Backback t blog. :D
Today luh,
Prepared & went t schooool luh.
Reachd schooool busstop.
Was readinggg HL's Guides project thingy luh.
Was reading & stuffs,
& was loooking @ her neos luh. LOL.
& they're waiting for SexyBaby, Marlar & Christiana.
Since @ th busstop.
Shunbian, waitd for him. :D
Walkd t schooool tgt,
Gateee wasnt closeee or whads. HehHeh. ;DDD
Dint do duty,
Budds, gorts dismiss 2e2 lahhhhhs. Cheeeeers.
After assembly,
had shortshort Councillor meeeeting,
Budds, it drag until liek half an hour deh 'short' meeeting ?
Th meeeting, was conductd by Ahbert,
& her favourite word of th day, "understand" . LOL.
Chiong back t classrooom, tooook boook & file,
&went down straight for Physics lesson.
Missd half of th lesson,
Caught no balls at all. Pooooor me lahhhhs.
History was next,
Dint had presentation or whads.
Budds, watchd movie documentary of Hitler in Nuremberg, ie think.
Stuffs liek tads lahhhhs, was nice actually.
They marchd until veh style urh ! -.-
Chemistry & blahhhhs.
Recess !
Ate & bought two bottles greeeen teaaa.
Cos, GN's TomYam Noodles, is fcuking spicy.
Dammit, & ie drank dontknow how many spooonful of th soup & th nooodles.
Buay tahan, bought GreeenTea norhhhhs.
Jayson dint comeee again, damn fcuk,
Miss.Ong wantd me t get all 3e2 students back,
Budds, ie didnt. WeiKeat came t get us back.
Nobody listen t him. HOW PATHETIC ! -.-
Mr.Ho came up, &chases us back t classroooom.
Went t Miss.Ong class, crappd with YF.
Budds, were told t go Mr.Ho's class instead. -.- TSKTSK.
Roamd around schooool,
&went t find him, ;DD
Chat awhile, before going Mr.Ho's class.
Reachd class, he diaoo me, liek buay song liek tads.
Budds, dint careeee.
JL&Mei was kenaaa said by him, cos they bothhhhh veh lateeee.
Go through Worksheeeet,
Cos chatting, was calld t stand infront. TSKTSK.
Say ie dint set example,
Nbr mind lahhhhs, 'M THICK SKIN ! :D
Helpd Mr.Ho, write down answer & stuffs @ whiteboard.
Super lame, & was kena hit on th head by Mr.Ho's worksheeet.
Hahaha, he's quite niceeee lahhhs.
Jayson, yoooos better come tmr. TSKTSK ! D:
Nothing much happpppen.
Was slacking lahhhhs.
Chatting with laobu alsooo. LOL.
Nothing much t do.
After schooool,
Went t hall, practice songs; The Reason & More Than Words.
Ahbert & th est of th EXCOs want us sing,
So yupppps, ie sang damn louddddd. :D
'm GUAI okays.
Di-siaoooo with Gordon,
& jokeee around with Ahbert.
Nothing else better t do mahhhhhs.
Was fcuking boring. LOL.
Metup with BearBear,
Helpd him with some Interhouse stuffs insideee Library.
Packd those medals, & was emo for awhile.
Awhile, jiu okays lerhhhhs. LOL.
Went t NYDC @ Orchard,
Ate pasta & cheesecake,
Was blooooody fulll lahhhhs. -.-
Tads all lerhhhhs bahhhhs ! LOL.
& yeaaaas, they're having coldwar,
They dint talk either, 'm saddd lahhhs.
Dont even know, when will they start t talk agn.
Hais ..
Boy, ie wishd yoooos were here,
I neeeed you, ie have beeen thinking abt mye parents' stuffs.
Cos ie dint know whads t do with them either.
Misssss yooooos ~
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Much apologieeees luh.
Ytd dint haveee timeee t blogggg,
&now, 'm here blogggingggg.
Anw, Happpy belateddd birthday t threeee of them. :D
Ytd, reachd schooool quiteee lateee.
Dint bother muchhh,
As longggg as ie reachd schooool, norts lateee can lerhhhhs.
Was Mother Tongue luh,
Followed by lessons after lessons.
'm failinggg mye SS test alread.
I totally forget whads t writeeeee.
How wonderful can it be. -.-
Supposed t meeeet tads someoneee* at library thereeee.
Cos, gorts Miss.Tan there,
So nbr meeeet lerhs. ._.
After schooool,
Supposed t meeet Winnie,
In th enddd, she backd ourt, sayinggg Friday dhens meeeet. -.-
Went t meeet KinYong @ blk1o9,
Cos, he say gorts somethingggg t tell me.
In th endddd,
He say nothingggg. -.- Fcuk him lahhhhs! -.-
Wasteeee mye timeeee niahhhhhs. o.o
Skipd lunch, as when ie went back,
They ateee finishhh lerhhhhs.
Waitd for Ahbert, cos waitinggg for her, pei her eat. -.-
In th endddd, she couldnt madeeee it.
So we went t AMK first.
Supposed they pei me watchd Rush Hour 3 onceeee moreeee,
Buddds, th timeee slot veh lateee, 5plus, ie think.
So walkd t AMK Hub thereeee,
See whether Cathay deh timeee slot how luh.
In th endddd,
We lateee by 5mins,
Ahdi, say misss abit, bo ho kuaaa liaooo.
Went t dontknow whads shop,
Helpd Ahbert find Adidas Bottle.
Budds, OOS. Saddd luh.
Went t Mac, slackd.
&they ateee icecream.
Me no money, so cnt eat lahhhhhs.
All veh tireddd,
Planninggg t go homeeee,
&ie forces them, t pei me slackd lahhhhs. LOL.
'm so power. Onl brother went homeeee first.
Busd t YF's houseeee there,
As ie neeeed t meeet her.
Calld her for arounddd 27times liek tads,
&buay tahan, calld her houseee instead.
&her mum, says she's sleeeeping. wtf.
RedDot, xianggg drink bubbleee teaaaa,
&ie bringgg them all go lahhhs.
Longlong distanceee lahhhs.
Went t bread Shop bought sandwiches first,
Cos, ie toooo hungry liaooo.
Reachd bubble tea shop,
Settled down, &orderd. :D
Ate waffleeee alsooo.
Cos, 'm too too too hungryyyyy liaoooo.
Founddd ourt ie bo money liaooo.
Left with 10bucks for th rest of this month,
&10 plus days of next month. Hais. ):
Walkd homeee with YK,
&went tuition after tads.
Saw Gerald otw t HougangSec.
Start Emo-inggg after ie reachd tuition.
All thoseee msg stuffs&calls. Hais.
Yeaaas, am ie tads worthless to yoooos ? ie wondered.
Sent SexyBaby homeee, after tads.
Walkd t YF's House after tads,
Was emo-inggg, all th whileee, went walking t there.
Crieddd, whileee listeninggg t sadd songs lahhhs.
Reachd thereee,
YF passes me her stuffs, &went t buy topup carddd,
With th money, YF lent me. LOL.
'm so so broke. ):
Walkd homeee again,
Listen t songs again, cryinggg again.
Fcuk thoseee tears. ):
Reachd homeeee,
Bathe, study abit Chem. Dont catchh any balls.
&went t sleeeep insteaddd.
Dint calld Dumbdumb, cos 'm tooo exhausted liaooo lahhhs.
Tads all for ytd post,
It's a longlong post. LOL.
&yes, it's rebecca's birthday. LOL.
Went schooool & stuffs.
Saw someone* msg.
Feeelinggg much more alrights lerhhhhs.
Arbo, ie emo again. -.-
Nearly lateee for schooool,
As ie donteven know ie missd mye 73,
When ie reachd busstop. -.-
So bobian, waitd for 315 insteadddd. -.-
YK norts feeeelinggg well.
&he dint takeee test.
While, mye test = BUANG ! ):
KY cameee t finddd me agn.
Tell me someeee stupiddd stuffs.
&ie jus diaooo him, &walkd off.
I seeeeems t be so badddd,
Budddds, whu careeees. Whu calld him, make me dulan.
Last periodddd,
Supposed t go washroooom with YangJu laobu&bytchhh deh.
Went t meeeet someone* insteaddd. LOL.
Blahhhhhs ..
&went back t classss finddd bytch they all.
&at thereeee,
Playd with hp & stuffffs.
Sendinggg songs&themes.
&takingggg dumb picts, &edited by FaceWarp. -.-
They superrrr lameee lahhhs.
Continueee watchd Baobei JiHua,
Laobu crieddd, becos of tads movieeee.
Cos, kindarhhhhhs saddd lahhhs. LOL.
Watchd till 2.30pm,
Dhens, went off t CCA,
Anw, CCA cancelld. LOL.
Supposed t meeeet Ee Pheng @ Marsiling.
Cos, 'm aloneeee. Dhens, lazy go alsooo.
Peid Sheenaa awhileeee,
Dhens ie peid her homeeee.
Fetch her t busstop, girls' talk awhileee,
Before she boarddd her bus.
Walkd homeeee aloneee,
Cos, dont feeeel liek takinggg bus. Hais.
Thinkingggg of lortsaaa stuffs.
Well, nbr mindddd. :D
Reachd homeeee, ate dinner.
Parents quarrelled, hais.
I jus hopeeee, nothinggg happen.
Cos, ie dont want anythinggg t happen.
Oh, please. Hais. ):
Everything, wouldddd went on veh fineeee, please.
Update again @ night bahhhs.
Much apologieeees luh.
Ytd dint haveee timeee t blogggg,
&now, 'm here blogggingggg.
Anw, Happpy belateddd birthday t threeee of them. :D
Ytd, reachd schooool quiteee lateee.
Dint bother muchhh,
As longggg as ie reachd schooool, norts lateee can lerhhhhs.
Was Mother Tongue luh,
Followed by lessons after lessons.
'm failinggg mye SS test alread.
I totally forget whads t writeeeee.
How wonderful can it be. -.-
Supposed t meeeet tads someoneee* at library thereeee.
Cos, gorts Miss.Tan there,
So nbr meeeet lerhs. ._.
After schooool,
Supposed t meeet Winnie,
In th enddd, she backd ourt, sayinggg Friday dhens meeeet. -.-
Went t meeet KinYong @ blk1o9,
Cos, he say gorts somethingggg t tell me.
In th endddd,
He say nothingggg. -.- Fcuk him lahhhhs! -.-
Wasteeee mye timeeee niahhhhhs. o.o
Skipd lunch, as when ie went back,
They ateee finishhh lerhhhhs.
Waitd for Ahbert, cos waitinggg for her, pei her eat. -.-
In th endddd, she couldnt madeeee it.
So we went t AMK first.
Supposed they pei me watchd Rush Hour 3 onceeee moreeee,
Buddds, th timeee slot veh lateee, 5plus, ie think.
So walkd t AMK Hub thereeee,
See whether Cathay deh timeee slot how luh.
In th endddd,
We lateee by 5mins,
Ahdi, say misss abit, bo ho kuaaa liaooo.
Went t dontknow whads shop,
Helpd Ahbert find Adidas Bottle.
Budds, OOS. Saddd luh.
Went t Mac, slackd.
&they ateee icecream.
Me no money, so cnt eat lahhhhhs.
All veh tireddd,
Planninggg t go homeeee,
&ie forces them, t pei me slackd lahhhhs. LOL.
'm so power. Onl brother went homeeee first.
Busd t YF's houseeee there,
As ie neeeed t meeet her.
Calld her for arounddd 27times liek tads,
&buay tahan, calld her houseee instead.
&her mum, says she's sleeeeping. wtf.
RedDot, xianggg drink bubbleee teaaaa,
&ie bringgg them all go lahhhs.
Longlong distanceee lahhhs.
Went t bread Shop bought sandwiches first,
Cos, ie toooo hungry liaooo.
Reachd bubble tea shop,
Settled down, &orderd. :D
Ate waffleeee alsooo.
Cos, 'm too too too hungryyyyy liaoooo.
Founddd ourt ie bo money liaooo.
Left with 10bucks for th rest of this month,
&10 plus days of next month. Hais. ):
Walkd homeee with YK,
&went tuition after tads.
Saw Gerald otw t HougangSec.
Start Emo-inggg after ie reachd tuition.
All thoseee msg stuffs&calls. Hais.
Yeaaas, am ie tads worthless to yoooos ? ie wondered.
Sent SexyBaby homeee, after tads.
Walkd t YF's House after tads,
Was emo-inggg, all th whileee, went walking t there.
Crieddd, whileee listeninggg t sadd songs lahhhs.
Reachd thereee,
YF passes me her stuffs, &went t buy topup carddd,
With th money, YF lent me. LOL.
'm so so broke. ):
Walkd homeee again,
Listen t songs again, cryinggg again.
Fcuk thoseee tears. ):
Reachd homeeee,
Bathe, study abit Chem. Dont catchh any balls.
&went t sleeeep insteaddd.
Dint calld Dumbdumb, cos 'm tooo exhausted liaooo lahhhs.
Tads all for ytd post,
It's a longlong post. LOL.
&yes, it's rebecca's birthday. LOL.
Went schooool & stuffs.
Saw someone* msg.
Feeelinggg much more alrights lerhhhhs.
Arbo, ie emo again. -.-
Nearly lateee for schooool,
As ie donteven know ie missd mye 73,
When ie reachd busstop. -.-
So bobian, waitd for 315 insteadddd. -.-
YK norts feeeelinggg well.
&he dint takeee test.
While, mye test = BUANG ! ):
KY cameee t finddd me agn.
Tell me someeee stupiddd stuffs.
&ie jus diaooo him, &walkd off.
I seeeeems t be so badddd,
Budddds, whu careeees. Whu calld him, make me dulan.
Last periodddd,
Supposed t go washroooom with YangJu laobu&bytchhh deh.
Went t meeeet someone* insteaddd. LOL.
Blahhhhhs ..
&went back t classss finddd bytch they all.
&at thereeee,
Playd with hp & stuffffs.
Sendinggg songs&themes.
&takingggg dumb picts, &edited by FaceWarp. -.-
They superrrr lameee lahhhs.
Continueee watchd Baobei JiHua,
Laobu crieddd, becos of tads movieeee.
Cos, kindarhhhhhs saddd lahhhs. LOL.
Watchd till 2.30pm,
Dhens, went off t CCA,
Anw, CCA cancelld. LOL.
Supposed t meeeet Ee Pheng @ Marsiling.
Cos, 'm aloneeee. Dhens, lazy go alsooo.
Peid Sheenaa awhileeee,
Dhens ie peid her homeeee.
Fetch her t busstop, girls' talk awhileee,
Before she boarddd her bus.
Walkd homeeee aloneee,
Cos, dont feeeel liek takinggg bus. Hais.
Thinkingggg of lortsaaa stuffs.
Well, nbr mindddd. :D
Reachd homeeee, ate dinner.
Parents quarrelled, hais.
I jus hopeeee, nothinggg happen.
Cos, ie dont want anythinggg t happen.
Oh, please. Hais. ):
Everything, wouldddd went on veh fineeee, please.
Update again @ night bahhhs.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Woke up & stuffs liek tads.
Parents havent wake up. -.-
So bobian, have t made breakfast myself.
Sis wasnt at home dhens,
Hear, she go interview her job. Zzzzz ...
Used comp & zuobo,
Supposed t re-watch WeiSiaoPasta,
Buddds, lazy off comp agn, since ie alread on it.
Want play audi,
Since mye sis downloaded it,
Budds, no account, create until ie pekcek.
So, nbr play in th endddd.
Dad woke up first,
Went ourt veh sooon,
Went t buy lunch. :D:D
Chicken rice. Yum Yum !
I reall dyinggg t eat chicken riceee,
Although ie seeeem t eat everyday, after schoool. LOL.
Hiyaaas, bobian lahhhs.
2plus liek tads,
CockKhang jio me go play bball,
Askd him jio YF tooo.
Call him, contact me later, after jioing her.
In th end, buay tahan.
I go sleeeep again. -.-
Alsooo nbr see his msg.
Agaragar, he alsooo nbr go play lerhhhs bahhhhs.
Ate dinner & stuffs.
Used comp again.
Blog-hoppingggg & stuffs liek tads.
Replied momo & replied emails.
Dhens, phoned dumbdumb luh.
Conference with two more other girls.
Dont reall know them.
Onl tads, daphanie askd me oneee qns until veh cuteeee.
She's funnnnny lahhhs. LOL.
They hangd awhileee later.
Chat with dumbdumb awhile moreeee,
&dhens he went missssingggg,
Chat with his brother instead.
His brother, talk until veh funnnny.
Askd this&tads.
Liek, investigator liek tads. LOL.
Dumbdumb quarrelld with his bro.
Quarrel until veh hionggg,
Budds, ie still at thereee laughinggg.
Cos, gorts oneeee part,
Dumbdumb, keeeep on scoldinggg liek machine gun.
I aweard it's funnnnny until dontknow how.
Zzzz ...
Awhile later, he kept yawning.
&so, ie forces him t sleeeeep.
Kup phone, &used comp again.
Msn-ed awhileee till now.
Havent study SS yet.
Studying later on bahhhhs.
SS test ..
Meeetup with Winnie later on after schoool, 2.45pm.
Meeetup with YF's seller @ Wooodlands tmr as well.
Nightclass in th night. (duh)
Sent SexyBaby, t her house downstair.
Dhens walkd homeee aloneee agn siahhhhs.
Parents havent wake up. -.-
So bobian, have t made breakfast myself.
Sis wasnt at home dhens,
Hear, she go interview her job. Zzzzz ...
Used comp & zuobo,
Supposed t re-watch WeiSiaoPasta,
Buddds, lazy off comp agn, since ie alread on it.
Want play audi,
Since mye sis downloaded it,
Budds, no account, create until ie pekcek.
So, nbr play in th endddd.
Dad woke up first,
Went ourt veh sooon,
Went t buy lunch. :D:D
Chicken rice. Yum Yum !
I reall dyinggg t eat chicken riceee,
Although ie seeeem t eat everyday, after schoool. LOL.
Hiyaaas, bobian lahhhs.
2plus liek tads,
CockKhang jio me go play bball,
Askd him jio YF tooo.
Call him, contact me later, after jioing her.
In th end, buay tahan.
I go sleeeep again. -.-
Alsooo nbr see his msg.
Agaragar, he alsooo nbr go play lerhhhs bahhhhs.
Ate dinner & stuffs.
Used comp again.
Blog-hoppingggg & stuffs liek tads.
Replied momo & replied emails.
Dhens, phoned dumbdumb luh.
Conference with two more other girls.
Dont reall know them.
Onl tads, daphanie askd me oneee qns until veh cuteeee.
She's funnnnny lahhhs. LOL.
They hangd awhileee later.
Chat with dumbdumb awhile moreeee,
&dhens he went missssingggg,
Chat with his brother instead.
His brother, talk until veh funnnny.
Askd this&tads.
Liek, investigator liek tads. LOL.
Dumbdumb quarrelld with his bro.
Quarrel until veh hionggg,
Budds, ie still at thereee laughinggg.
Cos, gorts oneeee part,
Dumbdumb, keeeep on scoldinggg liek machine gun.
I aweard it's funnnnny until dontknow how.
Zzzz ...
Awhile later, he kept yawning.
&so, ie forces him t sleeeeep.
Kup phone, &used comp again.
Msn-ed awhileee till now.
Havent study SS yet.
Studying later on bahhhhs.
SS test ..
Meeetup with Winnie later on after schoool, 2.45pm.
Meeetup with YF's seller @ Wooodlands tmr as well.
Nightclass in th night. (duh)
Sent SexyBaby, t her house downstair.
Dhens walkd homeee aloneee agn siahhhhs.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hahaha, didnt blog ytd.
Was far tooo tireddd.
Cos, late go home&stuffs lahhhs.
Ytd, Ahbert dint come t schooool,
Cos of personal matters,
Shall norts say.
&dhens, I MISS HER ! lol.
SS test, ytd.
Was a lousy oneeee,
Mye minddd went blank,
When ie startd t write th qns down.
So ie think, yooos all haveee t bless me onceee moreee. ):
After schoooool,
Stayd back,
Cos, Mrs.Phua, wannaaa see th few of us.
&cos, of mye Amath results,
I was super down lahhhs.
Text, tads someone, &text dumbdumb.
Cos, ie super super sadddd lahhhs.
Dumbdumb, repliedd first,
&ie lazy replied him.
So ie calld him instead,
Tell him about mye result,
&ie criedddd. Hais. ):
He knew tads 'm sad,
&he try t console meeee lahhhhs.
Okays, nbr minddd.
Back t topic.
Cos, Phua thinks tads, our POA wasnt tads goood.
We didnt have th concept&stuffs.
Hahaha, budds ..
In th enddd, she say mye concept was gooood,
Onl, lazy draws lines&stuffs ..
&ie nbr revise deh.
So yuppps, nbr minddd.
Chionggg ourt t schooool,
Supposingly, t meeeet dumbdumb.
Buddds, cos ..
His there, gorts twoo more persons,
I dontknow deh.
So jus tell him, ie norts meeeeting him.
&he said, he waitd me for so long,
In th end, ie dontwant meeeet him.
He bu shuangggg, so he cameee t meeet me personally,
Jus t giveee me see something. -.-
Cos, ie want t seeee mahhhhs.
&He dont believe,
I bring dinosaur's egg home, for Amath.
&ie showd him, mye Amath paper, &he believed. -.-
Promised, t show him mye progress card next weeeek. -.-
Went back t 107 thereee,
&find brother they all.
Ate&went back t schooool.
Cos, helpinggg ourt for th Annual Staff Sports Fiesta.
Everything ended,
Went ourt t makan with ..
JY, Ederlyn, Sheena, Ahmei & ACG.
Share Carbonara with Ahmei.
&senddd her homeeee after tads, with Sheena.
Chattd awhile,
Dhens tooook 315 homeeee.
Was scary lahhhhs.
Cos, mye houseeee there, dont have tooo much lights.
So bobian, dieee alsoo have t walk.
Lucky, gorts phonecall pei me siahhhhs.
Arbo, can dieeee luh.
Reachd homeee,
Too tiredddd,
So jus text dumbdumb, sayinggg 'm norts calling him.
Somemore, th next day ..
Gorts Flag Day,
&'m meeeeting they all @ 8am, under mye block. -.-
&ie went t sleeeep. :D:D:D
Tads all, for ytd deh. (:
As for today,
Had Flag Day & stuffs.
Had lobanggg, so went Woodlands first.
Quiteee alrights lahhhs.
Wrapd up @ Yishun.
Cos, too tired.
&today, ie flared up four times.
Yeaaas, ie admit ..
I dont have goood temper.
I cant control lahhhhs.
Was reall reall veh dulan lahhhhs.
Hais, want know why ..
Jus comeee, &askd me.
Went t Kovan t walkwalk awhile.
&home. :D
&'m here blogging.
&tads all lerhhhs bahhhs.

Was far tooo tireddd.
Cos, late go home&stuffs lahhhs.
Ytd, Ahbert dint come t schooool,
Cos of personal matters,
Shall norts say.
&dhens, I MISS HER ! lol.
SS test, ytd.
Was a lousy oneeee,
Mye minddd went blank,
When ie startd t write th qns down.
So ie think, yooos all haveee t bless me onceee moreee. ):
After schoooool,
Stayd back,
Cos, Mrs.Phua, wannaaa see th few of us.
&cos, of mye Amath results,
I was super down lahhhs.
Text, tads someone, &text dumbdumb.
Cos, ie super super sadddd lahhhs.
Dumbdumb, repliedd first,
&ie lazy replied him.
So ie calld him instead,
Tell him about mye result,
&ie criedddd. Hais. ):
He knew tads 'm sad,
&he try t console meeee lahhhhs.
Okays, nbr minddd.
Back t topic.
Cos, Phua thinks tads, our POA wasnt tads goood.
We didnt have th concept&stuffs.
Hahaha, budds ..
In th enddd, she say mye concept was gooood,
Onl, lazy draws lines&stuffs ..
&ie nbr revise deh.
So yuppps, nbr minddd.
Chionggg ourt t schooool,
Supposingly, t meeeet dumbdumb.
Buddds, cos ..
His there, gorts twoo more persons,
I dontknow deh.
So jus tell him, ie norts meeeeting him.
&he said, he waitd me for so long,
In th end, ie dontwant meeeet him.
He bu shuangggg, so he cameee t meeet me personally,
Jus t giveee me see something. -.-
Cos, ie want t seeee mahhhhs.
&He dont believe,
I bring dinosaur's egg home, for Amath.
&ie showd him, mye Amath paper, &he believed. -.-
Promised, t show him mye progress card next weeeek. -.-
Went back t 107 thereee,
&find brother they all.
Ate&went back t schooool.
Cos, helpinggg ourt for th Annual Staff Sports Fiesta.
Everything ended,
Went ourt t makan with ..
JY, Ederlyn, Sheena, Ahmei & ACG.
Share Carbonara with Ahmei.
&senddd her homeeee after tads, with Sheena.
Chattd awhile,
Dhens tooook 315 homeeee.
Was scary lahhhhs.
Cos, mye houseeee there, dont have tooo much lights.
So bobian, dieee alsoo have t walk.
Lucky, gorts phonecall pei me siahhhhs.
Arbo, can dieeee luh.
Reachd homeee,
Too tiredddd,
So jus text dumbdumb, sayinggg 'm norts calling him.
Somemore, th next day ..
Gorts Flag Day,
&'m meeeeting they all @ 8am, under mye block. -.-
&ie went t sleeeep. :D:D:D
Tads all, for ytd deh. (:
As for today,
Had Flag Day & stuffs.
Had lobanggg, so went Woodlands first.
Quiteee alrights lahhhs.
Wrapd up @ Yishun.
Cos, too tired.
&today, ie flared up four times.
Yeaaas, ie admit ..
I dont have goood temper.
I cant control lahhhhs.
Was reall reall veh dulan lahhhhs.
Hais, want know why ..
Jus comeee, &askd me.
Went t Kovan t walkwalk awhile.
&home. :D
&'m here blogging.
&tads all lerhhhs bahhhs.

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Went t schooool as usual.
Wasnt lateeee,
Catch bus315 toooo. :D
'm so lihai. -.-
Was insideee 315,
&dhens ie saw Ahbert,
Walkd damn fast. COOOOOL ! .
Reachd schooool @ 0727am. :D
Yeaaaas, 'm norts lateee,
Saw him. Hahahaha.
Dismiss 2e2 luh.
&saw dumbdumb walkinggg t paradeee squareee.
Finally, yoooos cameee schooool.
Lucky, yoooos nbr pon. LOL.
Cos, tmr major exam liaooo. zzzz ...
Physics, start new topic.
Transfer of Thermal Energy.
Miss.Guo finall cameee back,
Mye classs, scream&cheeer for her.
She's shockd lahhhs,
Keeeep on calling us, t lower down our volumeee.
Again, 4persons go toilet.
Buddds, laobu&bytch went first,
Followd by YF&Me. :D
After schooool,
Chionggg here&there.
Supposedly, YF help me topup ezlink carddd.
Cos, 'm meeeeting dumbdumb mahhhs.
Dhens, in th enddd ..
She still in classsroooom,
So ie haveee t ran up, t get back mye money&ezlink card.
&down again, t wait for dumbdumb.
Was sweating until dontknow how.
Cos, toooo lateee lerhhhs.
So went t topup first, 5bucks.
&ie have no moreee money left,
Anybody, spareee me some cash ?
Dint managed t meeet dumbdumb,
Cos, 'm pressing for timeee alsoo.
So jus chionggg t busstop.
On th way, JiaHao korhkorh text me,
Sayinggg tads he saw me, &ie dint saw him.
&still say ie bad. -.- tsktsk.
Skipped lunch, &chiong home,
Take stuffs, &checkd whether gorts bring cert&stuffs.
&chionggg down t busstop thereee,
&ahdi, say he at mye house downstair,
Whileeee, 'm at YK's houseee downstair.
Ahdi, cameee t finddd me,
&we busd t HGMall thereee, t takeee bus t Lavender.
In the enddd, tooo rushhh.
Bia cab go thereeee,
Scare it's closed mahhhs. LOL.
8.20bucks. Coooool lahhhs.
Ahdi, pay first. ie still oweee him moneyy. -.-
Was lost in ICA Buildinggg,
Cos dontknow go which level.
Went t take Q number,
Saw some PEICAI-ians at thereee tooo,
&surprisingly, it's AhBen's friends lahhhhs. LOL.
Singapore, so small. Hahaha.
Within 15mins, our turn lerhhhhs.
Done alorts of things,
&went back.
Jeremy calld me, ie didnt answer.
&so, ie calld him back.
&he dint answer.
So jus text him insteadddd.
He calld back, when ie tooook 133 back t AMK.
He's weirddd lahhhs, thought ie can helpd him.
Well, &his problem is ...
His ex-stead, tio him taiji,
&is liek bo tai bo ji, dhens songsong say want tio him.
&tmr he going down t settle.
Prob is, his ex-stead ..
Calld alorts of people comee down,
&he hadd no choiceee, budds t call people comeee down alsooo.
His brothers, all busy&some insideee Boys' Home,
So no choiceeee, have t calld ex friends come down,
Be stand-by. -.-
&cos, he still contactingg with me,
So haveee t call me go down,
Pei-d him settle. -.-
Tads it !
&th prob is, ie dontknow why, he wantd me t go down.
Liek, ie can help him liek tads.
Say in nice word is pei-d him settle, &help him.
Say in norts nice term, is pei-d him onl, &ie at there zuobo.
This kinddd of things, ie donteven know how settle.
How, want me pei-d him settle. -.-
I did recommend, other exfriends t him,
Cos, perhaps ..
Can help him toooo.
Told everythinggg t ahdi,
&ahdi was niceeee lahhhs, ie can seee he tryinggg t help Jere.
Buddds soooon,
I didnt cotact with jere lerhhhs.
Cos, ie cnt finddd people t help him.
Hope, he's alrights tmr. :D:D:D:D
Blessd jere, (:
Back t topic,
Went t AMK, takee Adidas Watch from City Chain,
Cos, it's th present for ahdi, from all of us. :D:D:D
Paid money, &stuffs.
Reall hopeee he liek it. :D
Seperated with ahdi, at MRT Stn thereee.
Cos, ie goinggg t Kallang meeeet seller.
Alone, tooook MRT. how pathetic.
Meeet @ 6pm,
Buddds, reachd at 5.4opm. Hahaha,
BUdds, she's thereee alread.
So okays luh.
MRT-d back t Hougang,
&tooook bus homeee.
&'m here blogging.
Tads all lerhs. :D:D:D
Went t schooool as usual.
Wasnt lateeee,
Catch bus315 toooo. :D
'm so lihai. -.-
Was insideee 315,
&dhens ie saw Ahbert,
Walkd damn fast. COOOOOL ! .
Reachd schooool @ 0727am. :D
Yeaaaas, 'm norts lateee,
Saw him. Hahahaha.
Dismiss 2e2 luh.
&saw dumbdumb walkinggg t paradeee squareee.
Finally, yoooos cameee schooool.
Lucky, yoooos nbr pon. LOL.
Cos, tmr major exam liaooo. zzzz ...
Physics, start new topic.
Transfer of Thermal Energy.
Miss.Guo finall cameee back,
Mye classs, scream&cheeer for her.
She's shockd lahhhs,
Keeeep on calling us, t lower down our volumeee.
Again, 4persons go toilet.
Buddds, laobu&bytch went first,
Followd by YF&Me. :D
After schooool,
Chionggg here&there.
Supposedly, YF help me topup ezlink carddd.
Cos, 'm meeeeting dumbdumb mahhhs.
Dhens, in th enddd ..
She still in classsroooom,
So ie haveee t ran up, t get back mye money&ezlink card.
&down again, t wait for dumbdumb.
Was sweating until dontknow how.
Cos, toooo lateee lerhhhs.
So went t topup first, 5bucks.
&ie have no moreee money left,
Anybody, spareee me some cash ?
Dint managed t meeet dumbdumb,
Cos, 'm pressing for timeee alsoo.
So jus chionggg t busstop.
On th way, JiaHao korhkorh text me,
Sayinggg tads he saw me, &ie dint saw him.
&still say ie bad. -.- tsktsk.
Skipped lunch, &chiong home,
Take stuffs, &checkd whether gorts bring cert&stuffs.
&chionggg down t busstop thereee,
&ahdi, say he at mye house downstair,
Whileeee, 'm at YK's houseee downstair.
Ahdi, cameee t finddd me,
&we busd t HGMall thereee, t takeee bus t Lavender.
In the enddd, tooo rushhh.
Bia cab go thereeee,
Scare it's closed mahhhs. LOL.
8.20bucks. Coooool lahhhs.
Ahdi, pay first. ie still oweee him moneyy. -.-
Was lost in ICA Buildinggg,
Cos dontknow go which level.
Went t take Q number,
Saw some PEICAI-ians at thereee tooo,
&surprisingly, it's AhBen's friends lahhhhs. LOL.
Singapore, so small. Hahaha.
Within 15mins, our turn lerhhhhs.
Done alorts of things,
&went back.
Jeremy calld me, ie didnt answer.
&so, ie calld him back.
&he dint answer.
So jus text him insteadddd.
He calld back, when ie tooook 133 back t AMK.
He's weirddd lahhhs, thought ie can helpd him.
Well, &his problem is ...
His ex-stead, tio him taiji,
&is liek bo tai bo ji, dhens songsong say want tio him.
&tmr he going down t settle.
Prob is, his ex-stead ..
Calld alorts of people comee down,
&he hadd no choiceee, budds t call people comeee down alsooo.
His brothers, all busy&some insideee Boys' Home,
So no choiceeee, have t calld ex friends come down,
Be stand-by. -.-
&cos, he still contactingg with me,
So haveee t call me go down,
Pei-d him settle. -.-
Tads it !
&th prob is, ie dontknow why, he wantd me t go down.
Liek, ie can help him liek tads.
Say in nice word is pei-d him settle, &help him.
Say in norts nice term, is pei-d him onl, &ie at there zuobo.
This kinddd of things, ie donteven know how settle.
How, want me pei-d him settle. -.-
I did recommend, other exfriends t him,
Cos, perhaps ..
Can help him toooo.
Told everythinggg t ahdi,
&ahdi was niceeee lahhhs, ie can seee he tryinggg t help Jere.
Buddds soooon,
I didnt cotact with jere lerhhhs.
Cos, ie cnt finddd people t help him.
Hope, he's alrights tmr. :D:D:D:D
Blessd jere, (:
Back t topic,
Went t AMK, takee Adidas Watch from City Chain,
Cos, it's th present for ahdi, from all of us. :D:D:D
Paid money, &stuffs.
Reall hopeee he liek it. :D
Seperated with ahdi, at MRT Stn thereee.
Cos, ie goinggg t Kallang meeeet seller.
Alone, tooook MRT. how pathetic.
Meeet @ 6pm,
Buddds, reachd at 5.4opm. Hahaha,
BUdds, she's thereee alread.
So okays luh.
MRT-d back t Hougang,
&tooook bus homeee.
&'m here blogging.
Tads all lerhs. :D:D:D
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today, was lateee for schoool.
Damn sheit,
Cos supposeee t meeeet someoneee at busstop,
Budds, it's liek ie wakeee up damn lateee luh.
So yuppps, msgd tads someone, &Ahbert,
Reachd schooool,
Gum gum ho, 2nd perioddd luh.
Reachd at arounddd 8.55am liek tads.
Bump into BearBear halfway goinggg t classs.
&he askd this&tads.
So nbr minddd lahhhs.
Reachd classss,
Arman, askd me where ie go,
Cos, Ahbert toldd Arman, 'm norts thereeee.
So ie jus say overslept,
&he gaveee me tads buay songgg deh face, -.-
Continued with lessons&blahhhhs.
&recess ! .
Delon, was kindarhhhhs of emo again,
We dint even know whads happpppen t him.
Hopeeee, he's alrights bahhhs. (:
Cheeeerup, dude. :D:D:D
Know CA marks,
Liek so damn sheit lahhhs. DUMBARSS. ):
58.9 niahhhs.
No faceee go seee people. T.T
After tads,
Chionggg down t canteeeen there,
Meeet tads someoneee, with ahmei.
Cos, neeeed pass him things,
As ie wasnt thereee @ busstop,
T meeeet him luh. zzz ...
Mye fault, mye fault.
POA-d &blahhhhhs.
Had Sex Education & You deh talk by Ms.Lee.
Was niceeee lahhhhs she,
Her voiceee veh nice. :D
Th videooo alsooo niceee luh.
Dhens, released ! .
Was msg-ing until veh song,
Cos, during lesson timeee,
Neeed hideee here&there, super shag.
Went ourt t 1o7,
With AhTat brother, JW, YF, YK, YM.
YM went t buy waffleee,
Dhens we all settled down with Ahbert t eat luh.
Helpd them, order drinks.
People, thanks for enjoyinggg drinking me. LOL. -.-
Had Leadership courseee &blahhhhs,
I still at there msg lahhhs.
Too boliaooo, yoooos see. LOL.
Chionggg t HGMall with YF,
Replaceee mye Ez-Link card, 19bucks.
Budds, insideee no valueeee,
Cos, no moneyyy put insideee alsooo,
Shoulddd be, next month,
Put money&concession lerhhhhs.
I onl left with 2bucks in mye wallet.
Liek so damn shag lahhhhs. Hais,
Whu is kinddd enuff, t donateee me someee money. :D:D:D
Tads all bahhhs. :D:D:D
Makinggg IC tmr with AhDi, :D
Yeaaas, people. 'm getting mye IC ! wooolalalas~
Damn sheit,
Cos supposeee t meeeet someoneee at busstop,
Budds, it's liek ie wakeee up damn lateee luh.
So yuppps, msgd tads someone, &Ahbert,
Reachd schooool,
Gum gum ho, 2nd perioddd luh.
Reachd at arounddd 8.55am liek tads.
Bump into BearBear halfway goinggg t classs.
&he askd this&tads.
So nbr minddd lahhhs.
Reachd classss,
Arman, askd me where ie go,
Cos, Ahbert toldd Arman, 'm norts thereeee.
So ie jus say overslept,
&he gaveee me tads buay songgg deh face, -.-
Continued with lessons&blahhhhs.
&recess ! .
Delon, was kindarhhhhs of emo again,
We dint even know whads happpppen t him.
Hopeeee, he's alrights bahhhs. (:
Cheeeerup, dude. :D:D:D
Know CA marks,
Liek so damn sheit lahhhs. DUMBARSS. ):
58.9 niahhhs.
No faceee go seee people. T.T
After tads,
Chionggg down t canteeeen there,
Meeet tads someoneee, with ahmei.
Cos, neeeed pass him things,
As ie wasnt thereee @ busstop,
T meeeet him luh. zzz ...
Mye fault, mye fault.
POA-d &blahhhhhs.
Had Sex Education & You deh talk by Ms.Lee.
Was niceeee lahhhhs she,
Her voiceee veh nice. :D
Th videooo alsooo niceee luh.
Dhens, released ! .
Was msg-ing until veh song,
Cos, during lesson timeee,
Neeed hideee here&there, super shag.
Went ourt t 1o7,
With AhTat brother, JW, YF, YK, YM.
YM went t buy waffleee,
Dhens we all settled down with Ahbert t eat luh.
Helpd them, order drinks.
People, thanks for enjoyinggg drinking me. LOL. -.-
Had Leadership courseee &blahhhhs,
I still at there msg lahhhs.
Too boliaooo, yoooos see. LOL.
Chionggg t HGMall with YF,
Replaceee mye Ez-Link card, 19bucks.
Budds, insideee no valueeee,
Cos, no moneyyy put insideee alsooo,
Shoulddd be, next month,
Put money&concession lerhhhhs.
I onl left with 2bucks in mye wallet.
Liek so damn shag lahhhhs. Hais,
Whu is kinddd enuff, t donateee me someee money. :D:D:D
Tads all bahhhs. :D:D:D
Makinggg IC tmr with AhDi, :D
Yeaaas, people. 'm getting mye IC ! wooolalalas~
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Well, ytd dint haveee time t bloggg,
As 'm far toooo tireddd, as ie sleeep at 5+am,
Th previous nighhht.
Monday ; 200807
Wokeee up by alarm,
Prepared, &went t schooool.
Eustance korhkorh&JingKai text me, with birthday wishes.
Thanks ! .
Reachd schooool,
Th ACL, GYF&Ahbert was th first t wishd me when ie reachd schoool lahhhs.
Eustance korhkorh cameee,
&shakeee hands. :D:D:D:D
Angelineee, came runninggg towards me,
Passing me Jiayun&Yijun deh present lahhhs.
Thanks juniors !
Reachd class,
Few wishes me luh.
Thanks 3e2 peepos. :D
First timeee,
Received liek ten plus msges plus missd call at oneee go.
Felt so honoured luh. HAHA.
I shall norts elaborateee muchhh on whads happen luh.
Onl know tads,
Mother tongue, POA was free periods,
I slept throughourt it,
&SS Test, writeee oneee paragraph,
Dhens went t sleeeep,
So it's liek ie slept 2 1/2 periods tads day. :D
Was reall reall reall veh veh veh tireddd & sleeeepy.
Th weather is so niceee, so coooling. LOL.
After schooool,
Chionggg t AMK with AhBert, OPT, AhTat Brother, JW, YF&YK.
Supposeeee t meeet SWK luh,
He say want pass me things. -.-
Budds, dint meeeetup in th enddd. ._.
Tooook 25,
Alight, oneee stop earlier than th rest with YF.
Chiongggg t buy Standard ticket t Admiralty,
& dhens go Woooodlands first insteadddd.
Tooook mye Checkered pants, which cost me 10bucks,
&it's liek so bloooody biggg lahhhs.
I cant fit luh, will drop. -.-
Chionggg t Admiralty straightaway,
Buddds, seller was veh veh lateeee.
YF dont liek her Pink-Black Top.
She damn geigao lahhhhs. -.-
MRT-d back t AMK,
Looook for them,
Founddd them ourtsideee AMK Hub, slackinggg.
&waitinggg for Ahbert's buyer.
In th enddd, haveee t walkd all th way t KFC thereee,
Bloooody farr lahhhhs. ):
Went Courts after tads,
They damnnn niceee lahhhs.
On th spot, ie chose th MP3 ie wantd,
&they buy it for me.
99bucks, bloooody hell !
12persons kup siahhhhs. LOL.
Thanks Ahbert, OPT, GYF, JW, AhTat Brother, GordonDidi, Manda laobu, YK, ACG, Delon,
Cindy Mei&GN.
Thanks lorts lahhhhs.
&SO FINALLY I GOT MP3 lerhhhhs.
All wantd t go homeeee,
So walkd seperate ways.
Went t SPADE first, &then t Natural Project.
Mye budget are within fifty.
I dint haveee much $$ left. T.T
Those formal top from Natural Proj.,
Looook alike t SPADE,
Buddds, cost 59bucks,
So no choiceee, have t go SPADE buy.
Bought oneee, white formal top,
With pink&dontknow whads color lining,
Forget alread. 35.90bucks.
Alrights lahhhhs. (:
Bus-d back homeee,
Budds, alight at fang's houseee there.
Chattd awhileee,
Dhens busd back homeee again.
Went t tuition,
&Ahben trickd me, on takinggg th present.
Budds, anw .. thanks dude ! :D
Reachd homeee,
Was installing th MP3, until ie pekcek,
Anyhow, drag 15 songs,
&went t sleeeep.
Dint managed t chat with Dumbdumb,
Sorrrry whors, ie fell asleeeep, ):
I promised ie will chat with yoooos deh.
Budds, provideddd,
Yoooos msgd me, callinggg t call yoooos lahhhhs. -.-
Tads all lerhhhs bahhhhs.
End here lerhhhhs. :D:D:D:
Tuesday ; 210807 , Today
Went t schooool,
Withourt packinggg myeee baggg,
Lazy luh.
Receivd lortsa msg,
Ahbert, take it easy alrights.
Life is liek a cycle, so yuppppps ..
Everythinggg would be jus fine kays ?
Dont get toooo upset over it, alrights ?
Stay strong, ie knew yooos can do it. :D
Reachd schooool,
&Ahbert's thing, started t spread, everybody started t worry about partner.
Mr.Yap wasnt hereeee today,
So combined PE with 4e1,
As in, combined cher. -.-
Daniel Wee, damn sheit lahhhs.
Force peopleee play oneeee. -.-
After tadddds, went goinggg back t class,
Saw JiLiang korhkorh insideee his own class.
Thought they exam finishhh lerhhhs.
In th endddd,
Is paper havent start,
Askd him, where's birthday boy,
&they're shockd tads, is his birthday. tsktsk.
Calld JL korhkorh pass th present t him instead.
No timeeee t pass it t him,
Plus, ie didnt meeeet him. -.-
Get back Chemistry Test,
Yeaaaas, ie faild.
Was damn sadddd lahhhhs.
Half of th class, was getting higher&higher marks.
While, ie always fail. Hais. ):
Miss.Mok said ie dont know mye concept,
&'m norts tryinggg hard enough. ):
Miss.Guo wasnt hereee today agn,
I hopeee she's alrights.
Again, 4person went toilet,
Buddds, dint went for longgg lahhhs.
Rather, sit insideee class gossips. LOL.
Went ourt, of washroooom.
They coincidently, releaseeee from exams.
So saw him, &he thanks me. :D
&startedddd t sms all th way. -.-
I seriously, miss smsing with him th wholeee day lahhhs.
I want th past t be back.
CCA was cancelld,
So waitd for JingJie, pass Gordon ahdi, mye stuffs.
So in th endddd,
G.ahdi, GYF, ACG&Me went t dontknow whereee, wait for him.
&he pass me back th stuffs.
Th zippo ligher, was niceee lahhhs, th words.
Thanks JingJie, for helpinggg me t engraveeee. :D:D:D:D
74-d back t GYF's houseee thereee,
Curt hair, blooooody arss,
Liek no diff liek tads.
Kuku siahhhhs.
Went t Mac slackd, &ate McFlurry. :D:D:D:D
Went t changd t PE,
&toook passport photo, ie sweard it's ugly.
BOOOS ! ):
Supposed t made EZ-Link Card today,
Cos ie mistaken tmr as 21st aug.
Blooooody arssss,
Chionggg t Mall thereee,
Budds, th whads is closed, so no fateee luh.
Made tmr instead.
Went t Mall buy someee stuffs,
Beforeee goinggg homeeee.
&yeaaaas, blessd me,
Mye dad, knew mye EZ-Link was misssinggg. -.-
FlagDay @ 25th aug,
Buying of YF's present,
Cardi sold t Winnie, @21bucks. :D
Specs t be changed, around next weeek. :D
Tads all lerhhhs bahhhs. BYEEE ~
I know yoo're reall saddd right now.
Dont be depress or emo alrights ?
Still gorts me mahhhs,
Dumbo is always hereee lahhhs.
Id yoooo gorts any xinshi,
Can comeee finddd me deh,
I can pei yoooos, &help yooos da qi. -.-
I cannot lendd yooos mye shoulder, when yooos crying.
Cos, 'm norts besidee yooos.
Arbo, ie sureee lenddd yoooos deh.
Liek ie say, tads whads friends are for,
Dont hesitate t finddd me lahhhs.
'm always thereee for yoooos, :D:D:D:D
As 'm far toooo tireddd, as ie sleeep at 5+am,
Th previous nighhht.
Monday ; 200807
Wokeee up by alarm,
Prepared, &went t schooool.
Eustance korhkorh&JingKai text me, with birthday wishes.
Thanks ! .
Reachd schooool,
Th ACL, GYF&Ahbert was th first t wishd me when ie reachd schoool lahhhs.
Eustance korhkorh cameee,
&shakeee hands. :D:D:D:D
Angelineee, came runninggg towards me,
Passing me Jiayun&Yijun deh present lahhhs.
Thanks juniors !
Reachd class,
Few wishes me luh.
Thanks 3e2 peepos. :D
First timeee,
Received liek ten plus msges plus missd call at oneee go.
Felt so honoured luh. HAHA.
I shall norts elaborateee muchhh on whads happen luh.
Onl know tads,
Mother tongue, POA was free periods,
I slept throughourt it,
&SS Test, writeee oneee paragraph,
Dhens went t sleeeep,
So it's liek ie slept 2 1/2 periods tads day. :D
Was reall reall reall veh veh veh tireddd & sleeeepy.
Th weather is so niceee, so coooling. LOL.
After schooool,
Chionggg t AMK with AhBert, OPT, AhTat Brother, JW, YF&YK.
Supposeeee t meeet SWK luh,
He say want pass me things. -.-
Budds, dint meeeetup in th enddd. ._.
Tooook 25,
Alight, oneee stop earlier than th rest with YF.
Chiongggg t buy Standard ticket t Admiralty,
& dhens go Woooodlands first insteadddd.
Tooook mye Checkered pants, which cost me 10bucks,
&it's liek so bloooody biggg lahhhs.
I cant fit luh, will drop. -.-
Chionggg t Admiralty straightaway,
Buddds, seller was veh veh lateeee.
YF dont liek her Pink-Black Top.
She damn geigao lahhhhs. -.-
MRT-d back t AMK,
Looook for them,
Founddd them ourtsideee AMK Hub, slackinggg.
&waitinggg for Ahbert's buyer.
In th enddd, haveee t walkd all th way t KFC thereee,
Bloooody farr lahhhhs. ):
Went Courts after tads,
They damnnn niceee lahhhs.
On th spot, ie chose th MP3 ie wantd,
&they buy it for me.
99bucks, bloooody hell !
12persons kup siahhhhs. LOL.
Thanks Ahbert, OPT, GYF, JW, AhTat Brother, GordonDidi, Manda laobu, YK, ACG, Delon,
Cindy Mei&GN.
Thanks lorts lahhhhs.
&SO FINALLY I GOT MP3 lerhhhhs.
All wantd t go homeeee,
So walkd seperate ways.
Went t SPADE first, &then t Natural Project.
Mye budget are within fifty.
I dint haveee much $$ left. T.T
Those formal top from Natural Proj.,
Looook alike t SPADE,
Buddds, cost 59bucks,
So no choiceee, have t go SPADE buy.
Bought oneee, white formal top,
With pink&dontknow whads color lining,
Forget alread. 35.90bucks.
Alrights lahhhhs. (:
Bus-d back homeee,
Budds, alight at fang's houseee there.
Chattd awhileee,
Dhens busd back homeee again.
Went t tuition,
&Ahben trickd me, on takinggg th present.
Budds, anw .. thanks dude ! :D
Reachd homeee,
Was installing th MP3, until ie pekcek,
Anyhow, drag 15 songs,
&went t sleeeep.
Dint managed t chat with Dumbdumb,
Sorrrry whors, ie fell asleeeep, ):
I promised ie will chat with yoooos deh.
Budds, provideddd,
Yoooos msgd me, callinggg t call yoooos lahhhhs. -.-
Tads all lerhhhs bahhhhs.
End here lerhhhhs. :D:D:D:
Tuesday ; 210807 , Today
Went t schooool,
Withourt packinggg myeee baggg,
Lazy luh.
Receivd lortsa msg,
Ahbert, take it easy alrights.
Life is liek a cycle, so yuppppps ..
Everythinggg would be jus fine kays ?
Dont get toooo upset over it, alrights ?
Stay strong, ie knew yooos can do it. :D
Reachd schooool,
&Ahbert's thing, started t spread, everybody started t worry about partner.
Mr.Yap wasnt hereeee today,
So combined PE with 4e1,
As in, combined cher. -.-
Daniel Wee, damn sheit lahhhs.
Force peopleee play oneeee. -.-
After tadddds, went goinggg back t class,
Saw JiLiang korhkorh insideee his own class.
Thought they exam finishhh lerhhhs.
In th endddd,
Is paper havent start,
Askd him, where's birthday boy,
&they're shockd tads, is his birthday. tsktsk.
Calld JL korhkorh pass th present t him instead.
No timeeee t pass it t him,
Plus, ie didnt meeeet him. -.-
Get back Chemistry Test,
Yeaaaas, ie faild.
Was damn sadddd lahhhhs.
Half of th class, was getting higher&higher marks.
While, ie always fail. Hais. ):
Miss.Mok said ie dont know mye concept,
&'m norts tryinggg hard enough. ):
Miss.Guo wasnt hereee today agn,
I hopeee she's alrights.
Again, 4person went toilet,
Buddds, dint went for longgg lahhhs.
Rather, sit insideee class gossips. LOL.
Went ourt, of washroooom.
They coincidently, releaseeee from exams.
So saw him, &he thanks me. :D
&startedddd t sms all th way. -.-
I seriously, miss smsing with him th wholeee day lahhhs.
I want th past t be back.
CCA was cancelld,
So waitd for JingJie, pass Gordon ahdi, mye stuffs.
So in th endddd,
G.ahdi, GYF, ACG&Me went t dontknow whereee, wait for him.
&he pass me back th stuffs.
Th zippo ligher, was niceee lahhhs, th words.
Thanks JingJie, for helpinggg me t engraveeee. :D:D:D:D
74-d back t GYF's houseee thereee,
Curt hair, blooooody arss,
Liek no diff liek tads.
Kuku siahhhhs.
Went t Mac slackd, &ate McFlurry. :D:D:D:D
Went t changd t PE,
&toook passport photo, ie sweard it's ugly.
BOOOS ! ):
Supposed t made EZ-Link Card today,
Cos ie mistaken tmr as 21st aug.
Blooooody arssss,
Chionggg t Mall thereee,
Budds, th whads is closed, so no fateee luh.
Made tmr instead.
Went t Mall buy someee stuffs,
Beforeee goinggg homeeee.
&yeaaaas, blessd me,
Mye dad, knew mye EZ-Link was misssinggg. -.-
FlagDay @ 25th aug,
Buying of YF's present,
Cardi sold t Winnie, @21bucks. :D
Specs t be changed, around next weeek. :D
Tads all lerhhhs bahhhs. BYEEE ~
I know yoo're reall saddd right now.
Dont be depress or emo alrights ?
Still gorts me mahhhs,
Dumbo is always hereee lahhhs.
Id yoooo gorts any xinshi,
Can comeee finddd me deh,
I can pei yoooos, &help yooos da qi. -.-
I cannot lendd yooos mye shoulder, when yooos crying.
Cos, 'm norts besidee yooos.
Arbo, ie sureee lenddd yoooos deh.
Liek ie say, tads whads friends are for,
Dont hesitate t finddd me lahhhs.
'm always thereee for yoooos, :D:D:D:D
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thanks t those whu wishd me an advanced birthday. :D:D:D
Those whu wishd as advance birthday:
1st: Jenisha
2nd: Tze Charn
3rd: Walter
4th: Xin Yi
5th: Auther
6th: "Fifteen"
7th: Azhar
8th: Aaron
9th: Sujata
10th: Zhen Yi
11th: Mark korhkorh
12th: Asaad Master
13th: Amanda laobu
14th: YanFang {she wishd 3mins earlier,lol}
Thanks guys, for stayingg up till 12am t wishh me.
Reall thanks alorts. :D:D:D
1st: Mark korhkorh {he wishes me again, thanks lahhhs ahkorh!}
2nd: Minyee, Ahbert Partner, thanks for helpinggg me countdown. :D:D
3rd: Baohao
4th: Amelia
5th: Choo Guan, erxin dabian
6th: Weekiat
7th: Ederlyn, "sweeeety"
8th: Alice
9th: YinKhang, KingKong
10th: Cindy Mei
11th: Jeremy Chee, primary schoool friend
12th: Meijia
13th: HuiMin
14th: Marcus, ourtsidee schoool - ie swear he's crazy. mye god.
15th: Samuel
16th: JingKai
17th: Eustance korhkorh
18th: HuiLing
19th: Yanfang {again}
20th: LiHui
21th: Minyee, Ahbert partner
22th: HuaSeng
23th: Jianwei
24th: Jiale/Weiling
25th: YanMei
26th: Amanda Laobu
27th: Nancy; dajieda
28th: Peiting
29th: Raylene
30th: Jiayun
31st: Linda
32nd: Sujata
33rd: Alena
34th: Yuting, primary schoool friend
35th: Mark Song korhkorh
36th: MingYang
37th: JiaJuan
38th: Vanessa
39th: XiaoYuan
40th: Jana
41st: JiaWen
42nd: Cong korhkorh
43rd: Terine saosao; Cong korhkorh's wifey
44th: Bryan BearBear
45th: JiaHao korhkorh
46th: Weipu korhkorh
47th: Johan
48th: Ivy
49th: Sheena
50th: Manfred; EastViewSec
51st: Jenisha
52nd: Zulkarnain
53rd: Kiat Hwee
54th: Anna; primary schooool friend
55th: Gary korhkorh
56th: Priscilla; primary schooool friend
57th: Liting; ourtsideee friend
58th: JingKai
59th: Ahben
60th: Meijia [friendster}
61st: 1 of th Nepalese ourtsidee friend
62nd: KahSheng Didi
63rd: YanMei {friendster}
64th: Weekiat {friendster}
65th: Miss.Tan
66th: Dumbdumb
67th: Ong Pei Ting {friendster}
68th: Linda {friendster}
69th: Eugene
70th: Ivy {friendster}
71st: Jiahao korhkorh {friendster}
72nd: Eugene JieJie
73rd: Cherie
74th: JianHao
75th: Albee
76th: YongJun
77th: WenNi
78th: JiLiang
79th: Jeremy Ong korhkorh
80th: Jieying
Thanks everybody alrights. :D:D:D
Those whu wishd as advance birthday:
1st: Jenisha
2nd: Tze Charn
3rd: Walter
4th: Xin Yi
5th: Auther
6th: "Fifteen"
7th: Azhar
8th: Aaron
9th: Sujata
10th: Zhen Yi
11th: Mark korhkorh
12th: Asaad Master
13th: Amanda laobu
14th: YanFang {she wishd 3mins earlier,lol}
Thanks guys, for stayingg up till 12am t wishh me.
Reall thanks alorts. :D:D:D
1st: Mark korhkorh {he wishes me again, thanks lahhhs ahkorh!}
2nd: Minyee, Ahbert Partner, thanks for helpinggg me countdown. :D:D
3rd: Baohao
4th: Amelia
5th: Choo Guan, erxin dabian
6th: Weekiat
7th: Ederlyn, "sweeeety"
8th: Alice
9th: YinKhang, KingKong
10th: Cindy Mei
11th: Jeremy Chee, primary schoool friend
12th: Meijia
13th: HuiMin
15th: Samuel
16th: JingKai
17th: Eustance korhkorh
18th: HuiLing
19th: Yanfang {again}
20th: LiHui
21th: Minyee, Ahbert partner
22th: HuaSeng
23th: Jianwei
24th: Jiale/Weiling
25th: YanMei
26th: Amanda Laobu
27th: Nancy; dajieda
28th: Peiting
29th: Raylene
30th: Jiayun
31st: Linda
32nd: Sujata
33rd: Alena
34th: Yuting, primary schoool friend
35th: Mark Song korhkorh
36th: MingYang
37th: JiaJuan
38th: Vanessa
39th: XiaoYuan
40th: Jana
41st: JiaWen
42nd: Cong korhkorh
43rd: Terine saosao; Cong korhkorh's wifey
44th: Bryan BearBear
45th: JiaHao korhkorh
46th: Weipu korhkorh
47th: Johan
48th: Ivy
49th: Sheena
50th: Manfred; EastViewSec
51st: Jenisha
52nd: Zulkarnain
53rd: Kiat Hwee
54th: Anna; primary schooool friend
55th: Gary korhkorh
56th: Priscilla; primary schooool friend
57th: Liting; ourtsideee friend
58th: JingKai
59th: Ahben
60th: Meijia [friendster}
61st: 1 of th Nepalese ourtsidee friend
62nd: KahSheng Didi
63rd: YanMei {friendster}
64th: Weekiat {friendster}
65th: Miss.Tan
66th: Dumbdumb
67th: Ong Pei Ting {friendster}
68th: Linda {friendster}
69th: Eugene
70th: Ivy {friendster}
71st: Jiahao korhkorh {friendster}
72nd: Eugene JieJie
73rd: Cherie
74th: JianHao
75th: Albee
76th: YongJun
77th: WenNi
78th: JiLiang
79th: Jeremy Ong korhkorh
80th: Jieying
Thanks everybody alrights. :D:D:D
updated } ,
Yeaaas, c'mon,
IC, lai lai lai !
'm fcukinggg happpy lahhhs kays.
Curttingggg hair after CCA, on Tuesday.
Makingggg IC on Wednesday.
Yeaaaas, baby. I LOVE MYSELF !
Yeaaas, stop all craps mannn!
Went downn t downstair,
Meet with JW, YK&YF.
Slackd awhileeee, &doinggg nothinggg.
Was boredddd, ourtsideee,
So yuppppps, went t HGPT.
Slackd insideee Mac,
They threee eat their McChicken Burger.
&ie eat mye McFlurry. *loveeeees*
Saw Zheming didi, he's studyinggg insideee Mac,
With oneee zhabor,
Dont know is whu.
So yeppppps, forget it.
YK neeeed rushd homeee,
He tads fcukingg idiot,
So early go homeeee. Tsktsk. Lmao.
So we threee,
Pei-d, YF buy bubble teaaaa,
Cos, it was instructd by her sis luhhh.
Seperatd with JW&YF.
YK&Me, walkd homeeee.
There's nothinggg much t blogggg alread. :DDD
No photos today. How sad. ._.
SocialStudies Test ,
Getting back mye Lighter&Cigg Box ,
Meeting of mye seller&Fang's seller @ Woodlands&Admiralty respectively.
Jalan Jalan @ Bugis ,
Kupping $$ with JW, buy SPADE Tshirt or Formal shirt ,
Night Class ,
&maybe meeeting with Butter korh&Daniel. :D
Tads all bahhhhhs !
Last budds norts least;
updated } ,
Yeaaas, c'mon,
IC, lai lai lai !
'm fcukinggg happpy lahhhs kays.
Curttingggg hair after CCA, on Tuesday.
Makingggg IC on Wednesday.
Yeaaaas, baby. I LOVE MYSELF !
Yeaaas, stop all craps mannn!
Went downn t downstair,
Meet with JW, YK&YF.
Slackd awhileeee, &doinggg nothinggg.
Was boredddd, ourtsideee,
So yuppppps, went t HGPT.
Slackd insideee Mac,
They threee eat their McChicken Burger.
&ie eat mye McFlurry. *loveeeees*
Saw Zheming didi, he's studyinggg insideee Mac,
With oneee zhabor,
Dont know is whu.
So yeppppps, forget it.
YK neeeed rushd homeee,
He tads fcukingg idiot,
So early go homeeee. Tsktsk. Lmao.
So we threee,
Pei-d, YF buy bubble teaaaa,
Cos, it was instructd by her sis luhhh.
Seperatd with JW&YF.
YK&Me, walkd homeeee.
There's nothinggg much t blogggg alread. :DDD
No photos today. How sad. ._.
SocialStudies Test ,
Getting back mye Lighter&Cigg Box ,
Meeting of mye seller&Fang's seller @ Woodlands&Admiralty respectively.
Jalan Jalan @ Bugis ,
Kupping $$ with JW, buy SPADE Tshirt or Formal shirt ,
Night Class ,
&maybe meeeting with Butter korh&Daniel. :D
Tads all bahhhhhs !
Last budds norts least;
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Saturday ; 180807

Laobu's ice mocha. LOL.

Mine's Coconut Juice. :DD Nicenice. :D
Budds, laobu&ederlyn claimd tads it's disgusting. -.-



Thursday ; 160807

All their handphones. :DDD
All N73. zzz ...

Yeaaas, it's grosssss;
It's baked beans,
plus .. chilli ..
plus ketchup ..
plus whipped potato sauce ..
I swear it's super gross. -.-

Look whads she doingggg.
Ki siaooo oneee. -.-

Laobu's ice mocha. LOL.
Mine's Coconut Juice. :DD Nicenice. :D
Budds, laobu&ederlyn claimd tads it's disgusting. -.-


Thursday ; 160807
All their handphones. :DDD
All N73. zzz ...
Yeaaas, it's grosssss;
It's baked beans,
plus .. chilli ..
plus ketchup ..
plus whipped potato sauce ..
I swear it's super gross. -.-
Look whads she doingggg.
Ki siaooo oneee. -.-
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