mid week now, and tmr's training is cancel, oh wellzzzz... hear is there's common test coming up fr them. JIAYOU JASMINE AND PPL WHO'RE HAVING COMMON TEST IN SCH! most of us now having FYP/IAP, so don't hv whatever common test shits...
also, there'll be training on friday @ defu, and last rehearsal on sat @ Geylang Lor 35. meeting th rest t go down tgt, since we dont even knw wth is lor 35 lohhhhh. dont know is noob or noob!!!! ahahahaha.
t update my tiny weeny little readers, 'm helping Huang Shi fr their big day this saturday lah. hehehe ;b performing jie ling gu again!!!! hehehee.
've got nothing t update liao eh... but 'm rather active @ tumblr too now... hee! all those reblogging make my life NOT SO mundane when 'm in office.
i shld be taking half day leave tdy one leh, damn shag + tired leh. but it's onl mid week, so i rather half day off on friday! WAHAHAHHA. enjoy life (Y)
i really hope, they can stop giving me all this recruiting shit ah. i really hv difficulties calling ppl up, approaching ppl as well. U GIVE ME DATA ENTRY I DO MANY MANY FR U! really.
anyw, t danny nah,
heeheheh! u're literally th FIRST guy which i randomly call u an asshole, and u're still smiling cheekily t me. thanks hunnybun. U'RE NOT A ASSHOLE. u shld really knw it well that i was KIDDING/JOKING/PLAYING/FOOLING AROUND right my lovely bunnnnny! <3
i love you babybun, always love u <3 <3 <3 hehehehe!
hope u read this, AND KNW MY SINCERITY OK, will help u kill this eddie sato in Crime City, lol....
and i love Philips's NTU Interns lah... WHEN I FINDING PPL FR THIS FRI'S UNPACKING SESSION. they jus willingly t help me, WITHOUT me begging them. love die them. hope they turns up fr th unpacking session this friday! YAY and hope Willem accepted them. PLS APPROVE THEM!
till then.... will promise t blog again. I V ACTIVE NAO OKAY! hehehehe