tongue paper, dont feel like going t school.
Cos, so many have drop liao leh. Wahlauuuuuuuuuu.
x.Dragon pranked Wangwang, as she's sleeping so soundly. -.-
Huihui said, 've been
stoning for most of th time.
Reason being, ie dont have th mood t do + 've many time t spare. o.o
Chemistry Remedial after that, for tmr's Practical.
27th August ,Was allocated t th Shift 1 of Practical Exams. :/
Went out of house around 640am.
Saw Dear's daddy driving him off t school. Fishhhhhhhy,
I can't even msg him, cos cannot bring hp. ):
Reached school @ 705am. Wtfishhhhhhy.
Flunked my last part of Chemistry Prac,
I didnt know it's Oxidizing Agent,
I onl know it's NOT a Reducing Agent. -.-
Physics Prac, gotten Miss.Tan's help.
Kuku sian. ):
28th August ,Was raining, so took bus 315 t schooool.
Happen t take th same bus as Minghao.
Alight, chatted & walked t school tgt.
But halfway through, ie chiong off.
As ie dontwant be th last t reach class. :/
SS, is NOT alright at all.
A pass will do, for SS.
I wont be greedyyyyyyyyyy.
Math Paper 1,
Surprisingly, ie can do all, without leaving any blanks.
Except for that bloooooody Vectors. Tmd.
But after comparing, 've realised that, 've done alot of qns wrong.
Okayyyyy, once again. SAY BYEBYE T MY PASS! )':
29th August ,Happy 16th Birthday To FangiYour present would be belated. So sry! ):
Slept veh veh veh late th previous night.
've been ton-ing throughout till 3plus until ie cant tahan.
Dozed off infront of comp, with my History Notes.
Onl studied Fall On Communism & abit of Russia.
Lucky, it came out, but ie didnt have time t do finish.
Haisssssssssssss, ):
Had Teachers' Day Cele, & prize-giving.
Kensington won quite a number of prizes. :D Nice try! (:
Looked for Miss.Norrine after cele, & went off t chop my hair.
Chopped my hair into pieces with Wangwang. Holy.
'm having headache after reaching home.
But insisted t went down t look for Brother & all.
Slacked around, PSP-ed, Badminton-ed & crapped.
Saw Jodie & a couple of SGS-ians.
Reached home by 930pm,
Headache + bodyache + slight fever.
'm alright by tmr. Standard. -.-
P.S: Videos on Fireworks will be up by next week or tmr.
Waiting for Dearest's msg now.
Happy Advance 17th Birthday t Dear's Gay Partner, Jeerui.
Hope you've enjoyed th cele, they have prepare for you.
Sorry that ie cant go & celebrate for youuh. Ps luh! ):
BYE eh.
Update again soon. :D