
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

hello. 'm back. (:

ie had t conclude something.
yeaaaas, ie know mye blog is boringgg lahs. LOL.
budds, as usual,
ie promiseddd mye gan jie, ie cant abandone mye bloggg anm..
liek mye last time deh blog,
for your info.. ie havent even delete th previous bloggg. LOL.

MYE is th killer for every students lahs.
it attract stress adn pressure.
mye parents, mye frienddddds.
did say ie look kindarh stress, or emo lahs.
yes, ie may feel stress.
budddddds, mye stress cannot be compareddd with minyee.
hope she is alright lahs.
we're all worry about her..
she is over-stressedddd.
Minyee, mus relack worhs!

ie promiseddd t study hardddd,
adn strive all th best ie can..
mus chionggg liek fcuk for this MYE.
cos 'm alread upper sec, no more lower sec.
ie cant play aroundddd liek youngggg kids lahs.
ie have t chionggg liek fcuk. yoos know, F-C-U-K

id becos of this MYE..
ie reall cant take it deh huaaaa.
ie might endddd up eating sweets again lerhs.
hope yoos reall dont mindddd about tads.
ie have mye ways of releasinggg stress.
adn this is oneeee of it.
ie haddd triedddd.
th oneeee Eustance korhkorh taught me.
use your fist adn hit th wall.
it's pain, budds..
quite relaxingg.
tads is alsooo a form of releasinggg stress for me.

shall endddd here lerhs.