Didn't sleep a wink last night, until around 10am this morng. Zzzzz.
Due t some gawddamnblardyyy reasons. Ok, just fuck that thing away from my mind.
It's ok alrdy, so jus forget about it.
Anw, woke up @ 1130am & prepare.
Thanks Catwoman, for th spamming of morng calls. :D
Supposed taking 88 t Wangwang's house, but ended up 88 ran.
So ie go for 72, & fuggin 72 ran away too,
So ie was like, wtf-did-th-bus-ranaway feeling.
Wasn't th last t reach, so it's ok anw.
Saw sth unpleasant, msged Huihui t tell her. She was like agreeing with me!! ((((:
Blackjack, Daidee & Mahjong. Ok, it's fun, ie say.
Winning, losing, & winning it in th end.
Girls, no matter how much we win or lose, it's still NEW YEAR ok! Cheerup. :D
Justin & Darius, th two gays came along & join us as well in th evening.
Brother didn't come ok! He promised one, but still didn't.
Sound SO SO SO SO SAD ok!!! ):
Dinner tgt with everybody at Wangwang's house, was great.
Very homely, like everybody said. :D
Gambled till 1030pm, had a group photo before leaving.
Thanks GuoWei uh! (:
Anw, 've finally recv my Cleocat's item & my Donald duck accessories. :b
Ain't it cute? :DDDDDDDDDD
Currently, my adaptor is down,
Will post up our group photo soon! (:
Shall go t sleep alrdy. BYEBYE!