Went out & meet Fangi first then Sexywoman, koala inside stadium.
Do some basic stretching & went for running.
Rained & we stopped, & chatted like many things.
7pm, went t buy candles & went t meet Ahmui & Wangwang.
Went down t Wangwang's house downstair.
& started 'celebrating'.
Was fun lah dey, fun until bwg.
I still rmbr celebrating with Fangi, Kuanyew, Bernard, Delon, CG, Cindy,
During Sec2 in th afternoon.
& my bag caught fire, ha-ha. & thanks t KY for saving it.
We used t be so close. Laughs.
This year, is th best celebration yea.
But there's no x.dragon. Hais. ):
We're practically missing her, everytime we took photos.
X.dragon, next time we must celebrate tgt ah! {:
Seperated on 930pm.
88-ed home later.
'm waiting t call Fangi liao.
Need t conference & chat on something. HAHA.
'm stopping here, let those peektures do th talking bah. :D
Enjoy! {:
End here alrdy.
BYE! {: