
Friday, April 11, 2014

hiatus mode, soon

finals are approaching and I have not done any revisions yet. 

just can't kick this bad habit of mine away.... left w less than 2 weeks for first paper, and WHERES MY SENSE OF URGENCY???!!! 
need it ASAP, needa conquer this semester finals, can't afford to flunk any modules anymore :(

on a lighter note, I rly wna thank god for letting me scored a PAP for ethics assignment, CRC for strategic mgmt grp assignment and lastly a DID for sales strategy and comms skills. 
I just wna hope for the best for the remaining assignment/ mid semester test results to be good as well, and nonetheless, hoping my finals results will be awesome too!

before making any of those above to be fulfilled, I need to first get my ass back and start revision alrdy. T___T

will be back soon ppl, 

YJessica, X