Prelims are tmr, ie cant be blogging that often alrdy.
21st Aug,
May both of you stay happy uh! (:
Nothing much happen ah.
Flunk my Chemistry Prac, wtf.
Been veh vexed over damn Practical, which is onl next Wed. :/
May god bless me.
Meet up with Dearest @ 6plus after that.
Back home @ 7plus.
22nd Aug,
Lessons are as of usual.
But ie should say, school is fuck boring. -.-
Freaking cold for th past few days.
Nabueyyyyyyyy. :/
My binded Maths Worksheets are like my Bible.
've been bringing t everywhere 've gone t.
But ie didnt even touch it. :x
Abit boliaooooo eh.
Went Point with Fangi & Huihui.
Stupid boyf promised t help me take bag.
In th end, he didnt even want t go Point. Fook him.
Meet up with Dearest @ usual place.
Had a small tiff with Dearest,
& ie didnt even want t talk t him, when he sent me home.
Sorry Dear! ):
Prepared & went out @ around 435pm.
Went Point take $$. (:
Waited for Kingkong @ 953.
He psychoed me go back t my house downstair.
& had a surprise from Brother, Kingkong & Lil' Lamb.
Thanks guys! {: You're jus so great! (:
103-ed down t S'goon, meet Lawrence.
Saw Yuxian, & went down t Cityhall.
Camped around Marina area, waiting for fireworks.
Chiong down t Swensens' even before th fireworks ends.
Saw Wenxia & Cassandra, waved.
After eating,
Saw Raylene, waved.
Camwhored. & trained home.
Reached Amk @ around 12mn.
Cabbed home with Kingkong.
Reached home, @ around 1215mn.
Fruitful & tiring day. :D
23rd Aug,
Nothing much happen.
Tiring day.
24th Aug,
Nothing much happen too.
Didnt even touch any revisions yet. Bless me. -.-
Jus watch finish Olympics Closing Ceremony.
Olympics' fireworks are much more nicer.
How ie wish ie was at Beijing, t witness it. ):
But still,
'm looking forward t Olympics in London on 2012. :D
Will update again, once 've th time.
Photos .. :D
There's still videos on th fireworks.
Will upload asap. (: