ie shall norts crap too much. adn shall go into th main point.
hahaha. obviously, ie dont liek beating about th bush. hah. (:
today, th day start off liek some kinda of stupid ?!?!?!?
by right, ie should be awake by 7.3oam.
budds, ended up ie 7.45am wake up. stupidd.
was rushing all th way, adn didnt have th time t tie mye hair porperly.
so after putting wax, ie jus grab on one of th socks, adn rush t school.
budds, ie was slowed down on th way lahs.
all thanks t th traffic flow at th traffic near hgpt.
okays, its liek whatever.
lucky, ie was able t board th bus seventy three.
ie came on time, as ie took th shortcurt route t th busstop.
ie walk through th carpark, its dangerous lahs.
budds whads t do ?
reach school at 8.27am lorhs.
saw Mingyang, JiaJie adn JiaHao lorhs.
they were walking ourt of th school ?!?!?
ie was liek 'huh' ?
by right, they shouldd be in class whads.
askd Mingyang lortsa qns, liek why blahblahblahhs.
in th endd, is tads,
he toldd Miss.Mok tads alorts people sure late one.
so they go slackd first-.-
carry on with lesson on 8.45am lorhs.
as most arrived.
dhens 9.45am we had our break.
slackd in class, didnt went ourt t eat.
lesson resume veh soon lahs.
After tads,
at eleven plus.
went t take a walk ourtside school with,
th twin, Mingyang, YinKhang, Kent, Weichi.
ie was hungry lahs.
went t 7-11 first.
budds, no hot water, cnt eat.
dhens went back t school opposite.
t eat maggie mee-.-
was tasty lahs.
cos ie was too hungry. whads t do dhens ?
after eating, went back t class.
hadd Math Lesson again.
Bryan BearBear wasnt in a mood at first lahs.
he was shouting at asaad adn johan.
adn thus, chase them ourt of class norhs.
budds, sooner or later.
everything went back t normal lahs.
shall continue in th next post.
tiredof typing. (: